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Aatali yomakonaakono otaya futwa – Steenkamp

Aatali yomakonaakono otaya futwa – SteenkampAatali yomakonaakono otaya futwa – Steenkamp Amushanga guuministeli mboka, Sanet Steenkamp, okwa lombwele oNamibian Sun kutya monena opena omaindilo giifuta yaatali yoshilongwa shoEntrepreneurship 45, 12 Oshikwanyama, 69 Oshindonga nomaindilo ngoka oga tegelela owala enongonono okuza kuuministeli wemona, niimaliwa otayi kala ya ya koomayalulilo gaanambelewa mboka okuya mEtiyali.

Steenkamp okwa gwedha po kutya oshikondo shomakonaakono gopashigwana oshiipyakidhila nokulonga mo omaindilo 125 gaatali yoshilongwa shoEnglish oshowo Physical Science mboka ya tameke iilonga yawo momasiku 17 gaNovemba.

Opwa holoka omambandameko ga ningwa kaatali kutya otaya ningi ekanka ngele inaya futwa mbala.

Amushanga gwoNamibia National Teachers Union (Nantu), Basilius Haingura okwa koleke kutya aalongiskola mboka taya tala omakonaakono gopashigwana inaya nyanyukwa molwaashoka itaya vulu okufuta omahala gawo mpoka taya lala oshowo omalweendo okuya nokuza kehala lyokutalela omakonaakono.

“Ihe amushanga okwa uvaneke kutya otaya futwa mOmaandaha. Aalongi oyendji oya futwa omanga yamwe inaya futwa. Otatu tala shoka tashi holoka po mOmaandaha na otatu ka tokola omukalo gwokuya komeho,” Haingura a popi. Pahapu dhaHaingura, aalongi mboka taya tala omakonaakono oyeli po 3 000.


Shaningwa a sitha ohoni omuunganeki

Shaningwa a sitha ohoni omuunganekiShaningwa a sitha ohoni omuunganeki Omuunganeki gwongundu yoSwapo moshikandjo shaNgwediva moshitopolwa shaShana, David Akuunda, okwa tindi omapopyo kutya okwa tumine uutumwalaka uufupi wopangodhi ongundu yaakuthimbinga pamwe naye momutumba gwomahogololo gaaleli yoSwapo, te ya lombwele opo kaya kuthe ombinga moshigongi shomahwahwameko shoTeam Harambee shoka sha ningilwa mondoolopa ndjoka oshiwike sha piti.

Pethimbo lyoshigongi shoka, oshilyo shomahwahwameko ngoka na okuli okandindate momahogololo guuamushanga, Sophia Shaningwa okwa nyenyetele iilyo yoSwapo moshitopolwa shoka, mbyoka tayi lombwele yakwawo opo kaya kale poshigongi shoka, sha popithwa kungoka e lita longo pehala lyomupresidende gwongundu Hage Geingob.

Shaningwa okwa popi kutya omushangi gwetumwalaka ndyoka okwa sa ohoni molwaashoka aakuthimbinga momahogoloo ngoka yomoshitpolwa shoka yeli 31 yomaakuthimbinga 54 oya kala poshigongi shoka.

“Onda lombwelwa kutya etumwalaka ndyoka olya tuminwa aakuthimbinga momutumba gwomahogololo opo kaya kale poshigongi. Ohoni onene kwaamboka ya lombwele aantu opo kaya kale poshigongi shomupresidende Hage Geingob. Omwa ndopa molwaashoka aakuthimbinga oye li moshigongi shoka. Omwa sa ohoni, Hage Geingob ota mono oshikako oshitiyali shuuleli,” Shaningwa a popi.Shaningwa okwa popi kutya konima nkene a wayimine oSwapo mekondjelomangululo, oSwapo oya kalatayi hwahwameke kombinga yuukumwe oshowo oshigwana shimwe ihe ngashiingeyi ope na aantu mboka taya kambadhala okuhanagulapo omulandu ngoka guukumwe mongundu. Oshifokundnaeki shoNamibian Sun osha mono etumwalaka ndyoka lya tumwa, naakuthimbinga oya popi kutya olya tumwa kuAkuunda mEtitatu lyoshiwike sha piti.

Akuunda okwa tindi kutya oye a shanga etumwalaka ndyoka, ta popi kutya kali e na ontseyo kombinga yoshigongi shoka.

“Otandi ka tuma ngiini osms, ya fa ya hiya ndje koshigongi shoka? Kandi na ontseyo ya sha kombinga yaashoka, na onda nongele owala kombinga yoshigongi shoka, konima yesiku limwe oshigongi shoka sha ningwa nale.”

Geingob pamwe nosheendo she sha kwatela mo Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Shaningwa oshowo Marco Hausiku, oya ningi iigongi yawo yomahwahwameko mOmusati, Ohangwena nOshikoto mehuliloshiwike lya piti. Mboka otaya kondjithathana nongundu tayi ithanwa Team Swapo ndjoka yi na aakuthimbinga ngaashi Jerry Ekandjo, Nahas Angula, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, Helmut Angula, Armas Amukwiyu, Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun oshowo Petrina Haingura. Ongundu ndjoka oya ningi oshigongi shoka sha kaliwa koyendji moRundu mOlyomakaya. Omutumba gwomahogololo gwaaleli yoSwapo, okwa tegelelwa gu ningwe momasiku 23-26 Novemba mOvenduka.


Oshipangelo shaShakati shi li mompumbwe

Oshipangelo shaShakati shi li mompumbweOshipangelo shaShakati shi li mompumbwe Oshipangelo shaShakati osha taalela ompumbwe onene yiikwathitho yuunamiti nonando oshi li oshipangelo oshinene miitopolwa itano yomonooli yoshilongo mwakwatelwa aakwashigwana yaAngola. Aanambelewa yuunamiti mOshipangelo shepangelo mOshakati oya holola kutya oomwenyo dhaapangwa yawo odhili moshiponga sho onkalo yoshipangelo shoka yuuka kuuwinayi.

MuSepetemba gwonuumvo oshipangelo shoka osha li shiiyadha monkalo yompumbwe yomeya ngoka ga tetwako inaku gandjwa ekunkililo

Onkalo ndjoka oya kolekwa kOmukomeho gwoshipangelo shoka Dr Korbinian Vizkaya Amutenya, ngoka popi kutya monakuziwa oshipangelo osha kala hashi pewa ekunkililo kehe kombinga yeyo moshipala lyomayakulo moshipangelo shoka. Pethimbo ndyoka, omunambelewa ngoka ina hala uukwatya we wu tseyithwe okwa popi kutya aayakulwa oya lala komalapi inaga yogwa, oshowo omatalashe inaga yalwa nayamwe natango otaya lala momikala dhoshipangelo omolwa ompumbwe yoombete.

Aaniilonga yuunamiti oya popi woo kutya otaya dhiminikwa konkalo opo ya longithe omanyala ngoka gondilo na ohaga longithwa unene pomatando molwaashoka ngoka gombiliha haga longithwa kwalukehe kage mo moshipangelo.

Elelo lyoshipangelo shoka olya zimine kutya ope na uupyakadhi okumona iikwathitho moshipangelo okuza koCentral Medical Store, nonkalo ndjoka otayi tula moshiponga oshipangelo shoka.

Elelo olya popi kutya olya lopota kutya kali na omanyala gokulongitha momasiku 23 gaSepetemba, na oya mono omanyala okuza kiiputudhilo yilwe omanga ya tegelela ngoka taga zilile koompungululo.

