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Neymar Jr's Five here

Neymar Jr's Five hereNeymar Jr's Five hereLargest football tourney to hit the country Red Bull Namibia, in partnership with Bank Windhoek, Snickers, NBC and Fresh FM, will host the Neymar Jr's Five qualification tournament in the Land of the Brave, which starts in June. Qualifications for the Neymar Jr Five soccer tournament will be hosted in Swakopmund on 2 June, in Oshakati on 9 June and in Windhoek on the 16 June, before the eventual, to be decided on 30 June, takes on teams from other countries in Brazil in July.

The local qualifiers will attract 128 seven-aside-teams from each Namibian town.

Neymar Jr's Five is the Brazilian star's signature five-a-side tournament bringing players aged 16 to 25 from all corners of the world together to celebrate their shared passion: football.

The road to the tournament final has already begun. More than 60 countries from six continents will be hosting their tournament qualifiers, where players will compete with the same dream of making it through to the world final which will be celebrated for the third time at the Institutu Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil.

Through a statement provided by Team Red Bull, Neymar explained that he is very happy to increase the number of players, teams and the number of countries.

“It's very big but I hope it can get even bigger. We have more teams than the World Cup, which has 32 teams.

“There is no gender limitation, meaning that mixed teams can enter and of course female teams will compete in the same format of 10 minutes of intense action, no goalkeepers and teams losing a player every time the opposition scores,” Neymar said.

He further said that it's important for girls to participate.

“I think it increases the possibility of having more people wanting to participate. What makes me excited is that each edition brings more players from more countries, so I'm glad to know that everyone wants to participate and I feel happy to be part of it, this is what excites me the most.”

The best 16 Namibian will fight it out at UN Plaza in Windhoek at the end of June.

Only one team will win the main prize which is an all expenses paid for trip to Brazil for the finals.

Bank Windhoek is the main sponsor and Jacquiline Pack the executive officer for marketing said they are excited to be part of an event of this magnitude. “We look forward to joining Red Bull as we travel the country and showcase young Namibian soccer talent.”

“Bank Windhoek believes in connecting athletes to realise positive change and growth. The tournament will equip our youngsters with new skills and open their world to new and exciting opportunities,” Pack added.

Interested teams can log on to www.neymarjrsfive.com and sign up their five-a-aside team.


Tons of food wasted while others starve

Tons of food wasted while others starveTons of food wasted while others starve Americans waste nearly 150 000 tons of food per day, amounting to about 422g per person, and fruits and vegetables are mostly what gets tossed, said a study on Wednesday.

The amount of land used annually to grow food that ends up in the garbage in the United States is 12.14 million hectares, or 7% of total US cropland. Some 16 trillion litres of irrigation water gets wasted, too, said the report in the journal PLOS ONE.

Fruits and vegetables made up 39% of total food waste, followed by dairy (17%), meat (14%) and grains (12%).

Items least likely to be thrown out included salty snacks, table oils, egg dishes, candy and soft drinks.

“Higher quality diets have greater amounts of fruits and vegetables, which are being wasted in greater quantities than other food,” said co-author Meredith Niles, an assistant professor at the University of Vermont.

“Eating healthy is important, and brings many benefits, but as we pursue these diets, we must think much more consciously about food waste.”

The report, based on government data and surveys about food waste from 2007 to 2014, found that the amount of wasted food equals about 30% of the average daily calories consumed for every American.

The costs to the environment and to farmers are “significant”, it said.

“Food waste corresponded to harvests produced with the use of 354 million kilogrammes of pesticide and 816 million kilogrammes of nitrogen fertiliser, annually.”

Solutions may include teaching consumers how to better prepare and store fresh fruits and vegetables, revising “sell-by” dates, encouraging people to buy imperfect produce, and incorporating efforts to prevent food waste into government sustainability programmes.

“Food waste is an issue that plays out at many different levels,” said lead author Zach Conrad at the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service in North Dakota.

“Looking at them holistically will become increasingly important to finding sustainable ways of meeting the needs of a growing world population.”


Israel abandons refugee expulsion

Israel abandons refugee expulsionIsrael abandons refugee expulsionCannot find a host country to take them Around 42 000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees will no longer be expelled from Israel as there is nowhere for them to go. Israel announced on Tuesday it had abandoned plans to expel African migrants who entered the Jewish state illegally, after failing to find a country willing to host them.

The plan had targeted some 42 000 migrants of Eritrean and Sudanese origin currently living in Israel.

Government legal advisers informed the Supreme Court of the plan's cancellation after certain unspecified countries refused to host the migrants, a government source said.

“At this stage, the possibility of removal to a third country is no longer relevant,” the advisers said in a statement.

Migrants and aid workers have said Israel was negotiating with Rwanda and Uganda to accept the deportees.

The deportation plan has attracted a wave of criticism, including from the UN refugee agency, Holocaust survivors, and parts of Israeli civil society.

The government originally announced a plan under which it would present migrants with US$3 500 and the opportunity to leave on their own accord, or face indefinite imprisonment with eventual forced expulsion.

In early April, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to cancel the plan, saying a new agreement with the UN would allow migrants to be transferred to “developed countries like Canada, Germany or Italy”.

But he cancelled that plan several hours later, after caving to pressure from his right-wing base.

Human rights groups have long condemned Israel for its immigration policy and treatment of Africans seeking asylum.

Most of the migrants arrived to Israel after 2007, mainly from the Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

Security along the once porous border has since been significantly tightened.

Most of the migrants have settled in a number of poor neighbourhoods in the coastal city of Tel Aviv, the country's economic capital.


