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Citi Dash out of the blocks early

Citi Dash out of the blocks earlyCiti Dash out of the blocks early The second instalment of the Nedbank Citi Dash will be held on 23 June in Windhoek, with 2 000 competitors expected to take part.

The race aims to be the biggest mass-participation sporting event in Namibia, and will consist of 10km and 5km races, with prize money of N$40 000 up for grabs for the elite males and females, the top under-18 male and female, as well as the top visually-impaired and wheelchair athletes.

Designed exclusively to showcase Namibia's running talent, the route will take athletes up and down Independence Avenue, starting at Zoo Park.

At the launch yesterday, JG van Graan of Nedbank Namibia said the event is designed to showcase the country's running talent, and that the bank is once again demonstrating its investment in the people of Namibia.

He said the date of the Citi Dash is not random, but was chosen to coincide with International Olympic Day (IOD), which is celebrated around the world in more than 160 countries.

“The Olympic values and ethos of excellence, friendship and respect are strongly linked to the need for hosting this race, and is in keeping with Nedbank Namibia's endeavour to encourage health in our country.

“Whether to promote fitness and personal well-being, whether it is about competing to set a new personal best time, be it that you are running it as a social event or for the first time, know that running is not about winning the race.

“Running is about doing something with your heart, testing the limits of your body and clearing your heart. It is something different to each person,” said Van Graan.

In the same vein, Elaine Schlechter from Nedbank, added that organising and hosting the Dash would not be possible without the support from their partners.

“We have immense gratitude for the race organisers - Cycletec, Coca-Cola, Emoneko and every single volunteer who gives their time so graciously.

“We will always remain indebted to the City of Windhoek for being such a wonderful and generous host of the Dash and the City Police for supporting us in great numbers to ensure the safety of our runners,” Schlechter said.

The Nedbank Citi Dash was launched for the first time last year. The organisers want it to become bigger, better and faster, taking into consideration many factors that will be improved this time around.

Corporates and schools are urged to enter teams. The first 25 entries will receive a sponsorship from Nedbank to be coached online for the race by Comrades Marathon coach Lindsey Parry.

The Dash is also driving a talent identification programme, which will identify four young runners who will participate under the banner of Nedbank Private Wealth, and will also benefit from Parry's coaching leading up to, and beyond, the event.

The 5km and 10km fun race entry fee is N$50, whereas the 10km elite run entry fee is N$250. Online registration opens on 1 April and closes on 21 June.

Manual entries will be done on 22 June, but runners are discouraged from entering late, as this puts organisers on the back foot.


Aatoti yooveta ya pulwa ya kundathane oshikumungu shekuthemo lyomategelelo

Aatoti yooveta ya pulwa ya kundathane oshikumungu shekuthemo lyomategeleloAatoti yooveta ya pulwa ya kundathane oshikumungu shekuthemo lyomategeleloOmaindiko ngoka otaga yi moshipala uuthemba waantu Omunashipundi gwoNational Council Margaret Mensah-Williams okwa pula aanapolitika yaNamibia oshowo aatotiveta ya popile uuthemba waakwashigwana ayehe, mwakwatelwa uuthemba womashenge, oshowo epitiko lyekuthomo. lyomapunda. Mensah-Williams okwa popi ngaaka mOmaandaha pethimbo lyoonkundathana dha ningwa kombinga yuundjolowele iilyovalitho oshowo oonkundathana kombinga yomilalo ndhoka dha ningwa tadhi kwatelwa komeho kombelelewa yOmbudsman melongelokumwe noCommonwealth Secretariat.

Okwa popi kutya nonando okwa kala nokuningwa iipopiwa kombinga yepitiko lyekuthemo lyomategelelo kape na shoka sha ningwa po nonando ope na oshiponga oshinene sha taalela mboka taya kutha mo omategelelo inaga kondololwa paunamiti.

MuMaalitsa gwomvula yo 2017, ominista yuundjolowele Bernhard Haufiku okwa holola kutya aakiintu ya thika po 7 100 ohaya mono epango miipangelo yepangelo kehe omvula taya pangwa omolwa ekuthomo lyomategelelo ndyoka ya ningi yoyene shaaheli paveta. Minista okwa li a popi pethimbo ndyoka kutya omwaalu ngoka ogu li edhidhiliko kutya onkalo ndjoka ngashiingeyi oya nayipala ta popi kutya otashi e ta woo omaipulo kombinga yomwaalu gwaamboka ihaya ka konga omakwatho kiipangelo.

Oshigwana shimwe

Mensah-Williams okwa dhenge omuthindo kutya omanga iipopiwa kombinga yomashenge shi li oshidhila koyendji mwakwatelwa aanapolotika, okwa gwedha po kutya oshi li oshinakugwanithwa shaatoti yooveta opo ya gamene uuthemba womuntu kehe.

Okwa popi kutya nonando oyendji itaya tsu kumwe nasho, oshili oshinakugwanithwa shawo ya gamenene po uuthemba mboka molwaashoka aantu mboka oye li oshitopolwa shoshigwana shawo.

Okwa pula aakalelipo yaakwashigwana mboka oshowo aahwahwameki yuuthemba waantu ya talelepo omutumba dhopashigwana yo yandungike aanapolitika kombinga yonkalo ndjoka ya taalela oshigwana.

“Uvitheniko aanapolotika. Natu popyeni kombinga yiikumungu mbika noku uvithako oshigwana. Oye li oshitopolwa shoshigwana shaNamibia.”

Okwa popi kutya ethimbo olya thikana opo aanapolotika ya kaleke omaiyuvo gawo gopaumwene kombinga yonkalo ndjoka ngaashi omakuthemo gomategelelo nepitiko lyuushenge nokutula miilonga oompango dhoka tadhi popile aakwashigwana ayehe. Mensah-Williams okwa popi kutya ompango ndjoka yi li miilonga yomomvula yo 1975 tayi ithanwa Abortion and Sterilisation Act kayi na we ongushu na oya patela pondje uuthemba waakiintu naanona yaakadhona. Okwa popi kutya oveta ndjoka otayi tongola nokupatela pondje aakiintu naathigona mboka kaye na iiyemo yokukakonga ekwatho ndyoka pondje yoshilongo. Okwa popi kutya nonando oveta ndjoka itayi popile ekuthemo lyomategelelo meni lyoshilongo, onkene aakiintu taya tula oomwenyo dhawo moshiponga nokukutha mo omategelelo inashi pitikwa.