“Monena onkalo yompumbwe yomanyala oya kandulwa po noshipangelo ashihe oshi na omanyala nonando inatu mona omwaalu ngoka twa li twa pumbwa,” Elelo lyoshipangelo lya popi.

Oya popi kutya aaniilonga oya li ya thiminikwa konkalo opo ya longithe omanyala ngoka haga longithwa kiitandepo opo ya yande okukwata aapangwa noonyala inadhi gamenwa.

Ewalanda epe itali longithwa

Okwa popiwa woo kutya oshipangelo shoka oshi na oshitandelo oshipe mewalanda lyokupulumuthila ohe inashi longithwa, omolwa uupyakadhi wokutunga.

Oshipangelo shaShakati ohashi longithwa woo mokuninga omatando gendelela kaayakulwa taya zi kiipangelo ngaashi moshitopolwa shaShana, Kunene, Omusati, Ohangwena nOshikoto oshowo muumbugantu waAngola.

Uuyelele mboka wa monika okuza koonzo owa holola kutya, molwaashoka oshitandelo shokupulumuthila itashi longo nena omatando taga ningilwa aakiintu mboka taya pulumutha ohaga ningilwa kiitandelo yilwe moshipangelo oshowo omatando ngoka geendelela. Oonzo odha holola kutya onkalo ndjoka otayi tula moshiponga oomwenyo dhaapangwa.

Elelo lyoshipangelo olya popi kutya iitandelo iyali mewalanda lyokupulumuthila inayi pwa okutungwa.

Oya popi kutya ehangano lyokutunga lyoStauch and Partners Consultants, olya lopota kutya olya manitha iilonga yoopresenda 95 omanga oopresenda 5 ndhoka dha hupako okutula mo owala iikwaniipangitho yopaunamiti.

Aayakulwa yaAngola

Aanambelewa yuunamiti moshipangelo shoka oya holola kutya oya nongele kutya omwaalu gwoyendji mboka taya longitha omayakulo guunamiti moshipangelo shoka, ogwaakwashigwana yaAngola.

Omwaalu gwaakwashigwana yaAngola ngoka otagu fekelwa hagu mono epango moshipangelo moka oguthike poopresenda 50 na ohaya futu iifuta yithike pamwe naambyoka hayi futwa kaakwashigwana yaNamibia.

Omukwashigwana gwaAngola oha futu oshimaliwa shooN$30 okukala koICU uule womwedhi.

Momasiku 25 Kotomba, mokati kaapangwa 812 mboka ya pangwa moshipangelo shoka, yaali aakwashigwana yaZimbabwe; omukwashigwana gumwe gwaSouth Africa oshowo omukwashigwana gumwe gwaMalawi naakwashigwana yaAngola 82.

Catherine Sasman

Omathano moondjila onene dhopashigwana moshilongo kage li paveta

Omathano moondjila onene dhopashigwana moshilongo kage li pavetaOmathano moondjila onene dhopashigwana moshilongo kage li paveta ELLANIE SMIT

Omathano gokutala ondapo yiiyenditho ngoka taga adhika moondjila oonene dhomoshilongo kage li paveta, ihe okwa tegelelwa ga tulwe paveta mbala.

Omukomeho gwoshikondo shekondololo lyoondjila moshilongo, Omupeha kOmufala, Amalia Gawanas, okwa koleke koshifokundaneki shoNamibian Sun kutya omathano ngoka inaga tameka okulonga na okwa tegelelwa ga tameke okulonga moshiwike shotango shomwedhi Desemba. Gawanas okwa popi kutya uuna ga tulwa pamushangwa gwopapangelo, nena omathano ngoka otaga ka tameka okulonga pomahala ga thika po 12 moondjila dhopashigwana moshilongo.

Pethimbo sho omathano ngoka ga dhikwa po, oshigwana osha kala tashi popi kutya kage li pamulandu gwoveta yoshilongo, nopethimbo ndyoka opolisi oya holola kutya mboka taya ka kwatwa komathano ngoka taya pogola oompango dhomoondjila otaya ka pangulwa.

Omunambelewa ngoka okwa popi kutya ngele ayihe oya manithwa ngaashi tashi pangelwa, nena omathano ngoka otaga ka tameka okulonga moshiwike shotango shaDesemba.

Okwa tsikile kutya omageelo ngoka taga ka gandjwa kwaamboka taya ka monika taya hingi ondapo ya pitilila komathano ngoka otaga ka kala ga faathana naangoka haga gandjwa.

Moshitopolwa shErongo omathano gaali otaga adhika moshitopolwa shoka, limwe oli li oshinano shookilometa 47 okuya moKaribib okuza mOkahandja, omanga ekwawo tali adhika oshinano shookilometa dhili pokati ko 30 no 40 okuya moSwakopo.

Omathano muumbugantu woshilongo otaga adhika pondje yaVenduka, oshinano shookilometa 45 okuya mOveduka okuza moRehoboth.

Monooli omathano ngoka otaga adhika oshinano shookilometa 110 okuya mOtjiwarongo okuza mOkahandja oshowo oshinano shookilometa 61 okuza mOkahandja okuya mOtjiwarongo. Otaga adhika woo oshinano shookilometa 70 okuza mOtavi okuya mOtjiwarongo oshowo ookilometa 50 okuza mOtjiwarongo okuya mOtavi.

Gamwe natango otaga adhika oshinano shookilometa 45 okuza mOtavi okuya moTsumeb oshowo oshinano shookilometa 40 okuya mOtavi okuza moTsumeb.

Ope na omathano ngoka taga adhika oshinano shookilometa 28 okuya mOshivelo okuza moTsumeb, oshowo oshinano shookilometa 36 okuya mOmuthiya okuza mOshivelo, oshowo 42 okuya mOndangwa okuza mOmuthiya.

Gawanas okwa popi kutya oshigwana nashi kale sha kotoka unene okuya pethimbo lyiituthi yomatango omanene nomafudho, na otashi ka tseyithilwa uuna omathano ngoka ga tameke okulonga.

Okwa pula aakwashigwana ya kale ye na oshinakugwanithwa uuna taya longitha oopate, sho kwa lopotwa nale omaso geli 648 moopate dhaNamibia nuumvo, mokati koshigwana shoka shi na owala aakwashigwana yeli poomiliyona 2.1.

Okwa pula oshigwana shiimange kumwe mokukalekapo egameno moopate, opo ku yandwe ekanitho yoomwenyo onga oshizemo shiiponga.

Oshiketha hashi ungaunga niiponga yomoondjila shoMotor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund osha tula miilonga iinyangadhalwa ya yooloka medhimbuluko lyesiku lyoAfrica Road Safety Day.

Iinyangadhalwa mbyoka oya kwatela mo omadheulo geningo lyomainda moondjila.

Pokati komasiku 13 gaNovemba sigo 15 gaNovemba, oshiketha shoka osha ningi omadheulo gomainda goondjila mOmbaye oshowo Karibib, nokutala koompango dhomoondjila.

Omadheulo ngoka oga kaliwa kaanambelewa yoompango dhomoondjila ya thika po 40 ya za moondoolopa ngaashi Ombaye, Swakopmund, Henties Bay, Arandis, Usakos, Karibib, Omararu, Uis oshowo Otjimbingwe.