Okanona koomwedhi mbali ka hulithile poshiponga

Okanona koomwedhi mbali ka hulithile poshipongaOkanona koomwedhi mbali ka hulithile poshiponga Okanona koomwedhi mbali oka hulitha mOmaandaha, sho ohauto yotaxi yoCorolla ya pumu yina ngoka a li a thikama pooha dhondjila ya Omungwelume-Oshakati, ta kongo oolefa.

Oshiningwanima osha ningilwa momukunda Onambedi moshikandjohogololo Etayi lwopotundi onti 15:00 mOmaandaha.

Palopota yopolisi otaxi ndjoka oya li tayi zilile ombinga yaShakati, okuuka mOmungwelume, sho ohauto yombaki yoToyota Hilux ye yi pumu okuzilila konima.

Omuhingi gwotaxi okwa ndopa okukondolola oshiyenditho na okwiipumu momunamimvo 27 Selma Phillemon, ngoka a li a thikama pooha nondjila, pamwe nokanona ke koomwedhi mbali, Ndeshihafela Haipinge.

Okanona oka hulithile pehala lyoshiningwanima omanga Phillemon eehamekwa noonkondo na okwa tambululwa moshipangelo shaShakati. Omuhingi gwotaxi okwa tumbulwa kutya oLeonard Nakashole (27) omanga nakuhinga ohautu yombaki a tumbulwa kutya oElla Kaalushu (56).

Okwa patululwa oshipotha shedhipago lyaashi lyoshiningilawina, na kape na ngoka a tulwa miipandeko ihe omakonaakono gopolisi otaga tsikile.


Elongo lyopaungomba lya ningwa oshilalakanenwa shotango

Elongo lyopaungomba lya ningwa oshilalakanenwa shotangoElongo lyopaungomba lya ningwa oshilalakanenwa shotangoOmadheulo guungomba oga simana metotepo lyiilonga Oshiputudhilo shoNamibia Training Authority (NTA) osha talika omeho omanene nokuninga oshilalakanenwa shotango, opo oompangela dhomupresidende kombinga yelongo lyopaungomba dhi tulwe miilonga. Pethimbo a li a gandja oshipopiwa she shopashigwana omasiku ga piti, Omupresidende Hage Geingob okwa tsu omuthindo kombinga yesimano lyelongo lyopaungomba nomadheulo ngoka oshilongo.

Elongo ndyoka otali adhika miitsa yoHarambee Prosperity Plan ponomola onti 10 oshowo monational development plan number five (NDP5)

Omuleli okwa popi kutya opo ku totwepo oompito dhiilonga mokati kaanyasha nena ongele owala taku gandjwa omadheulo gopaungomba.

Geingob okwa popi kutya oompangela ndhoka otadhi pula nawa komeho sho kwa dhidhilikwa e yo pombanda lyomwaalu gwaailongi mboka yiishangitha miiputudhilo yopaungomba, sho omwaalu ngoka gwa londo okuza po15 000 mo 2015 okuya po 25 000 mo 2020. “Otashi nyanyudha sho kwa lopotwa kutya omwaalu gwaailongi miiputudhilo yopaungomba ogwa londa pombanda okuza paailongi 28 571 mo 2017 okuya paailongi 32 120 pehulilo lyomwedhi Maalitsa nuumvo. Onkalo ndjoka otayi etitha omukumo moompangela dhoHarambee Prosperity Plan ndhoka tadhi utha eshangitho lyaailongi 18 000 kehe omvula,” Geingob a li a popi. Mornay Louw gwoNTA okwa yelitha kutya, okuya muMaalitsa gwo 2022, omwaalu ngoka otagu ka ya pombanda sigo opaailongi 50 000, nomwaalu ngoka otagu ka kala e yo pombanda lyiikando iyali, okuyeleka noompangela dhoHarambee.

Louw okwa yelitha kuNTA okwiitula mo mokwaadhika ondjodhi nomalalakano gepangelo lyaNamibia ngele tashi ya kelongo lyopaungomba.

Onga okukwashilipaleka kutya otaku gandja omadheulo gopamuthika gwopombanda, NTA oha ningile omakonaakono aadheulwa ayehe.

Konyala aanakudheulwa ya thika po 600 ya za miiputudhilo yepangelo naambyoka yopaumwene ohaya tumwa kiigongi yomadheulo miilongo ngaashi Spain, India naGermany, opo ya yambulepo uunongo wawo notseyo yomuule momadheulo ngoka ya pewa.

NTA ota gandja woo omayambidhidho kaailongi ye li 140 mboka yiishangitha momadheulo goVET goonzapo noodiploma.

Oompangela dhoHarambee, otadhi pula opo ku yambulwepo elongo lypaungomba miitopolwa ayishe o 14 , naashoka osha kolekwa koNTA kutya oshi li miilonga.

Louw okwa popi kutya shoka otashi kolekwa koopoloyeka ndhoka ya tula miilonga nadhimwe odha manithwa nale nokuli, ngaashi opoloyeka yemanitho lyoshiputudhilo shopaungomba mEenhana, shoka sha manithwa mo2016/17, kongushu yoomiliyona 26.

Opoloyeka yimwe ongaashi ndjoka yaRundu ya manithwa kongushu yoomiliyona 47 oshowo endiki epe moGobabis ndyoka tali pula oomiliyona 13.4.

Louw okwa popi kutya oopoloyeka adhihe ndhoka nomandiki ngoka otaga pula nawa komeho ngaashi sha pangelwa. Omunambelewa ngoka natango okwa popi kutya okwa tamekithwa iilonga yetungo lyoNkurenkuru Vocational Training Centre muKotomba gwomvula ya piti oshowo etungo lyoKunene Vocational Training Centre moKhorixas, muDesemba gwo 2017. Oompangela natango aniwa otadhi pula komeho metungo lyendiki lyoadheulo mOmuthiya oshowo moKeetmanshoop muule woomwedhi twa taalela.