Ota yambidhidha etalululo lyompango ndjoka, ndyoka lya ningwa koLaw Reform and Development Commission ta popi kutya oshilongo osha pumbwa okukatuka oonkatu ngashiingeyi.

Okwa pula iiputudhilo yepangelo opo yi longele kumwe yo yi kwashilipaleke kutya elongo kombinga yiikumungu yomilalo olya tulwa mooskola.Ehangano lyoWorld Health Organisation (WHO) otali tengeneke kutya omakuthomo gomategelelo ge li poomiliyona 20 mokati momategelelo ge li 42 ngoka ga kuthwa mo, oga ningwa momapandanda inaga gamenwa, naanona yaakadhona oshowo aakiintu mboka ye li moomvula dhokumona uunona oye li moshiponga noonkondo. Momvula yo 2017 sho a popi pethimbo lyoshituthi shetyapulo lyEsiku lyAakiintu ndyoka lyuunganekwa koshiputudhilo shaUnam, Eileen Rakow gwombelewa yombudsman, okwa popi kutya eindiko lyaakiintu opo ya ninge omatokolo gawo kombinga yekuthemo lyomategelelo oshi li tashi yi pondje uuthemba womuntu.

Momvula yo 2018, Hahende Norman Tjombe okwa popi kutya oveta ndjoka yi li miilonga kombinga yekuthemo lyomategelelo otayi yi pondje uuthemba wuuntu waakiintu.

Dianne Hubbard gwoLegal Assistance Centre okwa lombwele oNamibian Sun omvula ya piti kutya ompango ndjoka tayi indike aakiintu opo ya kuthe mo omategelelo itayi yi moshipala aakiintu ya kuthe mo omategelelwa, ihe otayi hwahwameke owala ekuthemo lyomategelelo inali gamenwa.


Sharing tombo, kapana linked to hepatitis E

Sharing tombo, kapana linked to hepatitis ESharing tombo, kapana linked to hepatitis E Research conducted by the University of Namibia (Unam), in close collaboration with Cardiff University, has found that the ongoing hepatitis E outbreak in informal areas may have been widely spread by the sharing of tombo and kapana.

Omusati regional health director Alfons Amoomo, however, said hepatitis E is mainly spread through water contaminated with human faeces.

The Unam study revealed that the communal sharing of tombo glasses and the touching of tombo jugs and glasses, without washing hands, had contributed to the spread of the disease.

Another contributor was the sharing of kapana on one plate, without hands being washed.

The hepatitis E outbreak was detected in the Havana and Goreangab informal settlements in Windhoek in December 2017. It had spread to northern Namibia by mid-2018.

The Unam School of Public Health, using SEEDCORN funding from the University of Cardiff's Wales Phoenix Project, conducted social science research in local communities, in close collaboration with the health ministry.

The Unam researchers and social work lecturer Dr Rachel Freeman said the research discovered there is generally a low level of knowledge and understanding of the transmission, management and prevention of hepatitis E.

Amoomo called for thorough research on whether sharing a glass of tombo can actually contribute to the spread of hepatitis E.

“Hepatitis E is mainly spread through water contaminated with human faeces. However, if a shebeen worker visits a toilet and touches the water used for cleaning tombo glasses, there is a huge possibility of contaminating such water.

Also, at cuca shops they sell both tombo and kapana, so there might be a link. We only need to conduct proper research to find out,” Amoomo said.

Last year, a total of 4 318 hepatitis E cases were reported nationwide, including 34 deaths, of which 16 were maternal.

The Khomas Region's informal settlements recorded 2 962 cases, followed by the Erongo Region with 918, Omusati with 98 and Oshana with 80.

In Ohangwena, 60 cases were reported, followed by 50 cases in the Oshikoto Region and 39 in the two Kavango regions.

The Unam research report indicated that in response to the findings, Cardiff University, in close collaboration with Unam students from the visual arts and social work departments, are committed to developing a communication strategy to raise awareness and education to eliminate hepatitis E.

As part of the third-year academic assessment of visual arts students, they will be tasked to design hepatitis E prevention material to be pilot-tested in four Windhoek constituencies.

The social work department will also identify third-year students to assist the visual arts students to co-design and pilot the disease-prevention material.


A torchbearer for social justice

A torchbearer for social justiceA torchbearer for social justiceNDT celebrates 32 years of uplifting historically marginalised A community-based tourism programme the NDT is a part of reaches over 200 000 communal land residents and has managed to create over 5 000 jobs, while generating revenue of N$132 million in 2017 alone. The Namibian Development Trust (NDT) was founded in 1987 by different civil society organisations to channel aid from the European Commission to “victims of apartheid”.

The organisation eventually transformed itself and has over past three decades played a significant role in community development, as it works closely with historically marginalised rural and urban communities to build their capacity for social change, through capacity-building initiatives.

The NDT marked its 32nd anniversary on 21 March this year.

It was officially registered in 1987 and the founding members included former Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) secretary-general Dr Abisai Sheyavali, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Namibia (Elcin) bishop Kleopas Dumeni and Barnabas Tjizu, a trade unionist. NDT executive director Ronny Dempers spoke to Namibian Sun recently about the organisation's journey and how it has survived in the face of declining foreign aid. Dempers emphasised there were challenges, but the NDT has managed to overcome them.

“Those days it was a honeymoon of funding after independence. Namibia was the darling of donors because everybody wanted to help, but now Namibia is classified as a middle-income country and this makes raising funds from the international community quite challenging,” Dempers said. He added the NDT prioritises transparency and trust and this has helped it to stay standing while a number of NGOs have folded.

According to Dempers the organisation has transformed and now concentrates on community capacity-building and empowering communities to form community-based organisations.

“They can use these organisations even if the NDT is not there. They can use these organisations as vehicles to address its own needs.

Examples of community formations that we are working on are conservancies. Communities get rights to benefit from tourism. These benefit black communities.

“There are 86 conservancies,” he said. Dempers added the culture of forming consortiums is very important to the NDT, because it goes a long way in empowering and uplifting communities.