Ehangano ndyoka olya ningi woo omadheulo gotango moWitvlei. Omiyalu ndhoka dha tseyithwa kehangano ndyoka odha holola kutya pokati komwedhi Januari nomwedhi Kotomba nuumvo, okwa lopotwa omaso 585 ngoka geetithwa kiiponga yomoondjila okuyeleka nomaso 547 ngoka ga holoka pethimbo lya faathana momvula ya piti. Aantu 5 498 oya ehamekelwa miiponga okuyeleka naantu 5 624 mboka ya ehamekelwa miiponga pethimbo lyafaathana omvula ya piti, omanga nuumvo kwa lopotwa iiponga 3 083 okuyeleka niiponga 3 273 ya lopotwa omvula ya piti.

Zimbabwe-the end of an era?

Zimbabwe-the end of an era?Zimbabwe-the end of an era? Maximalliant T Katjimune

It was at a rally in the agricultural town of Bindura in September 2017 when the water really boiled over. There sitting bemused, was then Vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa as he listened to Grace Mugabe launching a scathing attack on him. The first lady of Zimbabwe didn’t mince words. She accused Mnangagwa of aiding factionalism within the ruling Zanu-PF and further fuelling calls for the end to her husband, Robert Mugabe’s 37 year rule in the land-locked Southern African nation. The attack on Mnangagwa didn’t stop there, the president then after took the podium and launched his own attack on his then Vice-president, accusing him of being in cahoots with a plot to overthrow him in 2004 among other allegations. It was at that rally that the battle lines in the succession race become even more transparent. Two months down the line in November 2017, President Mugabe played his card and fired Emmerson Mnangagwa from the Vice-presidency. The allegation is that Mugabe was clearing the path for his wife’s presidential ambitions. That move has brought massive consequences for Mugabe. It has become evident that President Mugabe played his cards wrong this time around. By firing Mnangagwa in the fashion that he did, Mugabe ignited resistance with his close allies in proportions we have not seen before. The army, after giving a brief warning of taking control of the country without going into much detail moved their tanks into Harare on Tuesday and swiftly took control of the state broadcaster ZBC. This was followed by the arrest of top government officials including the minister of Finance Ignatius Chombo. Kudzai Chipanga, the leader of the Zanu-PF Youth league who had pledged his life for defending Robert Mugabe after the threats from the military was also quickly rounded up and detained. In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, the army general finally made an appearance on the state broadcaster and tried to reassure Africa that it was not a coup but simply an operation ‘’to target criminals around him who are committing crime that are causing social and economic suffering in the country’’. Shortly after that, it emerged that the Mugabe family were under detention, confined to their presidential palace and heavily guarded by the armed forces. The excitement level among the Zimbabwean and indeed African people is evident. Amongst all the speculation and rumours, Zimbabweans could at least cling on to some hope that the nonagerian dictator’s days in power are coming to an end. For many, Robert Mugabe, once seen as an idol of the African mission for self-emancipation, is central to the continued decay of Zimbabwe. The alleged coup represents hope to millions of Zimbabweans who have endured nothing but misery and shame under Robert Mugabe. The fall of Robert Mugabe also puts us one step forward in advancing the democratic narrative in Africa. It is not yet certain whether all this hype will lead to the fall of Mugabe, but for the sake of the Zimbabwean street vendors who have become an object of mockery in foreign countries and the Zimbabwean PhD holders who have been reduced to petty jobs and miserable salaries Mugabe must fall. At this point in time, nothing can be worse for the people of Zimbabwe than the continued rule of Mugabe. President Mugabe’s fall will represent and end to an era that we as Africans must strive not to be attached to. The aftermath of Mugabe’s fall is uncertain, but at least the revolution has started. So I say to my fellow Zimbabwean brothers, to my fellow Zimbabwean students at the University of Namibia and elsewhere, grab this opportunity with both hands. Embrace it, for Zimbabwe belongs to you and your children. A revolution is never easy, but the fruits are priceless. Zimbabwe is yours, Zimbabwe is ours. There is absolutely no place for people like Robert Mugabe in 21st Century Africa. It is my hope by the day this article hits the shelves, Robert Gabriel Mugabe will be no longer anointed with the title of ‘President of Zimbabwe’.

*Maximalliant T Katjimune is NANSO KREC Secretary for Political & Internal Affairs and a 1st year B.A (Hons) (Political Studies & Sociology) student at UNAM

Maak Namibië skoon!

Maak Namibië skoon! Maak Namibië skoon! In die loop van 2017 het verskeie suksesvolle opruimingsveldtogte plaasgevind. Die Recycle Namibia Forum (RNF) en sy lede het 'n aantal sulke veldtogte ondersteun, nie net met geborgde items nie, maar ook om die organiseerders in te lig oor hoe om 'n suksesvolle opruimingsveldtog te beplan en te organiseer. Octavia Tsibes

Vermindering, hergebruik en herwinning word deur die Recycle Namibia Forum en sy lede aangemoedig. Volgens die RNF-koördineerder, me. Anita Witt, sluit al die opruimingspanne gemeenskapsleiers, verteenwoordigers van die plaaslike stadsrade, skole en ander onderwysinrigtings in.

"In 2017 het die RNF en die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme (MET) ook kragte saamgespan vir ’n projek wat vroeër vanjaar op Kongola en Omuthiya voltooi is. By die Omuthiya-opruiming in Mei het die adjunkminister van MET, Tommy Nambahu, en die omgewingsbevelvoerder, Theofilus Nghitila, albei aan die geleentheid deelgeneem,” sê Witt.

Dit is gevolg deur 'n opruiming in die Otjozondjupastreek in Junie met die Okakarara-stadsraad, en ongeveer 400 vrywilligers wat 300 sakke rommel bymekaargemaak het.

Witt het gesê die Omaruru-gemeenskap het in Augustus 'n grootskaalse opruimingsveldtog aangebied, met 700 deelnemers wat 1 500 sakke rommel bymekaargemaak het. Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat 6 ton afval binne vier ure opgetel is.

Ook hier is die afval geskei tussen herwinbare en nie-herwinbare materiaal.

In die Suide het die Visrivier-opruimingsveldtog in September plaasgevind. Dit is deur die MET georganiseer.

Byna 40 vrywilligers het 83 kg afval by die Visrivier versamel.

"Dit is kommerwekkend dat natuurliefhebbers verantwoordelik is vir rommelstrooiing in die Visrivier met items wat wissel van gebruikte drankhouers tot gebreekte skoene," het Witt gesê.

Witt sê aan die kus is verskeie skoonmaakmiddels aangebied as deel van die jaarlikse Biodiversiteitsweek wat deur die Namibiese Kusbewaring en -bestuursprojek (Nacoma) gedurende September georganiseer is.

Kusdorpe van Lüderitz tot Hentiesbaai het aktief hieraan deelgeneem deur individuele opruimingsaksies te organiseer.

Op Swakopmund het 350 vrywilligers 187 kg herwinbare materiaal versamel, wat volgens Witt ’n aanduiding is daarvan dat die gebied van Tiger Reef af na Platz am Meer relatief skoon is.

"Die laaste geleentheid vir hierdie jaar, en moontlik die grootste opruimingsveldtog in die land, het onlangs op Ondangwa plaasgevind.

“Die sakesektor, opvoedkundige instansies en gemeenskapsleiers het almal aan die weeklikse aksies deelgeneem deur verskillende dele van Ondangwa en omgewing skoon te maak. Daar was pryse vir die suksesvolste spanne. Nagenoeg 3 500 vullissakke is gedurende die weeklikse opruiming afgehaal, wat tot 43 besoeke aan die plaaslike stortingsterrein gelei het. ’n Totale volume van 480 kg herwinbare produkte kom van die versamelde afval af,” het Witt gesê.

Me. Gloudi de Beer, voorsitter van die RNF, het met trots oor die suksesvolle jaar van opruimingsveldtogte gepraat.