Otaku pangelwa woo okulongululwa omandiki ngaashi ndyoka lyaKai//Ganaxab moMariental nokuningwa endiki lyomadheulo gopaungomba moshitopolwa shaHardap, niilonga mbyoka okwa tegelelwa yi tameke kuyele nuumvo. Meyambulepo lyomailongo gopaungomba, okwa tulwa miilonga eilongo lyoshikondo shuunamapya, omadheulo ngoka ga tameka nale nokuli moRundu vocational training centre. Moonkambadhala dhokuyamhilapo ethano lyelongo lyopaungomba niiputudhilo mbyoka, Louw okwa popi kutya NTA okwa manitha omahwahwameko taga ithanwa Live your Passion, moka aadheulwa ye li 24 ya tothwa mo onga aakalelipo nomapenda goVET.

Onkatu yimwe ya katukwa natango, ekuthombinga lyaNamibia, methigathano lyoWorldSkills international skills competition network.

Louw okwa popi kutya sha landula etulo miilonga lyoVET national skills competition muSeptember 2016, Namibia okwa kutha ongundu yaadhigathani yaheyali kethigathano lyoWorldSkills competition moAbu Dhabi, na otaku ningwa omalongekidho gekuthombinga etiyali nuumvo.

Oompangela yoHarambee plan oya tothwa mo mo2017 kutya omandiki ngoka gomadheulo oga pumbwa okulukululwa nokukala taga ithanwa technical and vocational training colleges, opo ku kwathelwe meyambulepo lyedhina nethano lyomandiki ngoka.

Meyambulepo lyongushu yelongo lyopaungomba, okwa tulwa miilonga omulandu tagi ithanwa Work Integrated Learning (WIL) policy, ngoka gwa kwatela mo omadheulo miilonga.


Britina a tindi eindilo lyaavalakadhi AaNamibia

Britina a tindi eindilo lyaavalakadhi AaNamibiaBritina a tindi eindilo lyaavalakadhi AaNamibiaOonakuninga iihakanwa yaMoussongela ye li megameno moUK Ompangu yaLondon oya ningi etokolo kutya uunona uutatu wuukadhona mboka wa li wa kwatwapo ombambyona okuza moNamibia, itawu galulilwa moNamibia omolwa uutilwe wonkalonawa yuunona mboka. Omupanguli Rachel Karp gwoLondon Borough of Haringey okwa tindi eindilo ndyoka lya ningwa kaakiintu ooyina wuunona mboka opo wu galulilwe koshilongo.

Omupanguli okwa ningi etokolo momasiku 11 gaJanuari, ihe etokolo ndyoka olya tseyithwa owala mEtiyali.

Karp okwa ningi etokolo ndyoka nonando omalelo gaNamibia oga ningi eindilo opo etokolo li kalekwe omanga taku ningwa omitumba niiputudhilo ine moNamibia.

Omutumba ngoka tagu ningwa otagu kundathana ngele otaku ningwa eindilo lyopampangu nenge ngele aakiintu mboka otaya vulu okukwatha iimaliwa ya vulwe okukalelwa po mompangu moLondon.

Gumwe gwomaakiintu mboka okwa gandja uumbangi okupitila mokavideo, omanga uunona mboka wa kalelwa po kunakusila oshisho uunona mboka moBritina.

Karp okwa popi kutya ope na uumbangi kutya uunona mboka woomvula 13 no 14 ngashiingeyi owa ninga aakwashigwana yaUk nonando owu li aakwashigwana yaNamibia oshowo aavali yawo mboka ye li AaNamibia.

Aanona mboka ohaya hiti oskola moLondon.

Omupanguli okwa popi kutya oshipotha shoka otashi limbilike sho uunona wiiyadha monkalo ndjoka moUK, nonando inashi etithwa komaihumbato gooyina yuunona, ihe okomaihumbato gahe yuunona. Okwa gwedha po kutya oye na omalimbililo kombinga yonkalonawa yuunona mboka, ngele owa tumwa moNamibia.

Omukiintu gumwe yina yokanona koomvula 13, okwa popi kutya okwa hala okanona ke ka galulilwe moNamibia, nomalelo gomayakulo gopankalathano moshilongo oga ningi omakonaakono nokumona kutya ota vulu okusila oshisho okanona hoka, Karp kwa popi kutya ompumbwe yopankalathano nelongo otashi vulika yi ka kale inayi gwanithwa po.

Omupanguli okwa popi kutya otaya tala nokusimaneka onkalo yuunona mboka nomaiyuvo gawo, unene sho wa mono iihuna omanga wa li moshilongo, nonando shoka inashi ningwa kooyina yuunona.

Okwa tsikile kutya uunona otashi vulika wu ka kale kawu na einekelo mooyina, omolwa onakuziwa nondjokonona yaashoka sha holokapo, nekwatathano lyopauntu pokati kuunona mboka nooyina olya tewa po nonando ohaya ningi ekwatathano lyopangodhi.


Uunona mboka wuukadhona utatu owa kuthwa po nokutulwa megameno komalelo gaUK, sha landula wo wa adhika tawu kanaakana momapandanda gaLondon muKotomba gwo 2015, wu na okambapila kashangwa: “Alikana kwathela uunona mboka opo wu mone omumwayinakadhona.”

Uunona mboka konima owa tula mesiloshisho lyopaveta.

Gumwe gwomooyina wuunona mboka ota futitha Moussongela he yuunona, sho a kwatapo ombambyona okanona ke.

Moussongela oku na iipotha natango ngaashi ekatopombambyona, ekwatonkonga nedhengo mbyoka tayi pulakenwa mompangulilo yaVenduka oshowo mOndangwa.


