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Junior mountain bike team selected

Junior mountain bike team selectedJunior mountain bike team selected The 2017 FNB Schools' Mountain Bike final was held at Hollard Bike Park last Sunday.

Seventy children aged between six and 18 took part in the event.

The team selected to attend the Spur Schools' Mountain Bike final event in South Africa on 7 and 8 October consists of Marcel Holtz, Alex Miller, Hofmeyer van Blerk, Nicolaas Swart, Hugo Hahn, Dieter Koen, Justin Vosloo, Bergran Jensen, Cindy Rowland, Monique du Plessis and Mayvonne Swart.

Gordon Pokolo, sponsorship manager at FNB Namibia, said the FNB Namibian Schools' Mountain Bike League was held for the sixth consecutive year and had grown from a small group of dedicated cyclists to about 70 children per event.

“We have been part of this event since the beginning because we see the value of the sport, especially among the youth,” he said.

Pokolo added that FNB Namibia, through the FNB Namibia Foundation Trust, had spent more than N$1 million annually on sport development over the years in codes such as tennis, table tennis, rugby, soccer, netball and equestrian sport.

“This remains a priority, especially when looking after the health and well-being of young Namibians,” he added.

The Namibian league is open to all schoolchildren under the age of 18. The league consists of five race events. Riders collect points for both participation and race positions. These league points determine the category winners.


Should young children own cell phones?

Should young children own cell phones?Should young children own cell phones? Could your child's cell phone make them more vulnerable to cyberbullying? The experts weigh in.

Smartphones are everywhere and even the youngest member of the family can own one. But think twice about gifting your young child with the latest cell phone on the market.

Cyberbullying starts early, and eight- and nine-year-olds with cell phones are especially vulnerable, new research finds. Statistics show that social media, which is easily accessible on most cell phones, is the most common medium for cyberbullying.

“Parents often cite the benefits of giving their child a cell phone, but our research suggests that giving young children these devices may have unforeseen risks as well,” said study researcher Elizabeth Englander, a professor of psychology at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts.

Englander and her colleagues surveyed nearly 4 600 students in third, fourth and fifth grades between 2014 and 2016.

Overall, about 10% said they'd been victims of a cyberbully. However, younger students with phones were much more likely to report electronic abuse, the study showed.

Cell phones also increased the students' odds of becoming cyberbullies themselves. This was true in all three grades, the study found.

The researchers found that older kids were most likely to have phones – about six in 10 students. But half of fourth graders and about 40% of third graders had them as well.

Having a phone gives kids more opportunity to engage positively and negatively with their peers through social media and texting, the researchers explained. This constant access ups the likelihood that students will send or receive impulsive texts or messages.

The study authors cautioned parents to consider the potential downside of providing a cell phone to a child not yet in primary school.

“At the very least, parents can engage in discussions and education with their child about the responsibilities inherent in owning a mobile device, and the general rules for communicating in the social sphere,” Englander said in a news release from the American Academy of Paediatrics.

Always be mindful of the effects of cyberbullying and act when you think your child might be a target.


These are not just bad PMS

These are not just bad PMSThese are not just bad PMSFive types of period cramps that could signal a serious problem We all think that cramps during our menstrual cycle are normal but, there are tell-tale types of pains and cramps that could indicate something worse. Cramps suck. But they're nothing if not consistent. That's why it can be so alarming when your cramps suddenly feel different. Maybe what was once tolerably painful is now incapacitating. Or the stabby feeling you're used to continues even after your flow is over.

Or you're bleeding more – way more. Whatever the shift is, the fact that something has changed is a red flag you shouldn't ignore, says Dr Alyssa Dweck, gynae in Mount Kisco, New York and author of V Is for Vagina. If you notice any kind of change, don't blow it off. Let this guide give you insight into what your cramps are trying to tell you.

You could have: uterine fibroids. These benign growths stem from inside or outside the muscular uterine wall.

What causes them is unclear, but fibroids are super common, especially in women in their thirties and forties. The actual pain you feel, which Dweck describes as “off the charts”, can be triggered by inflammation or simply the fibroid itself pressing against your uterus.

What to do: Check in with your gynae and tell her your symptoms, recommends Dweck. She'll likely run some scans, which can identify if you have a fibroid and better determine whether you should have it removed. That will depend on many factors, including where it's located and how big it is (these buggers can be as small as a button or as large as a grapefruit). In the meantime, since fibroids are sensitive to oestrogen, getting a prescription for birth control pills can help dial back the pain.

Low-grade constant pain

You could have: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a serious infection of the uterus, ovaries, and/or fallopian tubes. An untreated STD such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea, both of which often have no symptoms, typically causes PID.