"In totaal het die RNF en sy lede vrywillig hiertoe bygedra, met elke opruimingsaksie van ten minste 1 000 vullissakke van Plastic Packaging, ten minste 40 geleenthede waar koeldrank en mineraalwater verskaf is met vergunning van die Ohlthaver & List-groep deur middel van sy filiaal, Namibia Breweries Beperk (NBL), en Coca Cola Namibia, terwyl Rent-A-Drum vervoer moontlik gemaak het.”

De Beer het die RNF se uitdagings uitgelig.

"Hoewel ons aangemoedig word deur plaaslike owerhede en gemeenskappe se bereidwilligheid om te help, bly die uitdagings van afvalbestuur op die meeste dorpe 'n bron van kommer in afwagting op die implementering van die nuwe afvalbestuurwet.

“Dit verwys veral na die gebrek aan behoorlike stortingsterreine, asook die afwesigheid van herwinningsfasiliteite, en toerusting om na die naaste herwinner te vervoer. Sodra dit geïmplementeer word, moet opruimingsveldtogte volhoubaar word," het sy gesê.

The decolonization of the European Christianity in Africa

The decolonization of the European Christianity in AfricaThe decolonization of the European Christianity in Africa Daniel Lusianu

Christians should stop knowing Jesus Christ according to the description of others. It is not enough to have Jesus Christ as per experience of others. Each of us has an equal opportunity to know Jesus Christ ,for it was declared , a saviour of the world will be born and He shall be called ‘Immanuel’ which is interpreted “ God with us”. God is with you and He is ever present in your life. There has been no point in the Human history that God has ever left His people. For too long in history we have been taught and told how Jesus Christs looks like. Today we have a picture of a white Jesus everywhere. Even though some may argue that having a white picture of Jesus does not matter, it is from an individual perspective I have decided to correct such ignorance.

The picture of the white Jesus has been used to perpetuate the idea that God is for the white people and not for the black nation. History has it that the ‘some’ white European colonial masters and the Christian missionaries has taught people to believe that God is closer and loves the white folks more than the black counterpart, hence it is with this idea that biblical texts were often misquoted to the blacks in order to render their obedience to their masters and continue to be oppressed as blacks. The image of the white Jesus not only remind one about the effect of colonialism in Africa, but also speaks to us about the violation of the second commandment which says that ‘’ thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in earth beneath, or that is in water under the earth’’. God detests the idea of people making an image of Him. So should we as He instructed us.

For many years a wrong image of who Jesus Christ (God) in the minds of many Africans remains to be obliterated through the effect of European ‘misguided’ Christian education. Today, in the Christian fraternity we have black people holding Bibles in their hands who have a wrong misconception of God and they continue to perpetuate and replicate the ideas of European ‘misguided’ Christianity in the society. Such people go about having the Bible in their hands, blending Christianity with what is coined as ‘spiritual imperialism’. Spiritual imperialism is when people use Bible texts to exploit others who seem not to have any idea about the word of God.

What can be done

Spiritual imperialism was best explained by Desmond Tutu’s quote; “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” This quote reflects the epitome of Christianity in Africa more so In Namibia today. Professed men of God are going about abusing, miss-using, exploiting the resources of those who are at the receiving end of their gospel. I say it is ‘their’ gospel because Jesus Christ whom they claim to emulate in one instance fed more than 5000 hungry people, but the men of God today are the ones being fed by more than 5000 hungry poor church members. The professed men of God are feeding and devouring on the substance of the flock. Professed men of God ‘spiritual imperialists’ of today are getting richer and the church members are getting poorer. You may ask is there a problem with church members giving their substance to men of God? There is nothing wrong with giving, but there is everything wrong when a man of God instructs church members to give all they have in order to earn salvation. ‘Salvation is for free, therefore we do not need to pay to be saved’, said Martin Luther when He broke away from Roman Catholic papacy. Roman Catholic papacy made people to pay for the sins they committed and the sins they intended to commit in Advance. The liberating knowledge that Martin Luther possessed came from the pages of the Bible. If Africans would but read their Bibles, like Martin Luther did, they will but calm their desires of doing bad things in the name of Christianity and decolonize themselves from European Christianity. It is time Africans read the Bible for themselves and echo the words of Martin Luther ‘Sola scriptura”, the Bible and the Bible alone!

* Daniel Lusianu is currently serving as a the faculty representative of Education at the University of Namibia. He believes in sensitizing the youth to make well-thought out decisions.

#KidsTakeOver is not just a hashtag

#KidsTakeOver is not just a hashtag#KidsTakeOver is not just a hashtag Gottlieb Hamukoshi, Age: 18

We are the future, and as time moves forward, the future becomes the present, and eventually the past. We cannot keep on waiting for unfulfilled promises to be realised. Therefore, we need to be included in decision-making and be ready to take over.

In 1989, the United Nations declared 20 November as World Children’s Day. It is a platform that children can use to express themselves on our significance for political, social and economic sustainability.

All around the world we have intelligent children of different cultures and religions who are innovative, assertive and focused. But many children’s rights are violated, and only a few are privileged. If all the children are given equal opportunities, I believe the present and the future will be prosperous.

Our leaders have forgotten the importance of unity. They have become rivals and forgot that they have a nation to lead. Just like genes, these clashes between leaders can be inherited by our generation. I however strongly believe that my generation is aware of the benefits of working together despite of our differences in religion, culture, class and sexual orientation. We are a generation that has learned from history, and we know the importance of valuing each other and what we have.

I was given the opportunity to work with my peers from different countries. I learned that children can accept each other in tremendous ways. We were able to settle and put our differences aside. Everyone was eager to know about the other’s culture; we were connected.

We may be children, but we have leadership abilities. We lead at school, manage resources, and assist one another if someone does not understand a particular subject. Children initiate projects that are in the best interest of the child and thus society, such as environmental health, debate and science clubs. They support their peers who struggle with low self-esteem, and are the voice of those who can’t speak for themselves.

Article 13 of the child-friendly UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states: Children have the right to find out things and share whatever with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms others.

On World Children’s Day we demand that children are given the opportunity to take part in discussions that are about us. We say: Nothing about us, without us. No matter what our circumstances may be, we have the right to be.

Those who can’t write should be taught how. Those who can’t read should learn how. Those who love far from schools, should be provided with transport and we need to build more schools. We want to be taught in our own languages too. We are loosing our culture and heritage because the focus is on learning about the west, and not how we can be best just as we are.

#KidsTakeOver is just the beginning of us children saying that we too have a voice; we too have intelligent minds; we too have the ability to decide for ourselves what is in our best interest. I do understand that many adults will find it difficult to accept that, but we can and will prove you wrong. We are tired of being called “future leaders”. If we do not lead in the present, there will no future to lead.

Teenagers and social media

Teenagers and social mediaTeenagers and social media Monica Amukugo, age 15 & Olivia Shaanika, age 16

Social media has become one of the most powerful platforms to spread information. It was created in order for people to communicate and interact with one other no matter where they are in the world.

Unfortunately, many teenagers misinterpret the concept of social media. It appears the majority understand it to be all about showing off. Social media engagement has become focused on gaining followers, likes and views. It has also become a platform for teenagers to cyber-bully one another, which can leave the victim vulnerable to depression. Sometimes teenagers develop a low self-esteem when they do not get the same number of likes compared to their peers. The more likes and followers you have on social media, the cooler you are perceived to be.

Research suggests that a negative online experience on social media may affect the emotional wellbeing of a teenager. Studies also show that the use of multiple social media platforms is strongly associated with depression and anxiety. Teenagers have a tendency of setting standards for one another on social media, and when they do not reach these standards, they demoralise one another.