NTTU ya topoka konima yekanka

NTTU ya topoka konima yekankaNTTU ya topoka konima yekanka Ooyene yootaxi ndhoka dha li dha tumbwa po kopolisi pethimbo lyekanka lyaahingi yootaxi ndyoka lya ningilwa moshilandopangelo, mOmaandaha oya futu omanga inaya galulilwa oohauto dhawo.

Koonyala ooyene yootaxi yeli 20 oya futu oshimaiwa shooN$1 000, opo ya shunithilwe oohauto dhawo ndhoka dha li dha kwatwako.

Gumwe gwomooyene yehangano ndyoka lya tumbupo iiyenditho mbyoka, okwa popi kutya oya tsukumwe opo eyakulo lye li futilwe oshimaliwa shooN$1 000.

Omukomeho gwoNamibia Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU), Werner Januarie okwa popi kutya ehulilo lyekanka ndyoka mOmaandaha olya sitha uuye omolwa opolisi ndjoka ya kengelele ehangano.

Okwa popi kutya otaya pangele okuninga omutumba mOlyomakaya ngaka twa taalela opo mboka iiyenditho yawo ya li ya tumbwapo ku kundathanwe kutya otaya kandula po omukundu ngoka ngiini.

Januarie okwa popi kutya opolisi oye ya kengelele sho ye ya ithana momutumba lwopotundi onti 13 mOmaandaha, omanga otaya halakanitha po oonakuninga ekanka nokukwatapo iiyenditho yawo.

Okwa popi kutya sho ya zi momutumba aantu oya li ya halakana nale na inaya mona ompito yokupopitha iilyo yawo. Okwa tsikile kutya elalakano lyopolisi olya li opo NTTU a ndope, ihe itaya sholola otaya ka ithana natango omutumba omutiyali.

Januarie okwa tsikile kutya omanga uuministeli wiilonga nomalweendo wa mwena kombinga yomaupyakadhi ngoka ga tothwa mo kaahingi yootaxi, oku na einekelo kutya otaka tsakanena mbala naminista opo ya kundathane.

Momukanda ngoka gwa pitithwa mOmaandaha, Ominista yiilonga nOmalweendo, John Mutorwa okwa popi kutya uuministeli wawo inawu yakula etseyithilo lya sha okuza kehangano lyoNTTU shi na sha nekanka lyaahingi yootaxi.

Nonando ongaaka Mutorwa okwa popi kutya oya pyakudhukwa okupulakena komakemo gaahingi mboka nokuuvako omanyenyeto gawo. NTTU okwa unganeke ekanka ta pula opo ku shunithwe pevi iifuta yuutekete mboka hawu pewa aahingi mboka taya pogola oompango dhomoondjila oshowo, egwedhelo lyiifuta yomalweendo, okutumbulapo owala yimwe po.


Shot of the day

Shot of the dayShot of the day HORRIFIC: A Kashmiri demonstrator holds a placard during a protest calling for justice following the recent rape and murder case of an eight-year-old girl in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir recently. Eight men accused of raping and murdering the girl pleaded not guilty to the horrific crime that has sparked revulsion and brought thousands to India's streets in protest. Photo: NAMPA/AFP

Playing with our future

Playing with our futurePlaying with our future For thousands upon thousands of young Namibians, funding for their tertiary studies from the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) represents their single biggest opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and despair.

With this in mind, it must be scary for the current crop and those who will follow, to see how the fund has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. During the current 2018/19 financial year, the fund's N$1.45 billion budget is not sufficient to cover the intake of new students. Now suspended NSFAF CEO Hilya Nghiwete said late last month it would have to engage government before new awards are made. Given the current economic woes, the prospects for a successful engagement look bleak indeed. Coupled with this is the unfolding scenario of reintegrating the fund back into the higher education ministry, which is tantamount to changing the engine of an aeroplane while it is flying. During 2017, an extensive marketing campaign was launched to ensure that all applicants are given an opportunity to apply for financial assistance through online applications. As a result, there was an overwhelming increase in the number of applications received (about 25 762), which is 13% higher when compared to 2016's 22 858 applications. The fund also revealed recently that the number of students who meet the requirements and who are eligible for financial assistance is also significantly higher than in previous years. Since the funding received in 2017/18 was limited to N$963 million, the fund faced challenges in terms of determining who among the applicants meeting the requirements should be funded and who should not. In the case of student debt, the current business model is that students complete their studies, secure employment and then indicate the amount they wish to pay.

This approach has been bemoaned over the years, as it was difficult to set recovery goals on a floating target. It can rightfully be argued that the current business model flouts the sustainability of the fund and therefore needs to be changed as a matter of urgency.

Going forward, NSFAF and its proper management need to be prioritised as a matter of urgency, as we cannot continue playing with the country's future.

!Naruseb tackles NCA bush encroachment

!Naruseb tackles NCA bush encroachment!Naruseb tackles NCA bush encroachment The agriculture ministry aims to de-bush 3 000 hectares on government-owned land in commercial and communal farming areas this financial year.

According to agriculture minister Alpheus !Naruseb the ministry will continue to implement the de-bushing programme in order to increase the land's carrying capacity and improve livestock production.

“The programme further involves value addition to the harvested bush in order to create much-needed jobs for our citizens.”

!Naruseb said the ministry would also incentivise private land owners and communities in the northern communal areas to address bush encroachment by developing a market for products derived from invader bush.

“A tender on de-bushing was advertised last year, but could not be awarded because the season was not favourable for de-bushing operations,” said the minister.

!Naruseb said forest resources were regulated through the issuing of 26 548 permits during the 2017/18 financial year.

These permits were for the harvesting, transporting, marketing, exporting, importing and transit of forest products.