“It's kind of an indolent pain, and it's not usually sharp or stabbing, but it's not comfortable,” says Dweck. And when you get your period and your usual cramps get going, the pain from PID will feel even worse.

What to do: Make an appointment with your gynae pronto. While PID is not usually an emergency, says Dweck, your doc will want to test you to find out the exact cause and get you on antibiotics ASAP. The infection is totally curable, but if left untreated for too long, scar tissue could form in your reproductive tract and mess with your fertility.

Sharp pain on one side

You could have: an ovarian torsion. An ovarian torsion happens when something (like a cyst) causes your ovary to twist, choking off its own blood flow, says Dweck. “It's a super intense, knock-your-socks-off kind of pain and a real medical emergency,” she says, that could result in loss of function in that ovary.

What to do: Hightail it to the ER. Doctors there will want to do an ultrasound and other scans. If they diagnose torsion, you'll need emergency laparoscopic (a.k.a., minimally invasive) surgery to untwist it. “Sometimes the ovary can be untwisted and saved, however if the ovary looks black or nonviable it would need to be removed,” says Dweck. “Luckily the other ovary will take over with ovulation and oestrogen production if this occurs.”

Painful cramps that meds don't help

You could have: endometriosis, a condition that causes uterine tissue to migrate to other organs such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes, where it adheres. Over time, the runaway tissue can develop into benign cysts. Up to 10% of women are thought to have endometriosis, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists, though it can take years to diagnose because most women assume their killer cramps are normal. “It's the kind of pain that can really interfere with day-to-day activities,” says Dweck. And depending on where it is in your pelvis, it can also make sex painful.

What to do: See your doctor and relay your symptoms. She'll likely schedule you for imaging tests and give you a sense of what your options are. Because endometrial tissue is hormonally sensitive, going on oral contraceptives or other hormonal meds can cut back the pain. But the only way to truly diagnose endometriosis is to undergo laparoscopic surgery, during which your doc may try to remove as much of the tissue as possible. (It can come back, unfortunately.)

Significant cramps post-IUD

You could have: an ill-fitting copper (non-hormonal) IUD. In the first three months after your ob-gyn inserts this tiny T-shaped device into your uterus, some cramping is considered normal as your body adjusts.

What to do: “If this is persistent or new after having had no problem with your IUD, it warrants a follow-up exam and probably an ultrasound to insure good position,” says Dweck. Odds are there isn't anything seriously wrong. But your doctor will check things out and adjust the way it fits.


Oompito dhiilonga 130 000 dha kana

Oompito dhiilonga 130 000 dha kanaOompito dhiilonga 130 000 dha kana Konyala aakwashigwana yaNamibia, ya thika po-129 644 oya kanitha iilonga yawo okutameka omvula yo-2014 omolwa onkalo yoshikukuta nonkalo yopaliko yanayipala moshilongo, pahapu dhomukomeho gwoEconomic Association of Namibiam Klaus Schade.

Pauyelele mboka a gandja kombinga yonkalo yeliko lyoshilongo oshowo onakuyiwa, Schade okwa popi mEtiyali kutya aantu ya thika po-74 074 oya kanitha iilonga yawo moshikondo shuunamapya noonzo dhomomeya, omanga 31 607 oya kanitha mopublic administration, 7 944 moshikondo shopaumwene no 4 390 oshikondo shomalweendo.

Schade okwa popi kutya shoka sha etitha ekanitho enene moshikondo.

Schade okwa popi kutya oshitopolwa shaMusati osha kanitha oompito dhiilonga dha thika po (22 794), sha landulwa koKunene 8 730 , 7 564 Ohangwena nOshikoto 6 919.

Schade okwa popi kutya oshikondo shoostola odha dhengwa unene konkalo yekanitho lyiilonga omolwa omakanitho giilonga moshikondo shomatungo .

Uuyelele mboka owa holola kutya oshikondo shuunamapya osha mono eteyo ewanawa nuumvo ndyoka lya yi pombanda noopresenda 10 omolwa omuloka omuwanawa ngoka gwa dhidhilikwa. Okwa tsikile kutya oshikondo shoomina okwa tegelelwa shi kakale nawa uuna kwa tulwa miilonga egandjo lyomikanda dhokumina, oshowo e yo pombanda lyoondando dhongopolo nozinc. Omina yaHusab okwa tegelelwa yi ka tule pombanda iilonga yawo yemino lyouranium mo-2018.


Omunyekadhi a yelitha olweendo lwofamili

Omunyekadhi a yelitha olweendo lwofamiliOmunyekadhi a yelitha olweendo lwofamiliGeingos a pula esimaneko lyaavali Omunyekadhi gwaNamibia okwa ekelehi omapopyo ga ningwa komapandja gomakwatathano gointernet kutya , ye pamwe nofamili ye oya longitha iimaliwa yoshigwana okuya kefudho koNew York. Omunyekadhi Monica Geingos, okwa yelitha kutya ofamili ye inaya ya pamwe naye koNew York kokatekete kepangelo, ngaashi tashi popiwa.