Women empowerment is also a key area for the NDT and some of its studies have even been included in the national gender policy.

“Currently we are working with the Namibia Rural Women Assembly to mobilise rural women, mainly focusing on agricultural land issues and advocacy,” said Dempers.


During last week's anniversary celebrations, current NDT board chairperson Steve Motinga said celebrating three decades in the development sector is significant.

“Today we are celebrating the existence of an organisation that has weathered the storms that were aimed at crushing its existence. We are aware that some of the interventions we have made may not have been successful, but what inspires us most is looking back and seeing how communities have taken ownership,” he said. According to him the NDT's key intervention strategies since its inception have been institution-building at grassroots level and the promotion of broad-based empowerment strategies.

“The battle against poverty seems far from over, but we are delighted about some of the progress indicators,” said Motinga.

He added the NDT leadership has provided a strong steering role to the operations of the Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) and the governance functions of communal conservancies across the country. CBNRM is an acronym for Community-based Tourism and Natural Resource Management.

“At the level at which the NDT is part, the national CBNRM programme reaches over 200 000 communal (land) residents and has managed to create over 5 000 jobs and generated in 2017 more than N$132 million,” Motinga said.

The lack of broad-based empowerment approaches and the fact that the available opportunities have mainly benefited a few, remains a concern for the NDT. “The NDT remains concerned about the widening of inequality in Namibia. We remain concerned that our interventions at a macro level do not seem to be winning the battle aimed at reducing income inequalities,” he said.

During the anniversary celebrations a candle was lit for founding members, who have since passed, including Peter Iilonga, John Pandeni, Anton Lubowski, Bishop Bonifatius Hausiku, Bishop James Hamupanda Kauluma, Bishop James Prinz and Reverend Bartholomeus Gerhardt Karuaera.


Know your market

Know your marketKnow your marketMarket analysis is critical to ensure success Farming is not as simple as ploughing a field or raising a couple of head of cattle… it requires in-depth market research to ensure that your products have a readily available channel. Market analysis, in simple terms, means understanding the market you intend to serve as a farmer. Every farming enterprise starts with the consideration of what to produce and who to serve.

This requires thorough market analysis from the beginning to ensure the success of the farming enterprise.

In general, market analysis entails the assessment of market needs as well as the consideration of start-up factors to establish the viability of the potential enterprise. Agim (2014), in his article on marketing research on the path towards the development of agriculture, argued that in order to successfully transform any business idea into higher capital gains, it is important for farmers to gain a thorough understanding of the market they intend to serve and determine the fair value of their investment.

To this end, regardless of the selected farming enterprise, farmers are advised to conduct thorough market analysis to establish the economic viability of the enterprise and determine the resources required to sustainably operate the enterprise in the targeted market area.

Resources needed

It is imperative for farmers to establish the availability and cost of resources such as inputs, infrastructure, equipment and the like, required to operate the enterprise successfully. Key questions to ask include: Are the resources available locally? How much do they cost? Who are the suppliers and where are they located?

It is also worthwhile for farmers to consider the level of their expertise and skills to operate the business. If a prospective farmer has minimal or no knowledge on the enterprise, capacity building is highly recommended or, alternatively, a skilled farm manager with the appropriate expertise can be hired to manage the enterprise in order to ensure good returns on investment.

Economic feasibility

It is worth noting that most farm enterprises fail because their feasibility was not established from the outset. Consequently, farmers that have not conducted proper market research struggle to sell their produce and experience deterioration in the quality of produce due to prolonged storage. This eventually forces farmers to sell produce below break-even prices to minimise total losses. It is therefore advisable for farmers to identify potential markets and determine the selling prices for the produce prior to establishing the enterprise.

It should be noted that excessively high prices turn away customers and prices below average market prices tend to create suspicion among consumers. The correct pricing of produce is therefore integral to ensure successful sales. Farmers are therefore advised to analyse current market prices for a product they wish to produce and consider the costs required to produce it, in order to determine profitability. Farmers should also investigate the reliability of the potential market and explore opportunities for future growth. In essence, the potential for future growth defines the sustainability of the enterprise.

Finally, the marketing of agricultural produce is a complex and dynamic process that is consistently subject to change due to market forces (for example, changes in consumer preferences and taste), and a range of global phenomena. Thus, farmers should acquaint themselves with market trends to ensure the sustainability and relevance of their farm enterprises. On the other hand, market analysis alone should not be seen as the sole guarantee to success. Farmers are advised to use market research findings to develop appropriate courses of action to ensure satisfactory profits and the sustainability of their farming businesses.

* Emilie Abraham is a technical officer within Agribank's Agri Advisory Services Division

Emilie Abraham

Namibia's forests at risk

Namibia's forests at riskNamibia's forests at riskHardwood exports 'a national crisis' The Namibia Chamber of Environment says the agriculture ministry is unwilling and unable to address the unsustainable plunder of state forests. The unprecedented commercial razing of slow-growing hardwood trees for export to China has become a national crisis and is profiting Chinese nationals at the expense of Namibia's people, economy, environment and international standing, environmentalists say.

Moreover, Namibia's agriculture ministry, which is mandated to issue timber-harvesting permits, has been described as unwilling and unable to address the growing crisis.

In a scathing statement issued this week, the Namibia Chamber of Environment (NCE) warned that Namibians were sacrificing valuable woodland for the benefit of foreign nationals.

Moreover, because the industry is inherently unsustainable due to the slow growth of the hardwood forests, “this situation equates to us practically giving away precious timber in return for the long-term destruction of woodlands that provide important ecosystem and climate mitigation services”.

The statement comes amidst growing public calls for President Hage Geingob to intervene to stop Chinese companies from exporting Namibian timber.

Act now

“Despite claims by Minister Alpheus !Naruseb of agriculture, water and forestry that his ministry has been working quietly to address the problem, we see no evidence of this.

“Indeed, the opposite seems to apply – he and his ministry do not appear to have the will, commitment, ideas or capacity to close these loopholes and enforce relevant legislation to protect woodlands and hardwood trees in Namibia,” the NCE said this week.