According to him a large quantity of illegally harvested wood was confiscated at forestry offices in the Kavango West, Kavango East, Zambezi, Kunene, Otjozondjupa, Omaheke, Omusati, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Oshana regions and would be auctioned.

The ministry will continue implementing the Forest Protection and Conservation programme. Under this programme fire-fighting equipment including fire beaters, high-pressure pumps, firebombs, drip torches, wind-driven knapsack sprayers and fire signboards will be acquired. The equipment will be distributed to fire management committees at constituency level.

“Local communities will be capacitated on the use of the equipment and will also be engaged in clearing firebreaks in fire-prone areas,” said !Naruseb.

According to him a total of 86 firebreaks measuring 1 518km have been identified in most of fire-prone areas to be constructed in order to control the spreading of forest fires during 2017/18.

Five communities were trained in fire management.

“Unfortunately, firebreaks construction and maintenance could not be carried out due to implementation of the new Public Procurement Act,” said !Naruseb.


Pohamba in DRC litmus test

Pohamba in DRC litmus testPohamba in DRC litmus testChallenge is December vote in African country While not inexperienced in these matters, former president Hifikepunye Pohamba will have the difficult task of overseeing the transfer of power in the DRC. Former president Hifikepunye Pohamba, in his most challenging diplomatic appointment to date, has been given the nod as the SADC special envoy to the conflict-ridden Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

This follows the Double Troika Summit of the Heads of State and Government of SADC, held in Luanda, Angola on Tuesday, which cemented an August 2017 undertaking to appoint a former head of state to the DRC.

This was in a bid to ensure “continued support to the electoral process and to the enhancement of political stability, peace and security” in that country. Former South African president Jacob Zuma, who had assumed the SADC chairpersonship in August last year, said the then summit had also urged the DRC's Independent National Electoral Commission to publicise the revised electoral calendar.

SADC was coming under increasing pressure following protests by DRC citizens living in South Africa demanding that the DRC withdraw from the regional bloc because it was not doing anything to help the situation in the country.

The DRC assignment is by far the most challenging appointment for Pohamba, who was also appointed to the African Union's Panel of the Wise in August last year. However, he is experienced in mediating insecurity in Africa and has been involved in diplomatic efforts on the continent to mediate conflict. He has also led missions to ensure free and fair elections in Ghana and Ethiopia.

The DRC was plunged into turmoil following the refusal of President Joseph Kabila to step down at the end of his term in December 2016.

Elections have been promised but, repeatedly postponed, and this has led to protest action and government security forces clampdowns, which, according to reports, include massive human rights violations including arbitrary arrests.

Rape is reportedly a common form of torture in prisons in that country and rights organisations have repeatedly requested international assistance in combating human rights abuses. During November last year, elections were finally set for 23 December this year. Opposition parties did not welcome the announcement, saying Kabila should have left office last year already.

Kabila has in the meantime remained silent until, in his first speech in six years, in which he said on 27 January this year that polling would go ahead.

Then, in February, news broke that Kabila would not stand in the December polls. Lambert Mende, the DRC minister of communications, said Kabila, who has been in office since 2001, had never intended to seek a third term and would not seek to appoint a candidate to represent his interests in the polls.

“This is not a kingdom, where the king appoints an heir. It is a democratic republic,” Mende told The Guardian. “Direct voting” will take place on 23 December this year covering presidential, legislative, regional and local elections, said Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) official Jean-Pierre Kalamba.

At the Panel of the Wise meeting held in Windhoek in March this year, Pohamba spoke at length on matters of peace and security in Africa.

The meeting focused on election observation complementing electoral disputes and as such, either preventing or resolving these over the course of this year.

Pohamba was quoted as saying that an increase in the youth population in Africa, combined with shrinking economies, has resulted in high levels of unemployment and rapid, uncontrolled urbanisation, which can be linked to violence. He also urged the panel to continue to work hard at preventive diplomacy and mediation to strengthen peace and security on the continent.

“We also need to set our agenda, and raise critical peace and security issues affecting the African continent, alongside and in support of the AU Peace and Security Council, as well as the chairperson of the commission,” Pohamba said.


Getting climate change smart

Getting climate change smartGetting climate change smartNew conservation project welcomed Conservancies in the far north of the country will benefit from a new project which will assist in preparing communities for the impact of climate change and make conservancies more self-sufficient. The Oshana governor, Clemens Kashuupulwa, has welcomed the climate smart conservation project which is being implemented by the Namibia Development Trust (NDT) at community-based organisations in the north-central area of the country.

With N$4.3 million from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the NDT is implementing a governance and smart climate project to nine CBOs in the Oshana, Ohangwena, Oshikoto and Omusati regions through to December this year.

The project is aimed at building capacity in community-based conservancies and forests by making them self-reliant through the implementation of climate change smart agricultural interventions. At the project launch at Ondangwa last week, Kashuupulwa lauded the initiative saying it will help communities to respond smartly to climate change.

“Climate change has negatively affected the lives of our communities. Recently we experienced a long severe drought which has negatively affected the farmers in our regions. Currently the flooding in some parts of the north is another challenge. I am informed that the project we are launching today will assist communities to respond smartly to climate change by implementing climate change smart agricultural interventions,” Kashuupulwa said.

Speaking at same occasion, the NDT's executive director Ronny Dempers said they would like to see community-based organisations that are capable and able to manage themselves and become fully self-sustaining.

“What has attracted us to work with conservancies and community forests is the enabling environment created by our government which has given birth to conservancies and community forests. NDT is also part of a family of practitioners that are promoting the Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM),” Dempers said.

He said CBNRM is an incentive-based approach which relies on the principle that communities will look after their resources as they benefit from them directly.