Opwa holola omapopyo ngoka itaga kolekwa kutya Geingos okwa yi pamwe nomusamane gwe Hage Geingob koNew York, hoka ku na omutumba gwIigwana yaHangana guli metifa, pamwe naavali ye aamwayina naanona.

Momukanda guule womapandja gatatu, ngoka gwa pitithwa mEtitatu, Geingos okwa tindi omapopyo ngoka nokugeekelahi kutya aavali ye inaya ya pamwe naye koNew York Okwa zimine kutya omumwayinakadhona ngoka omushona okwa yi koUS pethimbo lyafaathana ihe okwa yi nolweendo lwopaumwene. Okwa popi kutya omumwayina gumwe naye okuli moUS ihe okwa yi nomugandji gwe gwiilonga pashinyangadhalwa shi na sha nomutumba ngoka gu li metifa ihe inaku longithwa iimaliwa yoshigwana. Geingos okwa popi kutya omwamati naye okuli moUS ihe olweendo lwe olwa futwa paumwene.

Okwa popi kutya okwa pula omwana a ye pamwe opo ya vule okukala pamwe molwaashoka olundji okuli koskola na ihaya mono ethimbo lyokukala pamwe.

Omunyekadhi okwa nyana onkalo yokukwatelamo oofamili dhaantu momapopyo gaahena uukwashili, na pula esimaneko lyonkalamwenyo yopaumwene oshowo aavali yaantu. Geingos ngoka a holola kepandja lye lyoTwitter kutya oku na uumbangi wuumbaapila womafutilo golweendo lwofamili ye ndjoka, okwa popi kutya okwa pyakudhukwa okuulika omafutilo ngoka ngele osha pumbiwa.

“Otashi ehameke okumona aavali yandje taya kwatelwa miinima yoludhi ndoka. Ngele aavali yandje oyali ya futilwa olweendo nefudho okuya koUS kepangelo nena shoka oshi li oshinakugwanithwa shoshokundaneki kehe. Aavali yandje kaye li moNew York naatoolinkundana mboka ya uvithwako kuNatasha Tibinyane kutya aavali yandje oye li moNew York, oya fundjwa.”

Omapopyo ngoka oga holola konima sho, Omukomeho gwoMedia Institute of Southern Africa (Misa) Natasha Tibinyane a pula opo a pewe omayamukulo kuGeingos oshowo kombelewa yomupresidende.

Shoka osha landula ethano lyomumwayinakadhona gwaGeingos, ndyoka a tula koTwitter taa popi kutya ota tyapula ongulohi moshilando shaNew York.

“Ngele ope na ethimbo ndyoka twa pumbwa okulonga pauyuuki nuutolinkundana woshili, nena ethimbo ndyoka olya thikana molwaashoka omapandja yomakwatathano gopainternet oga ninga omahala gokulongela iimbuluma yokutota omitoto nokulundila aantu. Onda pandula kutya aatoolinkundana mboka ya kambadhala okukonga uuyelele kungame oye shi ningi nesimaneko sho momahokololo moka mwa tulwa aakuluntu naanona, ihe oshi li ooshoka kutya, omapulo gawo oga holoka po sha landula iipopiwa niinima yokomapandja gomakwatathano gopainternet,” Geingos a yamukula.


Lufthansa chief eyes up to 78 Air Berlin planes

Lufthansa chief eyes up to 78 Air Berlin planesLufthansa chief eyes up to 78 Air Berlin planes The chief of Germany's largest airline, Lufthansa, has said he hopes to buy up to 78 planes from bankrupt Air Berlin, dismissing fears the insolvency would grant him a near-monopoly over the skies.

Top priority was “stabilising” the status of some 38 aircraft Lufthansa already “wet-leases” - including their crews - from the smaller firm, Lufthansa chief Carsten Spohr told journalists in Frankfurt on Wednesday evening.

“Wet-leasing” refers to airlines leasing aircraft from each other rather than a leasing company.

On top of that, “we want to grow by 20 to 40 more planes” for low-cost subsidiary Eurowings, either by “organic” growth or through acquisitions from Air Berlin, he said.

The airline believes that would be the maximum number competition authorities are prepared to accept.

“We expect Air Berlin to exit the market” rather than be revived whole as hoped for by some interested investors, Spohr added.

Germany's second largest carrier, Air Berlin, declared bankruptcy in August after major shareholder Etihad Airways cut off a cash lifeline, and has been kept flying by an emergency loan from the German government.