Environment minister Pohamba Shifeta has also slammed the agriculture ministry for remaining mum on the issue and not stopping the commercial harvesting of timber.

The minister revealed that as many as 60 000 trees, all slow-growing hardwood species, were illegally harvested in the area south of Rundu and west of the Khaudum National Park.

In all of these cases, the agriculture ministry issued harvesting permits without the legally required environmental clearance certificates, which are issued by the environment ministry. The NCE noted that the directorate of forestry was “severely underfunded and poorly supported by the [agriculture] ministry. Harvest quotas have thus been granted without directorate field assessments.

“Transport and marketing permits for timber also seem to be routinely granted without any physical inspections due to a lack of staff and transport.”

The organisation praised Shifeta for his leadership on the issue and said it would help the agriculture ministry and other stakeholders to protect Namibia's woodland ecosystems.

“Namibia cannot afford to lose its valuable woodland habitat and should not allow foreign nationals to benefit disproportionally through the unsustainable use of its natural resources.”


The NCE said Chinese nationals bought raw timber at ridiculously low prices, only to make enormous profits after exporting it, as Namibians did not realise the true value of hardwood timber.

The NCE further warned that “much of the current timber exploitation is done under the guise of clearing land for agricultural purposes”.

The clearing of woodland for the Liselo Green Scheme created a cover for the contractor to harvest trees beyond the boundaries of this scheme, it pointed out.

Furthermore, the NCE claims that “forestry permits were used to launder other timber harvested from the state forest and from other areas.”

The NCE noted that in 2017, the World Economic Forum downgraded Namibia in its Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report as a result of the ongoing deforestation in the country.

Tourism is the second most important contributor to the country's economy and currently the only growing sector and an important job creator, the NCE noted.

“The destruction of our remaining woodlands is therefore of national concern on many fronts.”

The NCE further explained that woodlands were crucial mitigators of climate change, and the stripping of hardwood and other trees at the current unsustainable rates did not align with the country's stated aims to tackle the phenomenon.

The NCE pointed out that Namibia was seeking funds from the Green Climate Fund for climate adaptation and mitigation, but the destruction of its woodlands could send the wrong signals.

Stop harvesting, exports

The organisation has called on the government to stop all commercial logging and exports of raw Namibian timber.

Moreover, land allocated for farming in woodland ecosystems should be restricted to five-hectare plots for specific agricultural projects.


Geingob exposes 'agenda to divide'

Geingob exposes 'agenda to divide'Geingob exposes 'agenda to divide' President Hage Geingob says there is an agenda to divide Africa on the issue of independence for the Sahrawi people.

Speaking his capacity as SADC chairperson at the SADC Solidarity Conference with Western Sahara in Pretoria, South Africa yesterday, Geingob said divide-and-conquer tactics were also employed by the colonial powers.

“We should pause and ponder the question: Why do the people of Western Sahara not enjoy freedom in the same manner as the rest of Africa's people? I am aware of growing divisions on our continent on this issue. There is an agenda to divide, and by so doing, this renders our support for Western Sahara ineffective,” Geingob said.

He asked the delegates whether SADC, in its support of self-determination for the Sahrawi people, should not renew its approach.

He was also perturbed by a parallel meeting in Morocco.

“I remind this gathering that SADC was opposed to the admission of the Kingdom of Morocco into the AU fold. However, the majority of AU members felt it best for Morocco to be included in the AU fraternity, so that we can discuss this issue as brothers and sisters,” Geingob said.

“Now that the Kingdom of Morocco has been admitted into the AU fraternity, we thought that we will work together, at African Union and United Nations level, to ensure that like all of us, the people of Western Sahara can enjoy their inalienable right to independence and self-determination.”

Quoting Oliver Tambo, Geingob said the late African National Congress (ANC) stalwart had “envisioned the total liberation of Africa from colonial occupation and oppression. Although many African countries have achieved this feat, Western Sahara remains occupied to this day.”

Under the Agenda 2063 framework, “the people of Africa are in the process of establishing the Africa we want”, Geingob added, saying SADC was striving towards international solidarity in the cause of freedom for the Sahrawi people.

He said the seven strategic goals of Agenda 2063 cannot be achieved in the absence of the total freedom for all the continent's people, adding “the prolonged impasse on the Western Sahara issue will have grave consequences on the functioning of our union”. He said freedom is not a gift to bestow on the Sahrawi people, but that it is their birthright.

Geingob also mentioned the international solidarity that eventually led to Namibia's freedom.

“It is this solidarity and support that Swapo received from the international community that enabled us to sustain our near four-decade-long resistance and struggle for liberation, until we emerged triumphant… We have a moral imperative to stand in solidarity with our Sahrawi brothers and sisters until their right to self-determination is achieved.”

He urged the delegates to use the conference to develop and strengthen pan-African solidarity.

“Let us be committed and unwavering in our support to the people of Western Sahara. As we enjoy our hard-earned freedom and democracy, so should the Sahrawi people.”

Geingob reiterated SADC's support for the effective implementation of the Nouakchott decision, which set up the African mechanism to facilitate the search for a solution that is in line with the relevant African Union and UN Security Council resolutions.


Rundu needs more schools

Rundu needs more schoolsRundu needs more schools More schools must be built at Rundu to ease the overcrowding in classrooms, says the Kavango East education director, Fanuel Kapapero.

Kapapero says the situation is not conducive to teaching and learning.

He says more than 30 000 of the 60 000 learners in the Kavango East Region are enrolled in schools in the Rundu circuit.

“That is the situation we are faced with and in order for us to address it, more schools need to be constructed in Rundu. Mind you, the population of Rundu is still growing,” Kapapero says.

At one Rundu school, Ndama Combined School, there are 114 learners in one a classroom.

Namibian Sun understands that this is the case at most government schools in Kavango East, where teachers have to provide quality education in difficult circumstances.

The education ministry's policy stipulates a classroom ratio of one teacher per 35 learners.

Asked about the reasons for the overcrowding, Kapapero said the population of Rundu was constantly growing.

According to the 2011 Census report, Rundu had a population of 63 000. But the acting CEO of the Rundu town council, Sikongo Haihambo, says the number has since grown to about 90 000 and could likely reach 110 000 in the next two years.