He said the project is aimed at strengthening the ability of the six north-central conservancies and three community forests to meet the requirements of environment and agricultural ministries, to enhance the income generating opportunities of these conservancies and to reduce community vulnerability. Other targets include identifying mitigating measures against human-wildlife conflict and promoting and strengthening integration between community forests and conservancies in the north-central areas.

“There exists a strong willingness and commitment to conserve natural resources but people, even those employed by the conservancies and community forests, are doing this voluntarily because the conservancies and community forests are not generating enough to be able to pay the allowances to these staff members. What has also been highlighted in the conflicting approach is the promotion of different land uses, for example community forests and small-scale farming in some parts,” he said.

The nine beneficiaries include six communal conservancies including King Nehale in Oshikoto, Iipumbu Ya Tshilongo in Oshana, Uukwaludhi and Uukolonkadhi conservancies in Omusati and Okongo in Ohangwena. The three community forests of Uukolonkadhi, Okongo and Omufituwekuta are also included.

Kashuupulwa urged beneficiaries to jealously guard the knowledge, skills and the empowerment which they will gain from the project.

“More importantly go and actively roll out the implementation and assist our government to deliver quality services through guided initiatives, policies and laws that you have developed,” Kashuupulwa said.

He also urged all the development partners involved to professionally execute the project and ensure that conservancies and community forests are better shaped to strengthen their institutional ability and smartly adapt to climate change.


Rhino heroes rewarded

Rhino heroes rewardedRhino heroes rewarded Last week, four farmworkers were rewarded at Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) for their brave and courageous work which led to three suspected rhino poachers.

The suspected rhino poachers were arrested over the Easter weekend in the Omaheke Region.

Speaking at the press conference, the chairman of HoRN.nam Jaco Muller, expressed his appreciation to the four farmworkers who took a stand and stopped criminals.

“Their action represents the type of mentality we need to strive for as Namibian citizens, to do the right thing and stop any type of crime,” he said

According to NBL's marketing manager, Rene Duffy, the company's involvement in the national fight against rhino poaching is a testimony to the passion and commitment of the O&L Group with the purpose of creating and enhancing life, which includes preserving the unique landscape and wildlife of Namibia.

Justicia Shipena

Vocational training hub links three VTCs

Vocational training hub links three VTCsVocational training hub links three VTCs Three public vocational training centres (VTC) at the north have been linked by a computer network called the Northern Vocational Training Hub that will serve as a platform for them to share information and teaching online.

The N$130 million hub was funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and will benefit Outapi's Nakayale, Eenhana's Eenhana and Ongwediva's Valombola VTCs.

The training provides for an electronic learning (e-learning) system that will allow the centres to provide training online, which will allow trainees to access their training material at any of the three centres.

The Nakayale VTC and training hub chairperson, Erickson Nenghwanya, said the network would allow the centres to provide trainees with improved educational content and more effective teaching and learning methods.

“The IT equipment handed over today will improve the learning processes through provision of more interactive educational materials that increase trainee motivation and facilitate the easy acquisition of basic skills in various subjects,” Nenghwanya said.

Nenghwanya urged the beneficiaries not to only improve trainees' academic performance, but also to own the equipment by developing sustainable measures so that they can maintain it. The facilities will be used in fields such as auto-mechanics, electrical engineering, information and communication technology, and civil and building services. The Namibia Training Authority's chief executive officer, Jerry Beukes, said the hub would assist the three VTCs to share information and engage in joint planning, professional development and resource sharing.

“The establishment of the training hub is also linked with the NTA's Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) transformation and expansion programme that is a core component of the NTA's current strategic plan. “This project is the establishment of e-learning facilities at the three VTCs making up the training hub, with the purpose of enhancing local job and career development opportunities,” Beukes said.

He added that the project may have a regional focus but the lessons learned at the regional level would be scaled up to national level.

The project started on June 2016 when the EU and GIZ signed an agreement for the GIZ to implement the project.


Company news

Company newsCompany news South African Airways seeks "open credit line"

South African Airways (SAA) needs a new capital injection “now” to stay afloat and was in discussions with banks and the National Treasury for “an open credit line”, its chief executive said on Tuesday.

SAA, which has not generated profit since 2011, is regularly cited by ratings agencies as a drain on the government purse and has already received state guarantees totaling nearly 20 billion rand (US$1.62 billion).


Coke warns of pain from UK sugar tax, US freight costs

Coca-Cola Co said on Tuesday it would take a hit in the second quarter from the introduction of a British sugar tax on soft drinks and rising freight costs in the United States, overshadowing modestly better than forecast results for the first three months of 2018.

The somber forecast undid an initial rise in shares of the world’s biggest drinks maker after it topped forecasts for revenue and profit, helped by a reboot of its Diet Coke brand that has introduced new flavors and cans.


Toys 'R' Us sets up US$156 million fund

Toys ‘R’ Us will set aside about US$156 million to pay vendors for toys and merchandise shipped after the US retailer’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing last September, a lawyer for the company said on Tuesday.

The vendor reserve fund will be carved out of a broader budget meant to cover some expenses as the retailer winds down its business in the largest-ever US retail liquidation, Toys ‘R’ Us lawyer Joshua Sussberg said at a hearing at USBankruptcy Court in Richmond, Virginia.


BP has 'very strong' partnership with Rosneft - CEO

-BPhas a “very strong” partnership with Russian oil giant Rosneft but will steer away from politics, CEO Bob Dudley said on Tuesday, as Moscow could face new western sanctions.

BP has a 19.75% stake and a board seat in the state-owned oil and gas company.

“We have a very strong partnership with Rosneft, we have had for years, but we stay out of politics,” Dudley told the AIPN International Petroleum Summit in London.


Caterpillar shares slide

Caterpillar Inc’s shares tumbled on Tuesday, giving up early gains on concerns that rising materials costs could squeeze profit margins for the heavy equipment manufacturer following US President Donald Trump’s crackdown on steel imports.