Parents and guardians are blocked from accessing their children’s accounts; this makes it even easier for child predators to target vulnerable children and expose them to negative and harmful experiences.

Social media can portray a ‘perfect life’, creating an image that does not tell the story of how it was achieved. This can lead to children having unrealistic expectations.

Social media has a lot positives for children too though, many have found inspiration on these spaces. Teens find comfort in times of sadness because the internet is full of people in the same situation.

Several social media networks have age restrictions, which are not adhered to sometimes. Children who join such sites, may be a target for cyber bullies and catfishing. Also, when they lie about their age, it exposes them to information that is not age appropriate.

All the hours spent reading from a device can also have an effect on our health. Studies show that one can develop eyesight and lower to mid-back problems.

In an online report, Tim Lordan of the Internet Education Foundation notes that parents have to get involved to protect their children’s safety online.

“Just as they know every detail of the playground around the corner, the jungle gym, the swings, they need to know their kids' online playground as well."

He says parents should set and discuss the rules for online activities, and be clear about the consequences for breaking them. Parents should also ensure that children fully understand the consequences of revealing their personal information online. For example, never share your name, phone number, e-mail address, password, postal address, school, or picture with strangers. Children should also never respond to hurtful or disturbing messages, nor meet strangers they met online, in an offline space.

Namibian children who live in urban areas have better access to the internet than our peers who live in rural areas. We should not abuse our privilege. Let’s rather work to ensure other children also have access to the internet and use our power to empower them.

Shot of the Day

Shot of the DayShot of the Day HORSEPOWER: The 13-year-old Elrico Swartz from Kwakwas, a settlement west of Rehoboth, with his horse Brown. Swartz said he wants to be a professional horse rider when he grows up. He spends every possible moment riding. PHOTO: JEMIMA BEUKES

Respect will of the people

Respect will of the peopleRespect will of the people We have been following the unfolding drama in neighbouring Zimbabwe with keen interest over the past few days.

Many of our readers have also been confined to their tellies in anticipation of the big moment. Despite getting the sack from his political home, Zanu-PF, Robert Mugabe is technically still the president of Zimbabwe even though there are international reports indicating that he has agreed to the terms of his resignation, which includes full immunity for himself and his wife Grace.

According to a CNN report, another condition is that the Mugabes would keep their private properties. What is certain, however, is that Mugabe's power is waning and it is only a matter of time before his 37-year reign is brought to an abrupt end. Africa is home to many of those long-serving leaders who have, in one way or another, sought to manipulate their country's constitutions for a chance at eternal presidency.

These leaders are mostly driven by an insatiable lust for power and material gain. Many of them prefer to live lavishly with little disregard for the poor and this is exactly what is happening in Zimbabwe.

The myriad of protests in Harare and other cities at the weekend is a confirmation that people are gatvol with the Mugabe-led administration, which has presided over a number of human rights abuses. It has in the past resorted to intimidation, harassment, imprisonment and torture in the hope of silencing political dissent. For far too long people of Zimbabwe have been patient with the 93-year-old's rule despite experiences of untold suffering.

It is sad that Zimbabwe has been reduced into a personal fiefdom of the first family who have been getting away with almost everything.

The reality is that no amount of bootlicking will save the economic turmoil the country finds itself in. Mugabe should step down peacefully to guard against the collapse of this wonderful country. The will of the people must be respected. In fact this is a wonderful opportunity for the people of Zimbabwe to determine their own destiny, to own it and be the masters of their own future.

A focus on our children

A focus on our children A focus on our children Despite progress, 180 million children face bleaker prospects than their parents – UNICEF We recognised the challenges that still remain; the obstacles that are making many children especially from vulnerable households to remain behind, to be invisible, not have their rights realised and become equal citizens in their country of birth. We need to address these," UNICEF Representative to Namibia, Rachel Odede ber marks the day that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC; United Nations 1989) was formally adopted by the UN General Assembly. This day is now called the World Children’s Day and is used to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare.

World Children’s Day is a day ‘for children, by children’, when children from around the world will be taking over key roles in media, politics, business, sport and entertainment to express their concerns about what global leaders should be focusing on, and to voice support for the millions of their peers who are facing a less hopeful future.

Namibia celebrated the day in Swakopmund with about 30 girls and boys age 12-18, from various local schools. Using various social media tools, children communicated issues affecting them, and delivered a Namibian World Children’s Day Declaration to the UNICEF Representative and the Mayor of Swakopmund. The children also participated and presented Radio and TV media programmes and wrote articles for newspapers.

“The children gathered here today are a generation of Namibian children born protected by the Convention on the Rights of a Child,” said the Mayor of Swakopmund, Her Worship Paulina Ndahafa Nashilundo. “It is thus our duty to implement this convention by including them and listening to what they say.”

In Namibia, government reports indicates that thirty four percent (34%) of children live in poverty compared to 29% of the general population (2012 Child Poverty Report). Poverty can be seen in the high levels of stunting and malnutrition. Stunting affects 24% of children under 5 in Namibia.

“Namibia has made many strides in addressing the rights of children, and we applaud the Government for that,” said UNICEF Representative to Namibia, Rachel Odede. “At the same time we recognised the challenges that still remain; the obstacles that are making many children especially from vulnerable households to remain behind, to be invisible, not have their rights realised and become equal citizens in their country of birth. We need to address these.”

Despite global progress, 1 in 12 children worldwide live in countries where their prospects today are worse than those of their parents, according to a UNICEF analysis conducted for World Children’s Day.

According to the analysis, 180 million children live in 37 countries where they are more likely to live in extreme poverty, be out of school, or be killed by violent death than children living in those countries were 20 years ago.

“While the last generation has seen vast, unprecedented gains in living standards for most of the world's children, the fact that a forgotten minority of children have been excluded from this – through no fault of their own or those of their families – is a travesty” said Laurence Chandy, UNICEF Director of Data, Research and Policy in New York.

Assessing children’s prospects in escaping extreme poverty, getting a basic education and avoiding violent deaths, the UNICEF analysis reveals that:

- The share of people living on less than $1.90 a day has increased in 14 countries, including Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This increase is mostly due to unrest, conflicts or poor governance.

- Primary school enrolment has declined in 21 countries, including Syria and Tanzania, due to such factors as financial crises, rapid population growth and the impact of conflicts.

- Violent deaths among children below the age of 19 have increased in seven countries: Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen – all countries experiencing major conflicts.

Toyota's refreshed Land Cruiser Prado driven

Toyota's refreshed Land Cruiser Prado drivenToyota's refreshed Land Cruiser Prado drivenOne icon takes on another Taking on Sani Pass in ­complete comfort and style. “If you're going to take on the highest mountain pass in South Africa, you're going to want a vehicle that's capable, comfortable and able to conquer any terrain,' writes Janine van der Post as she drives Toyota's enhanced Land Cruiser Prado.” Janine Van der Post Janine Van der Post - The Sani Pass has a rich heritage and remains the highest and most iconic pass in South Africa.

David Alexander was the first person to ride along the pass on horseback in 1946-47 and claimed that “if the bridle path was fixed up a bit, they could get a Jeep up there”. In 1948, Gerald Edmonds, a former RAF Spitfire pilot was the first person to ever drive the notorious Sani Pass, two years before the Pass itself was built sometime in 1950.

He and Brian Gray, of course, had some help from the Basothos who often trekked the pass using animals such as mules, oxen, donkeys, horses and Basotho ponies, this according to author Patrick Coyne.