“The truth is that Rundu is growing and the population of learners is increasing, which is a problem for the education directorate,” Kapapero says.

However, because of the current economic situation, there is no money for the construction of new schools.

Some schools have taken the initiative by raising funds and erecting temporary structures to serve as classrooms.


Who acts in our interest?

Who acts in our interest?Who acts in our interest? While ordinary Namibians battle to put a plate of food on the table for themselves and their loved ones, world powers are in the midst of an ongoing scramble for ours and Africa's resources.

As far back as 2017, in paper titled 'Don't worry, Africa… we'll go away when we're finished' alarm bells were rung about the brutal battle unfolding between America and China for Africa's resources.

It outlined that the US is very concerned that China will gain a monopoly over the wealth of natural resources that Africa possesses.

“The essential problem for the US is that China has stolen a march on it in terms of cultivating investments and harnessing resources across Africa. Under Xi Jinping, China has investment projects worth an estimated US$60 billion in dozens of African countries. This is way beyond what the US or European powers have invested.

“China has, over the last decade, risen to become the single largest trade partner for many African countries. It has educated 15 000 Africans in China and in 2006 wrote off US$1 billion in debts. It has also become a major source of financial support for various development projects being undertaken on the continent,” the authors argued at the time.

Of course, other nations have every right to act in their own interests. But who is acting in ours?

It is absolute nonsense that 29 years after independence we are still making deals to simply have our raw resources extracted and sold for pennies. We should be earning massive revenue through value-addition. Our bizarre foreign policy, based on the 'friend to all and enemy to none' mantra is a farce. Namibia and Namibians must be put first in all our dealings with international players, particularly when they start singing about what they did pre-independence for us.

The rural poor and those flung into the urban ghettos should be top-of-mind when we negotiate deals. The inescapable conclusion is that individual palms are being greased to steal our family jewels.

King Elifas hailed as a unifier

King Elifas hailed as a unifierKing Elifas hailed as a unifier Mourners across the country are paying their respects to Ondonga king Immanuel Kauluma Elifas, who died in a northern hospital yesterday morning.

Tributes continue to pour in from all corners of the country, ranging from President Hage Geingob to opposition leader McHenry Venaani and ordinary citizens. In his tribute, Geingob hailed Elifas as a unifier.

“I am saddened by the loss. A big tree has fallen,” said Geingob.

“But as he said, 'don't cry for me, cry for yourselves, make peace with one another in the Ondonga Traditional Authority, and as Namibians.' Our nation has lost a key figure, a man of gravity and a great unifier who dedicated his entire life to serving others.”

“Omukwaniilwa Kauluma, a leader I have known for decades, has been a fatherly figure, a friend, a sage, and a man of dignity. He did not only care about those who fell under his traditional authority, but treated everyone with affection and compassion,” the president added.

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader Venaani underscored the critical role the king played during and after the struggle for Namibia's independence.

“Besides his humanitarian attributes and traditional leadership in our society, King Elifas was also instrumental before and after independence, in terms of caring for and nurturing his people. This is true not only for those under his authority, but also for those in nearby regions as well,” said Venaani.

Damara king Justus //Garoëb said Elifas was a source of inspiration for many Namibians, and not only the Aandonga.

“He was a great leader and a source of inspiration,” he said.

Oshana governor Elia Irimari remembered Elifas as a humble man and unifier. “He didn't discriminate against anybody and sheltered even people from other tribes within his kingdom. Some are even traditional leaders (today),” he said.

The senior headman for the Onalusheshete district, Eino Shondili Amutenya, said Elifas was a father-figure to Ondonga leaders and his legacy should be emulated. Hundreds of Namibians also took to social media to pay tribute to the 86-year-old king.

Long reign

Commonly known as Omukwaniilwa, Elifas was the one of the longest-serving leaders of the Ondonga kingdom, having ascended to the throne in August 1975. He served for nearly 44 years as the king of the Ondonga traditional community. The late Elifas also served for many years as chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders.

Timber trucks destroy rural roads

Timber trucks destroy rural roadsTimber trucks destroy rural roads Kavango farmers say overloaded timber trucks are destroying rural roads, thereby limiting access to their farms.

This was revealed on Monday during a stakeholder consultative meeting in Rundu, which was attended by transport minister John Mutorwa and Roads Authority (RA) CEO Conrad Lutombi.

The farmers told the minister they are fed up with timber trucks constantly moving into their villages, making it difficult for light vehicles to move freely, while also damaging access roads.

They said the perpetrators are operating day and night, collecting logs from farms in the two Kavango regions, which are later shipped out of the country.

The farmers are also angered by the fact that most of the destroyed roads were not constructed by government, but by community members, and the state does not assist with maintenance.

“Some of us have spent our resources on de-bushing, in order to have roads connecting us, and for us to drive on with our cars. However today these roads have been destroyed by those trucks, especially the ones carrying timber. We are the ones suffering at the end of the day,” one farmer said.

The farmers called on government to construct roads to their respective communities, arguing where there are roads, development is likely to take place.

Former Ndiyona constituency councillor Hildegard Mangundu pointed out government's failure to provide the Kavango people with adequate roads.

Mangundu revealed only three major inland roads have been constructed by government in the Kavango East Region over the past 29 years, and that various road master plans were discussed in the past, but none of them materialised.

She called on Mutorwa to look into the matter, saying it is not a coincidence that the Kavango regions are regarded as poor, as they do not have roads.

“There are no roads here, especially in the Ndiyona constituency. There are farmers and communities there. Think about us minister, when you are doing your budgets. When the roads are there development will be there,” Mangundu said.

Mutorwa said the ministry is looking at ways to address overloaded vehicles damaging national roads.

He strongly condemned illegal timber-harvesting activities taking place in various communities, and concurred with the farmers, saying the destruction of roads has a significant impact on people's livelihoods.


Kingdom in limbo

Kingdom in limboKingdom in limboInfighting stalls naming of new Ondonga king There were renewed calls for unity yesterday, as the Ondonga kingdom struggles to plot a way forward after the death of its respected king. The ongoing infighting in the Ondonga traditional community has stalled the immediate naming of a new monarch following the death of King Immanuel Kauluma Elifas.