Those worries overshadowed its strong performance in the March quarter. Profits and revenues topped analysts’ estimates, while the world’s largest heavy equipment maker also upgraded its profit outlook for the full year 2018.


Mining sector welcomes imminent NEEEF tabling

Mining sector welcomes imminent NEEEF tablingMining sector welcomes imminent NEEEF tabling The Chamber of Mines of Namibia has indicated that it is relieved to note that the New Equitable Economic Empowerment Framework (NEEEF) Bill might be finalised this year.

At the Chamber of Mines' 39th annual general meeting this week, its president, Johan Coetzee, expressed satisfaction with the government's intention to produce legislation that reflects submissions and inputs by industry.

“We hope this will calm investor concerns and uncertainty regarding the outcome of the bill and timing of its implementation,” he added.

Cabinet recently decided to do away with an empowerment clause that would make it compulsory for previously disadvantaged Namibians to own 25% in already established businesses.

The mining sector had previously raised concern about NEEEF as it stood.

Former president of the Chamber Kombadayedu Kapwanga said: “The outcome of NEEEF is still uncertain, though we have it in good faith that the government is cognisant of the sector's concerns with the current version of the bill. The Chamber is concerned that the continued uncertainties around NEEEF will further worsen Namibia's rankings in the Fraser Institute reports as detailed in a following section.”

Rössing Namibia managing director Werner Duvenhage previously said the Chamber had decided to implement a trial version of its charter.

“I am pleased to announce that the council adopted the Mining Charter at the last Bosberaad meeting on 19 September 2014. Chamber members are now implementing the charter on a trial basis and experience gained will be discussed at the next Bosberaad.

“The industry is positioning itself to fully roll out empowerment strategies when the official Black Economic Empowerment policy and legislation are in place,” Duvenhage said.

Chamber CEO Veston Malango has kept a tight lid on a charter the sector was working on.

“It is not yet a public document. We therefore cannot discuss the contents of the charter. We will be getting ahead of ourselves,” Malango was quoted as saying in 2014.

President Hage Geingob recently informed lawmakers during the delivery of his State of the Nation address in the National Assembly that the government would do away with the equity pillar.

“Let me use this opportunity to put the equity pillar of NEEEF into perspective. The 25% equity stake will not translate into broad-based empowerment and is done away with.”

According to him, the cabinet in its decision to do away with the contentious condition took cognisance of the fact that most Namibians, especially the previously disadvantaged, do not have enough resources to invest in empowerment transactions, nor are they able to obtain access to funding to participate in such transactions.

“Some sectors such as mining are particularly capital intensive and come with huge risk during the exploration phase. We must strive towards inclusive broad-based empowerment focusing on the plight of farmworkers, domestic workers, women, the youth and all disenfranchised Namibians,” the president said.

Mentioning one possible solution, Geingob cited employee share schemes as an effective broad-based policy intervention under NEEEF.

“Employee share schemes are one of the most effective forms of broad-based empowerment. I encourage such an approach,” said Geingob.

Outcomes from the NEEEF consultations were presented to the cabinet in February 2018 and the office of the prime minister is expected to provide feedback in May.

NAMPA and own report

New Oanob development challenged

New Oanob development challengedNew Oanob development challengedSued for over N$8 million An objection to a 'lifestyle village' at the Oanob Dam has exposed loopholes in the original lease agreement. The mother of all property battles is raging and heading for court over a newly planned development on the banks of Oanob Dam after an objection by Acasia Resorts of Christie Benade, which operates the Lake Oanob Resort.

The new development is brought by Oanob Dax CC, which intends to build the Oanob Lifestyle Village, a township development of 167 housing units on slightly more than 239 hectares on Farm 1127, which Acasia claims to have been renting since 1994.

Acasia Resorts is trying to block the development, or any other interference with its rights as leaseholder, by the developers.

It also demands that the Rehoboth town council, the Rehoboth Deeds Office, and the Namibian government sign all necessary documentation to have its lease of several portions around the dam registered with the Deeds Office.

A court date is yet to be established but the legal challenge could open a can of worms.


The directors of Acasia Resorts at the time, Benade and Sandra Tjitendero, the late wife of founding National Assembly Speaker Mose Tjitendero, entered into a 50-year lease agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development in November 1994.

The lease agreement, which came into force in December 1994, is renewable for another 50 years, which means that the lease of the properties could theoretically span over 100 years.

In terms of the contract Acasia Resorts would rent a total area of 6256.392 hectares at N$12 000 per year.

The agreement covered the rental of Farm Sandputz No. 50 (of 2485.974 ha), a certain portion of Farm Sandputz No. 50 (374.026 ha), a certain portion of Farm Rehoboth Dorpsgrond No. 302 (1518.392 ha), and a certain portion of Farm Rehoboth Dorpsgrond No. 302 (2023.995 ha).

In its legal challenge Acasia demands that these portions of land be registered to it against the title deeds for the land.

Acasia also states that Farm 1127 falls within its leased land.

The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development in April 2017 approved the subdivision of Portion 31 of the Farm Rehoboth Dorpsgrond No. 302 into Farm 1127 and the remainder for the township development requested by Oanob Dam Lifestyle Development.

The counter-challenge

Oanob Dax CC plans to develop the residential units on Farm 1127, which it bought from the Rehoboth town council for N$5 million.

It claims over N$8 million from Acasia, which it says it has lost because of Acasia's objection.

The managing director of Oanob Dax CC, Hendry Derks, argues in court submissions that the 1994 lease agreement was invalid and illegal. Oanob Dax makes this argument on the back of a secret cabinet action letter dated 22 February 1994 – months before the November 1994 contract was signed.