Tackling the pass should be on the bucket list of any traveller, especially those who love 4x4s. I was given the opportunity to take on the iconic mountain route behind the wheel of the refreshed Toyota Land Cruiser.

While the Pass is supposedly a strictly 4x4 route, we spotted some fully-packed Toyota Hiace minibus vans coming down the road from the Lesotho border. Not to mention a driver in a fancy Mercedes pre-generation C-Class.

If you're unfamiliar with Sani Pass, statistically it out distances the next longest pass by 300m at about 9km long, out climbs at 2876m above sea level, and out performs all its closet competitors when its comes to the toughest gravel mountain passes in the country.

I had made sure I had packed my asthma pump, just in case my chest pulled tight due to the high altitude and bad winds. After all, it gets so chilly up there at the Lesotho border that snow is known to fall as late as October.

To aid our journey Toyota debuted its refreshed Land Cruiser Prado. Still in its fourth-generation, the Prado has been given some exterior ­enhancements such as the new, lower bonnet to improve visibility, new headlights and redesigned double C-shaped rear lights, all with daytime running lights.

And what better vehicle to drive through the epic trip than in the most luxurious, yet hardcore off-roader of them all.

I was a bit nervous, I have heard horror tails of the infamous pass, yet it wasn't half as bad as what I expected it to be.

Yes at times there was no room for error with sharp hairpin bends but for the most part, the climb was relatively uncomplicated. There are no walls, no railings, and no run-off ground.

And that's most probably why the Prado has a utility rep of 65-years. The upgraded vehicle, we drove the new VX-L top grade, is so loaded with 4x4 technology and has great seating positions, that it's easily the most comfortable SUV on the market.

Posh Perseverance

When we first set off on our journey, the range was reading about 1200km on the tank. We drove almost 600km over two days and by the time we arrived back at the airport at the end of the launch, there was still half a tank left, if not more.

The Prado has a 150-litre fuel tank and on long roadtrips and ventures out in the bush in remote areas, this makes for one less thing to worry about.

The Prado retains the the 3.0-litre D-4D engine, good for 120 kW/400 Nm available between 1600-2800 rpm. It's mated to a five-speed automatic transmission with gear ratios optimized for low-speed tractability and off-road use while the 4.0-litre petrol unit is mated to a six-speed automatic transmission. Maximum power is 202 kW at 5600 rpm, with peak torque of 381 Nm at 4400 rpm.

Features such as the multi-terrain system is imperative for a gigantic climb with various terrains. The MTS button, as it is known, is situated on the centre console, along with the crawl system button and also a 'second start' button.

Punch the MTS button and you can choose one of five different settings such as mud & sand, loose rock, mogul, rock & dirt and rock - when you literally have to climb over huge boulders with the vehicle. This system is operated by a centrally mounted rotary knob which allows the driver to select the correct mode depending on the 'road' ahead, on the fly.

My absolute favrouite by far, is the crawl function. When you push this button, the vehicle practically drives itself and all you have to do is focus on steering. Turn the same central dial for the MTS while using the crawl function and it then allows you to control the 'crawl' speed for five different settings. Goodies such as these allow even the most novice 4x4 driver feel like an old-hand.

Changing from 4H to 4L is simple too, albeit you can't do it on the fly, you just have to get the vehicle into neutral, turn the dial, and off you go.

Since we needed to proceed slower and needed much more torque to climb along the pass, 4 Low is crucial. What's also really neat is that whilst going up the pass, the Prado's monitor system automatically comes up on screen and displays the camera underneath the vehicle to show you if there are any mean rocks you should avoid. It also allows the driver to see which way the tyres are facing and the direction you're going in.

There's also another button on the console called 'second start' and although we didn't need it, I was intrigued. Toyota's SUV product manager Ben Pillay explained that this button was for sticky situations. For instance, when a vehicle is stuck in mud or a tough spot, when starting the vehicle and trying to pull away, there's so much traction that the tyres often spin. With the 'second start' it enables the vehicle to try and pull away in the next gear, allowing the vehicle to get out.

More safety features

The automaker says its VX-L grade versions of the new 2017 Prado are equipped with Toyota Safety Sense active technologies to help prevent accidents from happening, or mitigating the consequences if an impact does occur.

The package includes a Pre-Collision System (PCS) with pedestrian detection function, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane Departure Alert (LDA) and Automatic High Beam (AHB). The Adaptive Cruise Control system uses radar sensors in the front grille to monitor the distance to the vehicle in front and applies corrective action via both throttle and brake inputs to maintain a specified 'gap'.

Driver assistance systems include: Blind Spot Monitor with Rear Cross Traffic Alert (both VX and VX-L) and an upgraded tyre pressure warning system – with digital read out in the multi-information display.

There are seven standand airbags along with brake and stability control systems such as ABS, EBD, Brake Assist, VSC, Trailer Sway Control and aforementioned Traction Control.

And when you not on the Sani Pass...

I can't stress enough just how incredibly comfortable the Prado is, whether you're driving, riding shotgun, or a passenger at back. With that said, it isn't the kind of car you'd want to chuck around in a corner. It's high centre of gravity causes some bodyroll and the car just feels better at a steady pace.

We were caught in some rather morbid weather in Durban, including heavy rains and the thickest fog which made seeing anything in front of you almost impossible at times. And of course there are loads of trucks along the way through Pietermaritzburg en route to Sani Pass too. Because of the sheer size of the Land Cruiser, overtaking is not something you'd do with confidence, torque takes a while to kick and often left us stuck in crawling traffic for several kilometres.

There really isn't anything to complain about, except that power figures remain unchanged and it would have been lovely if there could have been an increase with all the refreshed upgrades. We also searched all over the place for a second USB port and were absolutely disappointed that there's only one in such a premium vehicle. That and the fact that there's no electronic park brake but still a manual lever.

One thing is certain, if I am ever blessed to travel up the Sani Pass again, it would have to be in a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. – Wheels24

Nahas: Swapo under attack

Nahas: Swapo under attackNahas: Swapo under attack Team Swapo candidate for the Swapo Party presidency Nahas Angula says he is ready to serve the party as it is under siege from those given the mandate to lead it.

Speaking at his team's rally at Rundu on Saturday, Angula said there are deliberate efforts being made to weaken the ruling Swapo Party and eventually to destroy it.

“The evidence [is] there and they are many. Let me just cite a few. A political party stands for certain ideals and values and perspectives which drive society to achieve certain goals,” he said.

According to Angula, the first thing the current leadership did was to weaken the party's political values and ideologies which have caused people to have no political direction.

This, he said, was the first attack on the party.

The second attack, he said, was the attempt to alienate the party from its traditional support base.

“I am speaking here about the workers, the youth, peasants, students and women who have been the pillars of the party,” he said.

The third attack, Angula pointed out, was the unprocedural expulsion of the militant youth of the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) whom he said have been replaced by 'yes-men and yes-young-women'.

In 2014, the party's top leadership suspended former SPYL secretary general, Elijah Ngurare and Affirmative Repositioning movement members Job Amupanda, George Kambala and Dimbulukeni Nauyoma from all party activities.

The trio cleared land which they named 'Erf number 2014' in Windhoek's affluent Kleine Kuppe suburb, citing high rental prices in town and nepotism in the municipality as reasons for their actions.

The rally, which was held at the regional Swapo Party office, was attended by more than 500 people, including Swapo members from the Hardap Region.

Those in attendance included former ministers such as Richard Kamwi, Lempy Lucas, Rosalia Nghidinwa, Isak Katali, Moses Amweelo, Peter Ilonga and Ngarikutuke Tjiriange.