As per tradition, a successor was to have been named immediately after the king's death in the early hours of yesterday morning. When the previous king, Filemon yaElifas lyaShindondola, died in 1975, his brother Elifas was immediately installed as his replacement.

But this has not happened this time around because of the widely publicised succession battle that has beset the beleaguered traditional community.

There was a huge police presence yesterday at the late king's residence, a testimony to the ongoing tensions among the traditional leaders.

There were, however, renewed calls for unity yesterday, with family elder Amaganga Nekuyu imploring the factions to bury the hatchet and mourn peacefully.

Nekuyu also said Elifas residence at Onamungundo could not be referred to as the Ondonga palace anymore.

“This is not a palace anymore because the king has passed on. As the king's chiefs (senior councillors) you need to be united and at peace, for the sake of mourning him peacefully.

“I know you are in two factions, but you need to become one. Ondonga is in mess, just because of you, and it is a shameful thing.

This also applies to the royal family,” he said.

Nekuyu added that given the current disunity, it was too early to tell who would be appointed as king.

“The royal family and the king's council have to sit down first and discuss the way forward.”

The senior leaders yesterday also announced the formation of a task team to be headed by one of the senior councillors dismissed by the king in July 2017, Vilho Kamanya. The team will spearhead arrangements for the mourning period. Kamanya, who is a former governor of Oshikoto, will be deputised by senior headman for Onalusheshete, Eino Shondili Amutenya.

“I am ready to do my tasks with your support. We know our king has many friends and this means that we need to have a dedicated committee.

The task team will be made up of all the 10 district senior councillors and they already know each other,” said Kamanya.


The traditional authority has been divided by a succession battle, with some preferring Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo to take over as king, while another faction, which apparently enjoys the support of the royal family, has been rooting for Oscar Sheehama.

The two are Elifas' great-grandchildren. Elifas had named Nangolo as his successor in 2002. This nomination was also confirmed to government in June 2012. Nangolo's nomination was, however, disputed by the royal family. This led to irreconcilable differences, which saw Elifas getting rid of some of his long-serving top aides, who have been backing Nangolo as heir apparent.

In July 2017, Elifas dismissed former traditional authority chairperson, the late Peter Kauluma, and former spokesperson Joseph Asino. Heavyweights such as senior headman John Walenga and Kamanya were also expelled from the traditional authority.

Three other councillors - Kashona kaMalulu, Tonata Ngulu and Fillemon Nambili - were also fired. The infighting turned nasty as the dismissed councillors turned to the courts, and an order was granted in the Oshakati High Court, compelling Elifas to give oral testimony. At the time, Elifas' legal team argued that the application to have the king testify was an attempt to test his mental capabilities in court. Several leaders, including Geingob and former president Sam Nujoma also tried to intervene in the impasse. At one point, Geingob summoned the factions to State House and pleaded with the dismissed councillors to drop the court case, so that the king would not be “paraded in court of law and embarrassed in front of his people”.


Ondonga task team dissolved

Ondonga task team dissolved Ondonga task team dissolved
A task team that was immediately appointed to spearhead arrangements during the mourning period of Omukwaniilwa Immanuel Kauluma Elifas has been dissolved today. Elifas died yesterday morning in a northern hospital. He was 86. Senior Ondonga leaders yesterday announced the formation of a task team to be headed by one of the senior councillors dismissed by the king in July 2017, Vilho Kamanya. Kamanya, who is a former governor of Oshikoto, was deputised by senior headman for Onalusheshete, Eino Shondili Amutenya. Both Kamanya and senior aide of the late king Naeman Amalwa confirmed the new developments. According to Amalwa, the royal family will appoint a new task team.

Give me the big guns - Mannetti

Give me the big guns - MannettiGive me the big guns - MannettiWarriors coach says underdogs also have teeth Ricardo Mannetti is a man on a mission, and wants the Brave Warriors to be drawn against the heavyweights at the Afcon finals. Brave Warriors mentor Ricardo Mannetti says he would like to be drawn against the likes of hosts Egypt, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Nigeria at the 2019 Africa Nations Cup (Afcon) draw, which takes place on 12 April.

Mannetti said there are no shortcuts in football.

He, however, stressed the Warriors will be underdogs and will approach the tournament as such. The continental showpiece is slated for 21 June to 19 July.

“I don't want to sound like I'm degrading the team, but this is the reality. We must know who we are and we must prepare accordingly. But people should remember that underdogs have teeth as well,” he said at a media conference yesterday. Mannetti added they have learned many lessons from their Afcon qualifiers and urged football fans to understand that a team is not defined by the last game they played.

“People are unhappy because of the loss we suffered against Zambia in the last match.

But there were a lot of lessons learned. One is that we should never wait till the last minute to qualify.

“We have players whose average age is 27 in the squad, whereas you will find stronger teams with players in the age group of 28 upwards. I can tell you that this crop of players Namibia has at the moment will still carry the team to the next Afcon tournament, as we will not wait for 10 years again to qualify,” Mannetti said.

He mentioned the likes of Peter Shalulile, Wangu Gome, Benson Shilongo and Petrus Shitembi as some of these players.

“Shitembi has been in the structures since he was 21 years old. Now he has grown from a boy to a man,” Mannetti emphasised.

He also spoke about their tactics against Zambia, saying the formation they kicked off with was not executed in the manner that they planned.

“When you lose a match, it's evident that the things done in the match were wrong. The moment we could have made things count, we didn't, and Zambia played freely; and of course they wanted to impress their new coach.”

Mannetti said competing at Afcon is every player's dream.

“This is the moment that defines the players. They have been dreaming about it since the day they started playing football.

“It is the highest achievement for a player continentally and we cannot take that away from them, because they worked hard to get here.” On the issue of rewards for qualifying for the continental showpiece, Mannetti said other countries invest in their players and Namibia should follow suit.

“The national team does not belong to the Namibia Football Association. It is a product and asset of the nation. I want us to have the passion that other countries have - countries even worse off than us.”

Tanzanian president John Magufuli awarded each national player a piece of land, after they qualified for Afcon 2019.

The Taifa Stars beat cross-border rivals Uganda 3-0 in Dar es Salaam in an encounter on Sunday to qualify for the first time in 39 years.