According to this letter a cabinet committee was to be established to consider Acasia's proposed development. A cabinet committee on economic development and parastatals was assigned to negotiate with Acasia on issues relating to the terms and conditions of the lease.

Oanob Dax therefore argues that the agriculture minister who signed the contract, then Nangolo Mbumba who is currently the vice president, should only have acted with the authorisation of this cabinet decision.

Oanob Dax argues that the 1994 contract should have been informed by the 1994 cabinet resolution and claims that according to this the lease agreement with Acasia should have been only 25 years – thus running out in November 2019.

Another cabinet letter dated 10 April 2001 stipulated that a lease agreement of 25 years with Acasia had been agreed upon.

Importantly, this cabinet letter resolved to terminate the existing lease agreement and appointed a cabinet committee with the agriculture minister as the chairperson to renegotiate or amend the existing lease agreement with the successor in title of Acasia Resorts and other shareholders. Oanob Dax further argues that Acasia is in breach of the contract because it has allegedly defaulted on rental payments and has entered into long-term sub-leases for portions of the land, which is in contravention of the lease agreement.

According to the lease agreement Acasia cannot erect permanent structures without the approval of the government.

The Rehoboth town council, which is the owner of the land occupied by Acasia, was also not a signatory to this agreement.

Rehoboth deeds office

The Rehoboth Deeds Office, which is one of the respondents in the matter, also argues that the 1994 lease agreement with Acasia is not in compliance with the Formalities of Leases of Land Act of 1969, which provides that no long lease will be valid for longer than 10 years unless it is registered. The Deeds Office says Acasia's lease agreement was never registered with its office since it was entered into in 1994 and that no stamp duties were paid.

It states that the agreement cannot be registered in its current form because only leases that have been notarially executed can be registered.


Stock thieves run out of luck

Stock thieves run out of luckStock thieves run out of luck Busted: Police officers stationed near the Kapps Farm roadblock east of Windhoek arrested a stock-theft suspect on Tuesday night after noticing that he was behaving suspiciously. The officers immediately gave chase when they noticed two cars approaching them and then making sudden U-turns upon spotting the police. When they stopped one of the cars, an Audi, they discovered a cut-up beef carcass in the car and promptly arrested the driver. The next day, two other suspects were arrested, also close to the airport. Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi yesterday confirmed that the cow had been stolen from the farm Sonleiten in the area. PHOTOS: CONTRIBUTED

Agribank improves skills in leadership

Agribank improves skills in leadershipAgribank improves skills in leadership Staff Reporter - Agribank recently saw the first group of its middle managers complete a leadership training course of six months.

“The training is part of the bank’s strategic people transformation agenda that is expected to result in a modern institution that is best placed to deliver superior customer service and effectively fulfil its mandate,” Agribank said in a statement.

A total of 14 middle managers participated in the course which covered aspects such as leading self, leading change, leading others, leading performance and leading engagement.

The theoretical training aspects were complimented by actual work application in-between the theoretical modules. Facilitated by the organisational development division of the bank, the course was delivered in-house through the services of specialist training consultancy Capacity Trust.

Speaking at the certification ceremony, Agribank chief executive officer, Sakaria Nghikembua, said “the bank is committed to develop leadership and management capacity, as well as create a pipeline of leadership competencies to guarantee business continuity at all times”.

“This programme had a tremendous impact on the business from the word go as it was a very practical process and demanded of participants to already apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in the work environment,” Nghikembua said.

Agribank has implemented a well-managed performance management system that is focused on creating a culture of performance and service delivery in the bank’s quest to serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the agricultural sector in Namibia, he said.

It is for this reason that the next phase of training will focus on leadership development for senior and executive managers within the organisation.

Erongo Marine delivers on dividends promise

Erongo Marine delivers on dividends promiseErongo Marine delivers on dividends promiseN$30 000 per worker per year The payouts impact the lives of about 750 people. By making them part of the company ownership, we started and celebrate a revolution of empowering people. - Martha Uumati, MD: Erongo Marine WALVIS BAY – More than 150 employees of Erongo Marine Enterprises at Walvis Bay, mostly fishermen, on Friday received their first dividend payouts.

In November last year, the company introduced the Harambee Trust in response to the national Harambee Prosperity Plan, and shares were allocated to employees who are not in management positions.

The beneficiaries will from now on receive about N$30 000 annually after tax deductions.

Speaking at the celebration on Friday, the managing director at Erongo Marine, Martha Uumati, said apart from setting a good example for equal distribution of resources, they also aim to empower, equip and transform.

Uumati added that in general, such payouts impact the lives of about 750 people who are under the care of these employees.

“Our fishermen are our most valuable assets, and by making them part of the company ownership, we started and celebrate a revolution of empowering people,” she said.

Uumati said the employees were trained in financial management before receiving the money, so that they are able to invest wisely and transform their lives.

She said it is the responsibility of all fishing companies in Namibia to empower their employees and make a change in their livelihood, which will extend to their families.


“We listen to labour unions when they say most of the workers in this industry are underpaid; we demonstrated here today that we can change the situation,” she said.

Also speaking at the same event, the secretary-general of the Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union, Jacob Penda, applauded Erongo Marine for abiding to statutory regulations in the payment and treatment of workers.

Some companies, he said, do not respect workers’ rights and even refuse them union representation.

“We have a problem of inequality in this country, with many companies making a lot of money, but paying workers poor salaries. I call on the country to act on such companies and force them to follow labour laws,” said Penda.

He said the score card used to rate company performance and determine their fishing quota should also include how they pay their workers.

“This is so that those who do not pay workers well can receive little or no quotas, as they do not deserve such quotas, since it does not benefit workers,” said the unionist. - Nampa
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