It was also attended by Fumu Erwin Munika Mbambo of the Hambukushu Traditional Authority and Hompa Alfons Kaundu of the Mbunza Traditional Authority as well as business personalities like Desmond Amunyela and Vaino Nghipondoka.


Man, 51, kills over woman

Man, 51, kills over womanMan, 51, kills over womanWeekend darkened by violent crime The Namibian police dealt with several rapes, murders and at least three violent robberies over the weekend. This weekend was marred by murders, armed robberies and rapes, which included two men in their 50s squabbling over the same woman which lead to the stabbing and death of one.

According to the police, a 51-year-old man was arrested on Saturday night after he stabbed a 50-year-old man in the chest.

Ndeumona Naukala died on the spot.

The incident occurred at Uufuleta cuca shop in the Oshipumbu village outside Ongwediva.

The suspect apparently believed the deceased was dating his girlfriend.

At Ongwediva in the Ondilinawa village a police sergeant was seriously injured by a 52-year-old suspect.

According to reports, the officer was hit on the head by the suspect when making the arrest.

The police say the suspect was being arrested on a murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm charge which occurred at a cuca shop at Uufuleta, Oshipumbu-Shomugongo village.

He was arrested, but admitted at Oshakati State Hospital as he is reported to be cognitively disabled.

Two rapes were also reported over the weekend.

On Saturday at Okadhila near the Oshigambo area in the Oshikoto Region, it is alleged that a 19-year-old man sneaked into the bedroom of a 10-year-old girl while she was sleeping, and raped her.

The suspect and the victim are cousins who live in the same house. The suspect was arrested.

In Rehoboth at about 18:45 on Saturday at Block E a 45-year- old man was arrested for raping a 72-year-old cognitively disabled woman in the bush.

In a separate incident, a 72-year-old man was seriously injured when four armed men broke into his house in Windhoek.

According to the police, four suspects broke into a house in Ludwigsdworf on Saturday night.

They allegedly jumped over a fence and opened a sliding door and entered the house.

One of the suspects was armed with a pistol.

According to the police, the suspects beat the 72-year-old man and his son with iron objects on their heads.

The son managed to fire three warning shots and the burglars did not manage to steal anything, said the police.

No arrest is made yet and police investigations continue.

In another armed robbery incident on Saturday in Ludwigsdorf suspects entered a house and the owners were held at gunpoint.

The suspects stole a laptop, TV, cellphones, tablets and cash.

All stolen items are worth N$165 600.

Armed robbers also struck in the mountains behind Eros where video equipment to the value of N$400 000 was stolen.

It is alleged that two victims were attacked by six robbers while they were busy filming a music video for Endemic Productions.

The suspects were wearing balaclavas and were armed with knives. When the victims resisted co-operating, one male victim was beaten and hit with a large stone.

He suffered a fractured jaw. Yesterday, two suspects were arrested and all the stolen equipment was recovered. Investigations are ongoing.

Another robbery was also reported in Usakos on Saturday in which a 61-year-old woman was tied up by three suspects at her home and forced to provide her bank card and ATM pin number to the robbers.

According to the police, the three men entered the woman's yard while she was outside preparing food for her dog, grabbed her and tied her up with rope.

The suspects demanded the woman's bank card and pin number, her car keys as well as her cellphone.

They proceeded to kidnap her and drove around with her and went to an ATM to withdraw about N$2 000 from her account. After that they parked the vehicle and told her to drive home.

The woman stays alone and was unharmed.

The total value of stolen items is estimated to be N$10 000.

Thus far, there have been no arrests and no recovery of the stolen items.


Wie is #BeFree se ambassadeur?

Wie is #BeFree se ambassadeur? Wie is #BeFree se ambassadeur? Prokureur-drome Bertha Tobias is tans ’n graad 11-leerling aan die Hoërskool Delta in Windhoek, waar sy as hoofmeisie aangewys is. Sy is doelgerig en passievol oor sosiale verandering. BeFree-ambassadeur gekies?

Ek is op 9 Oktober deur #BeFree oor my ambassadeurskap gekontak. Ek dink ek is gekies omdat ek myself aangebied het met die suiwer begeerte om te dien en as 'n middel gebruik te word om 'n impak op die jeug te hê. Ek het altyd na #BeFree-geleenthede gegaan om meer te leer en sonder om iets terug te verwag. Ek het die verandering gesien wat #BeFree vir my en die mense rondom my moontlik gemaak het.

2. Waaroor gaan #BeFree?

#BeFree is 'n beweging. Dit is hoe sosiale verandering moet lyk. Hulle gaan van streek tot streek met die fokus op streekspesifieke sake soos tienerswangerskappe, dwelmmisbruik en vele meer. Leerlinge praat oor kwessies wat relevant tot die jeug in die spesifieke streek is. Die oorsprong van die konsep is die kantoor van die presidentsvrou, me. Monica Geingos.

#BeFree is 'n beweging vir die jeug deur die jeug. Dit behels eerlike dialoog tussen die jeug en volwassenes. #BeFree bemagtig verskillende dele van die gemeenskap sodat almal saam kan werk en in wese 'n funksionele post-konflik gemeenskap kan hê. Dit gee die jeug ’n platform om hulself uit te druk.

3. Wat is die grootste uitdagings wat vandag se jeug ervaar?

Dit is 'n baie moeilike vraag omdat ek glo probleme is subjektief. In die algemeen is daar 'n gebrek aan vertroue onder my geslag: ’n gebrek aan vertroue in die jeug en ’n gebrek aan die selfvertroue om te praat oor dinge wat hulle pla. Met die gebrek aan selfvertroue word jy maklik geboelie in dinge in wat teen jou beginsels en waardes is. Daar is ook 'n gebrek aan rigting en mentorskap in hierdie geslag jongmense en dit is waar probleme soos dwelmmisbruik en tienerswangerskappe posvat.

4. Hoe betrokke is die jeug en wat is hul houding teenoor hierdie kwessie?

Ons gewoontes en houdings gaan ons maak of breek. Hulle sal ons bepalende faktore in die toekoms wees. Die betrokkenheid van die jeug is meestal afhanklik van hul mobilisering. Die #BeFree-jeug is relatief betrokke in die gemeenskap. Hulle wil betrokke wees. Hulle moet net die geleenthede kry om betrokke te kan wees.

5. Watter raad het jy vir die jeug oor dwelm- en alkoholmisbruik?

Jy loop niks mis as jy dit nie probeer nie. 'n Mens moet verstaan dat jy meer werd is as die onsmaaklike beloftes van hierdie wêreld. Jy moet lewe soos iemand wat te veel potensiaal het om dinge ligtelik op te neem. Die jeug moet hul volle potensiaal ontdek om hul situasies te verander om 'n beter lewe vir hulself te skep. Jy het te veel potensiaal om te mors.

Company news in brief

Company news in briefCompany news in brief Pioneer Food FY profit halves following drought

South Africa's Pioneer Food Group reported a 49% drop in full-year profit due to high maize prices during the first part of the year following a severe drought.

Diluted and adjusted headline earnings per share (HEPS) fell to 415 cents for the year ended Sept. 30, from 820 cents in the same period last year.

Pioneer, which uses maize is many of its food products, said its earnings were impacted by the constrained trading conditions and an unfavourable procurement position for the staple crop until May 2017 following the drought. – Nampa/Reuters

Dividend bonanza in Asia

Dividend payouts by Asia's biggest companies are poised for their biggest increase in six years as profits surge and pressure grows on firms to be more generous with their shareholders.