Chairperson of the Fifa normalisation committee Hilda Basson-Namundjebo said the loss against Zambia was not the result of unhappiness among the Warriors players over qualification bonuses.

“The players have every right to ask and receive what is owed to them. There was no friction in that regard and we settled that before travelling to Zambia,” she said.

The Warriors are also preparing for the upcoming Cosafa Cup and the African Nations Championship (CHAN) qualifiers.


Coleman to aid Gladiators in Olympic quest

Coleman to aid Gladiators in Olympic questColeman to aid Gladiators in Olympic quest Brave Gladiators poster girl Zenatha Coleman will be key in Namibia's quest to qualify for the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan.

The player, who plies her trade at Valencia in Spain, will join the rest of the squad as they prepare to face Botswana away on 5 April.

A 28-woman training squad has been called up, according to head coach Brian Isaacs.

Coleman, together with German-based Veweziwa Kotjipati, will complete the squad on 2 April.

American-based player Annoushka Kordom is injured and will not be joining the squad.

Isaacs said even though they have crossed paths with Botswana before, and know their system of play, they (Botswana) have also gone through a transformation phase.

He said they don't have a vast pool of players to pick from, unlike the senior men's team, but Coleman will be assisted in attack by the likes of Anna-Marie Shikusho and Kylie van Wyk.

The return leg will take place on 9 April at the Sam Nujoma Stadium. The winner over the two legs will face 2018 Cosafa Cup winners, South Africa, for a place at the 2020 Olympic Games.

The Gladiators squad is as follows: Mellissa Matheus, Lydia Eixas, Agnes Kauzuu, Viola Vliete, Anna Shaende, Uerikondjera Kasaona, Lina Katuta, Lorraine Jossop, Julia Rutjindo, Kamunikire Tjituka, Eddelsisingh Naris, Sharon Pieters, Lydiana Nanamus, Lovisa Mulunga, Twelikondjela Amukoto, Veweziwa Kotjipati, Asteria Angula, Ignasia Haoses, Albertina Aludhilu, Meltret Ujamba, Millicent Hikuam, Beverly Uueziua, Memory Ngonda, Shanice Daries, Zenatha Coleman, Kylie van Wyk, Yvonne Kooper, Thomalina Adams and Anna-Marie Shikusho.


Horses shine at Corridor 13

Horses shine at Corridor 13Horses shine at Corridor 13Stebbins dominates Omaheke competition The horse-racing event was organised by the Corridor Turf Club and held at Corridor 13 in the Omaheke Region. Stebbins, Eagle, Von Trotha, Prince de Lago, Symbol of Freedom, Kuaima and Spanish Queen were among the horses that dazzled at the Aminius Horse Racing Independence Bash in the Omaheke Region recently.

The event was organised by the Corridor Turf Club (CTC) and held at Corridor 13 in Omaheke.

Stebbins, from the Professor Supporters Club (PSC), won the main

2 000-metre race and took home

N$2 500 plus a sheep, while Starlile from Okahandja Racing Club (ORC) came second and pocketed N$ 1 500.

Starlile was followed home by PSC's Shadaloo, who claimed the N$1 000 third prize. In the maiden division, the 1 000m race was won by Spanish Queen from Kalahari Racing, while Blou and Symbol of Freedom took second and third place, respectively. Majoongue and Shadow Play from Corridor Racing won the 1 000m under the 'boer-perd beginners' and top category, respectively.

Kuaima from ORC won race A of the 1 000m Nam-bred beginners, while Surprise Number One won race B. In the 1 600m Nam-bred maiden race, Symbol of Freedom emerged victorious. Professor Junior won the 1 000m graduation race, followed by Bright Eye in second place, while Diesel from Kalahari Racing took third place.

The 1 000m and 1 800m D-division category races, were won by Eagle, who took home a cow.

Von Trotha won the 1 000m and

2 000m A-division races.

Prince de Lago won the 1 000m thoroughbred open race, while Rockly Beach won the 1 800m race in the same category.

Formed in 2016, the CTC aims to promote horse-racing among Corridor 13 inhabitants and the sport in the Aminius constituency.


Omukwaniilwa gwaNdonga a hulitha mepupi lyoomvula 86

Omukwaniilwa gwaNdonga a hulitha mepupi lyoomvula 86Omukwaniilwa gwaNdonga a hulitha mepupi lyoomvula 86Omukwaniilwa Elifas tumbalekwa kutya okwa li omuhanganithi Aalilisa ya za koombinga noombinga moshilongo otaya gandja esimaneko lyawo kOmukwaniilwa gwaNdonga, Immanuel Kauluma Elifas ngoka a hulithile moshipangelo shomonooli ongula yOmaandaha. Omatumbaleko otaga zilile woo koombinga adhihe dhoshilongo mwa kwatelwa Omuleli gwoshilongo Hage Geingob oshowo omuleli gwongudu yompilameno, McHenry Venaani naakwashigwana.

Geingob okwa popi kutya Elifas okwa li omuhanganithi.

“Onda uvithwa nayi keso lye. Omuti omunene ogwa gu,” Geingob a popi.

Omuleli okwa popi kutya oshigwana osha kanitha ependa oshowo omuhanganithi ngoka a li e na ohokwe okukwathela kehe gumwe.

“Omukwaniilwa Kauluma, omuleli ngoka nda tseya uule woomvula odhindji, okwa li he yoyendji, kuume oshowo omulumentu e na esimaneko.

Ina kala e na owala oshipwiyu naamboka ye li kohi yelelo lye mOndonga ihe okwa yakula kehe gumwe nohole.”

Omuleli gwoPopular Democratic Movement (PDM), McHenry Venaani okwa popi kombinga yoshilonga sha simana shoka ha longwa komukwaniilwa pethimbo lyekondjelomanguluko oshowo konima sho oshilongo sha manguluka.

Venani okwa popi kutya Elifas okwa dhana onkandangala onene pethimbo lyekondjelomanguluko, nokonima sho oshilongo sha manguluka okwa sile oshipwiyu aantu nokuya tekula.

Omukwaniilwa gwaaDamara, Justus //Garoëb okwa popi kutya Elifas okwa li omuleli nomutsomukumo kakushi owala kaaNdonga ihe okAaNamibia ayehe.

Ngoloneya gwoshitopolwa shaShana, Elia Irimari, ota dhimbuluka Elifas onga omulumentu omwiifupipiki nomuhanganithi.

“Kali e na okatongo nomuntu na okwa gandja omalukalwa nokaantu mboka inaya za moshitunda she. Yamwe ngashiingey aaleli yopamuthiguulwakalo.”

Elenga enene lyoshikandjo Onalusheshete, Eino Shondili Amutenya, okwa popi kutya Elifas okwa li he yaaleli mOndonga nuuthiga we otawu simanekwa aluhe.

AaNamibia omathele oya gandja woo omahekeleko gawo okupitila komapandja gomakwatathano gopamalungula, omolwa eso lyomukwaniilwa ngoka a hulitha mepupi lyoomvula 86.

Omukwaniilwa, Elifas okwa lela oshitunda shaNdonga, okutameka momvula yo 1975.

Okwa lela konyala uule woomvula 44. Nakusa Elifas okwa longa woo uule wethimbo onga omunashipundi gwoCouncil of Traditional Leaders.


'Don't-care attitude' costing govt

'Don't-care attitude' costing govt'Don't-care attitude' costing govtWeather station delayed by five years The high number of capital projects which are idle but incomplete has irked works minister John Mutorwa. Works minister John Mutorwa has expressed his disappointment over an unfinished meteorological service office situated at the Rundu airport, which should have been completed in 2014.

“I am disappointed because someone was paid with taxpayers' money to construct this infrastructure, but they have not delivered as per the agreement,” Mutorwa said during a site visit on Tuesday.

“It is this don't-care attitude which is costing government a lot of money. There are quite a number of capital projects under the ministry of works that I am aware of that are incomplete, but people are very fast to write out cheques.” Mutorwa did not hold back his discontent over the stalled N$5.7 million project, saying he does not understand why a project that was expected to take one year is still unfinished six years later.

The tender to construct the meteorological service office was awarded to Rundu-based Fermour Investment CC and the site was handed over on 30 August 2013.

The project was expected to be completed by 21 March 2014, but the completion date was later moved to 19 June 2015.

The project is 90% complete and the outstanding work includes the electrification of the building, the installation of air conditioners, as well as a stormwater channel, and dealing with several minor defects.

According to the officials who briefed Mutorwa, the contractor was paid an amount of about N$5.4 million, but the contract was terminated on 18 October 2018, due to non-compliance with deadlines and non-cooperation with the ministry.

The officials also told the minister the contractor had failed to acknowledge receipt of the contract termination. Mutorwa was amazed by the fact that the keys to the premises was still in the contractor's possession.

He instructed the ministry officials to get the keys.

He also called on them to ensure that the project is completed as soon as possible, so the weather experts could move in.

The region's meteorological staff are currently operating from a house in one of Rundu's townships.


Otjisepa calls for speedy repair of boreholes

Otjisepa calls for speedy repair of boreholesOtjisepa calls for speedy repair of boreholes Repair work on three broken boreholes at villages at Otjisepa in the Okakarara constituency, is expected to be completed in April.

The boreholes have been out of order since 2017 and the agriculture ministry last week deployed six workers to the various sites to have them repaired.

Community members however complained to Nampa that work stopped, because of Independence Day, on both Thursday and Friday.

One of the workers, Canisius Katataiza told Nampa this week that on Monday, the ministry had deployed six handymen to Otjisepa and by 15:00 on Monday, work on one of the boreholes was completed and it was ready to be used.

“We are working on the second borehole now. This borehole has a problem with its pumping element that fell into the hole because the bottom galvanising pipe was loose,” he said.

Katataiza said the repairs started last Tuesday, but stopped on Thursday and Friday for the celebration of the 29th Independence Day.

He also said his team commutes daily from Okakarara, situated over 100 kilometres away as there is not enough money for the subsistence allowances if the workers were to camp at Otjisepa.

The community members questioned why work stopped and asked that it be sped up as water from the boreholes is used for both human and animal consumption.

Otjisepa traditional leader Nani Ndjaukua said his community has been fetching water from an earthen dam, which animals also drink from, since the boreholes broke.

“We are in a crisis. Water is a challenge here, worse now as the water levels in our earthen dam also continue to decrease,” he said.

Ndjaukua said more than 1 500 cattle, goats and sheep survive from the earthen dam.

His wife, Kunene Ndjaukua said she fetches water in containers from the earthen dam in the early hours of the day, before the livestock start drinking.

“They are busy fixing the boreholes but they need to speed it up,” she said.

The boreholes are situated some distance away from each other.


Hunting season announced

Hunting season announcedHunting season announcedOnly one kudu per hunter per season The hunting season opens on 1 May and ends on 31 August for farms and conservancies that are fenced with game-proof fencing. The environment ministry has announced this year's hunting season for huntable game.

The season will be open from 1 May to 31 August on farms larger than 1 000 hectares that have game-proof fences, and in registered conservancies where quotas were allocated.

The season for farms with a normal five-strand livestock fence stretches from 1 June to 31 July.

Only three large game animals, or two large and four small, or one large and eight small, or 12 small game animals are allowed per hunter.

Kudu, gemsbok and red hartebeest are considered large game species, while springbok and warthog are considered small.

Hunters are only allowed one kudu during the season.

Hunters may not import any automatic weapons. In the case of hunting rifles and shotguns for game birds, a letter of invitation from the landowner or conservancy committee is required to bring the weapons into the country.

Hunting permits are issued to the landowner or conservancy committee and cost N$100 each.

Reporting back to the ministry is of critical importance.

“The farm owner or committee must provide the white copy of the permit to the hunter and report back to the permit office by returning the blue copy with the required information filled in,” the ministry statement reads.

Failure to do so may result in the ministry refusing to issue further permits to the relevant party.

Permits can be obtained directly from the ministry in Windhoek or at any of its regional offices.

The ministry urged landowners and committees to ensure that their invitation letters contain their full name and address, along with those of the hunter, as well as the name, number and district of the farm or conservancy where the hunt is to take place.

The type of fencing must also be listed.

The letters must also state the total number of animals per species that the hunter is invited to hunt, as well as the period during which the hunt and transportation of the meat will take place.

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