Across Asia, dividend payouts in 2017 are expected to grow by 12% year-on-year, a Reuters analysis showed, marking the largest increase in payouts since 2011.

MSCI's Asia ex-Japan index has risen about 30% this year and is at its highest since 2007. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand have forward dividend yields in excess of 3%, much higher than United States' 1.9%. Asia's average yield stood at 2.4%. – Nampa/Reuters

Volkswagen to invest billions in core brand

Volkswagen will invest 22.8 billion euros (US$26.9 billion) in its main car brand over the next five years.

Most of that sum, around 14 billion euros, will be spent in Germany. One of the key measures included a 1 billion euro injection to transform the carmaker's Zwickau plant into a pure e-mobility facility.

Analysts see reviving the VW brand, which has long suffered from high staff and development costs, as crucial to the group's ability to recover from a diesel emissions scandal that has gripped the carmaker. – Nampa/Reuters

Toshiba to issue US$5.3 bn in shares

Embattled Japanese conglomerate Toshiba plans to raise US$5.3 billion by issuing new shares, a move aimed at avoiding a humiliating delisting from the Tokyo bouse.

The number of new shares is roughly half the number of currently listed shares.

Toshiba is on the ropes after the disastrous acquisition of US nuclear energy firm Westinghouse, which racked up billions of dollars in losses before being placed under bankruptcy protection.

The Tokyo-based conglomerate logged a net loss of US$436 million for the April-September fiscal first half. – Nampa/AFP

Alibaba goes offline with stake in China's top grocer

Internet giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd said it would invest HK$22.4 billion (US$2.87 billion) for a major stake in China's top hypermart operator, Sun Art Retail Group Ltd, part of a wider push into offline retail.

Alibaba has invested upwards of $9.3 billion in brick-and-mortar stores since 2015. It has launched many un-staffed concept shops in the past year, including grocery and coffee stores.

The US$474 billion firm is taking more risks to secure offline, rural and overseas buyers as China's urban e-commerce market shows signs of saturating, including purchasing extensive infrastructure which it had previously avoided. – Nampa/Reuters

Markers will be paid - Steenkamp

Markers will be paid - SteenkampMarkers will be paid - Steenkamp The education ministry says payments to examination markers are an ongoing process and the final payment to 217 of the markers was made on Friday.

According to the ministry's permanent secretary, Sanet Steenkamp, the hullaballoo over payment is unwarranted.

Speaking to Namibian Sun on Sunday, she said: “Currently there are claims for 45 Entrepreneurship, 12 Oshikwanyama and 69 Oshindonga markers for final verification and approval with the Directorate of Finance of the ministry.

“These payments will be made on Monday by the finance ministry and will reflect as from Tuesday (today), depending on the banking institution where the account is held,” she said.

Steenkamp added that the National Examination and Assessment Directorate was processing 125 claims for English and Physical Science markers, who reported for duty on Friday, 17 November.

On Friday, markers threatened to go on strike in protest against the delayed payments.

The secretary-general of the Namibia National Teachers Union (Nantu), Basilius Haingura, confirmed that teachers were unhappy and “exposed to starvation”.

He added that these teachers were unable to pay for their accommodation and transport to the marking venue.

“But the PS promised that they would be paid on Monday. Most of the teachers have been paid but some not. So we will see what happens on Monday and then we will decide the way forward,” said Haingura.

According to him about 3 000 teachers took part in the marking of examination papers.


Namibia wants regional Green Climate Fund

Namibia wants regional Green Climate FundNamibia wants regional Green Climate Fund Namibia is ready to host the African Regional Hub of the Green Climate Fund in order to further enhance direct access for African countries to build capacity within the region.

This is according to environment minister Pohamba Shifeta who was speaking at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany last week.

According to him, the fund should increase its visibility in developing countries, more especially in Africa, the most vulnerable continent to the adverse impacts of climate change.

Shifeta said that the Green Climate Fund (GCF) should continue streamlining processes in order to ensure the speedy approval of readiness support and projects proposals from developing countries. He said the GCF should provide financial resources without any prejudice and should avoid discriminatory classifications of developing countries as part of eligibility criteria for funding projects.

“We will not subscribe to the notion of loans for adaptation projects. This is against the principles and provisions of the Convention and should be discouraged at all costs.”

According to Shifeta, Namibia has continuously emphasised its vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

He said Namibia is dependent on the natural resources such as agriculture and fisheries, both of which are prone to the adverse impacts of climate. The country continues to bear the effects of frequent droughts, which rob our people from their livelihoods, and floods, that dismantle our infrastructures, said Shifeta.

“Science warns us that time is not on our side, hence a call for urgency in accelerating the level of mitigation and adaptation ambitions, including the provision of the means of implementation particularly of finance.”

“We call on developed countries to review their respective nationally determined contributions (NDC) in order to jointly increase their level of mitigation ambition that can bridge the emission gap in the pursuit to achieve the agreed temperature goal of well below the 2 degrees Celsius.”

Shifeta said adaption remains a key priority for Namibia and other developing states. Namibia strongly supports an adaptation goal that is linked to the mitigation goal.

“We support the UN Environment's Emission Gap Report that estimates that developing countries would require about US$ 300 billion by 2030 in order to adapt to climate change.”

Furthermore he said it must be noted that the implementation of the Namibia's NDC is conditioned to the provision of 90% of the financial resources from developed countries.

Shifeta added that COP23 will decide to allow the Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement.

He said the Adaptation Fund has played a catalytic role in building climate resilience in many developing countries and it has so far built strong reputation in direct access on climate finance and investments.

“Therefore, we cannot afford to lose this very important fund.”

According to him with a strong political will great strides can be made in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

“Let us not be frightened by those who are running away from the responsibility to address climate change. If we unite, as people of the universe, we will always emerge victorious even in the absence of those sneaking out of the Paris Agreement.”

Meanwhile, the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia has signed another agreement worth N$4.3 million with the Green Climate Fund in Bonn. The Namibia Integrated Landscape Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Environmental Governance to Eradicate Poverty will be funded through this grant and will be implemented over a period of five years.


19 000 applicant refugees approved

19 000 applicant refugees approved19 000 applicant refugees approvedSecond round for prisoners and those in hospital coming In a bid to create a database, the refugees repatriated to Namibia in 1989 have registered and 19 000 have been approved to date. The committee of the Namibian Refugees Repatriated in 1989 (NRR) has approved 19 000 applicants during their mass registration period which took place between June and September this year.

The mass registration was aimed at registering all the Namibian refugees countrywide that were repatriated in 1989 and enable an online database to be created for the sake of reference.

The chairperson of the Namibian Refugees Repatriated 1989, Ueshitile Shekupe, who was speaking at the media briefing in Windhoek on Friday, said the database will include information on the number of female, male and orphaned refugees in each region and the year they went into exile, and for how long.

“We want the data to stay forever and for the new generation to know the people who have been in exile. We don't want our history to just vanish like that,” he said.

Shekupe said that more applications will soon be approved upon verification of some pending issues and a second round of registration will be announced, to include the 111 refugees that are in prisons countrywide, those in hospitals and those who could not make it to the registration points during the first round of registration.

He said during the registration period they discovered that after 28 years of independence, disabled war victims are still traumatised and live without proper access to important facilities.

Shekupe explained that current conditions of the orphans, born within and outside the country by refugees, were more severe as they had no specific family to look after them.

The committee further called for intervention of the United Nations as the institution responsible for their repatriation. They are, however, still waiting on the audited report they requested for, in a petition they submitted to the UN, in November last year.

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