After bidding closed last week, Air Berlin creditors were set to meet yesterday to discuss the offers, while the board will make its final decision on the company's future on Monday.

Spohr dismissed arguments from competitors, including pugnacious Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary, that allowing Lufthansa to gobble up parts of its competitor would create an all-conquering “monster” in the German market.

Even if Lufthansa were to buy all of Air Berlin, “that's still less than what one airline has in Ireland. So much for the idea of a 'monster',” Spohr said in a swipe at the Ryanair boss.

“We're confident that our plan will get regulatory approval” from competition authorities in Brussels and Berlin, he added.

Looking to the future of the European airline industry, “one of the most fragmented sectors you can imagine”, Spohr expects Lufthansa to play “an active role” in an expected wave of consolidation.

“Air Berlin will not be the last step,” he said.


High power tariffs questioned

High power tariffs questionedHigh power tariffs questionedConsumers blame the government Cenored had its hands full this week to explain to consumers why electricity is so expensive. Residents of Otjiwarongo in the Otjozondjupa Region have called on the government to revisit its policies and laws regulating electricity tariffs.

The Central North Regional Electricity Distributor (Cenored) increased its electricity tariffs by more than 6% on 1 July.

Cenored distributes electricity to Omaheke, Otjozondjupa, Kunene, and parts of the Oshikoto Region.

One resident, Kutandauka Kakuva (57), said in an interview with Nampa that the government was to blame for annual increases in the cost of electricity.

“It is our government's fault by making decisions affecting us with these annual increases of electricity prices,” he said.

Kakuva said electricity for household use was already unaffordable to many people, whether employed or unemployed.

Eveline Byl (27), from the Telecom informal settlement, suggested it was time for the government to start subsidising domestic electricity costs.

“Why increase it on yearly basis, and put a heavy burden on consumers who are already unemployed and suffering?” Byl asked.

Jacobs Nakanyala (32), from the DRC informal settlement, complained about the cost of living.

“Electricity prices are high, water charges are high, price of bread is high, unemployment in the country is also high, everything is expensive. What will happen to our children ten years from now?” he asked.

Nakanyala urged decision-makers to redesign appropriate policies in favour of the public.

Cenored spokesperson Ekonia Mudjanima said at a public meeting at Otjiwarongo on Wednesday that Namibians should not expect electricity prices to drop.

He said electricity tariffs would continue to increase until Namibia started generating enough power for local use and a surplus for exporting to other countries.

“We import electricity on the terms of the suppliers, therefore, to be frank, electricity is not going to go down soon,” said Mudjanima.

He explained that Namibia imports bulk electricity from South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique.

NamPower resells this electricity to regional electricity distributors such as Cenored, Erongo Red and Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (Nored), among others.

Mudjanima said electricity was usually bought in foreign currency, making it even more expensive.

He said consumers were also required by law to pay levies on each electricity unit they buy to the National Energy Fund (NEF), Electricity Control Board, (ECB) and the local authority councils holding shares in the electricity distributors.

Mudjanina said electricity is not subsidised by the government, therefore, it will remain expensive.


Celebrating heritage with food

Celebrating heritage with foodCelebrating heritage with food As part of National Heritage Week, the Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) has planned a food market featuring Namibian and other African cuisine for this evening.

The Heritage Food Market is scheduled to take place between 16:00 and 21:00, FNCC communications officer Alexandrine Guinot said.

Traditional African food samples will be on display for the general public during the event.

“Food is recognised around the world as a way of preserving culture and celebrating heritage, as well as having the power of bringing people together and this event is meant to do just that,” the invitation said.

Traditional Namibian food, some West African specialties, as well as Namibian arts and crafts will be displayed at the event.

The evening will also include live music and dances.

National Heritage Week in Namibia is celebrated from 16 to 22 September to celebrate heritage in the country.


It… is here

It… is hereIt… is herePennywise and not pound foolish Possibly one of the most anticipated horrors this year, and a remake of Stephen King's horror clown story It, the reviews are out. Check out the remake of Stephen King's classic story of an evil clown Pennywise at the movies on the big screen.

What it's about:

When children begin to disappear in the town of Derry, Maine, a group of young kids are faced with their biggest fears when they square off against an evil clown named Pennywise, whose history of murder and violence dates back for centuries.

What we thought:

“I understand the value of humour as a means of reaching the character, of establishing an emotional connection with the character. I think it's all about that, you know, engaging the audience with the characters and their journey and making them care for the characters, because if you don't care for the characters you don't care for the movie.”

This is what director Andy Muschietti said to me during an interview in Madrid about the remake of Stephen King's It. And as I think back to that conversation, it all rings so true.

While It is probably one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, it's also one that will warm your heart and that will connect you to the characters in such an intense way that you'll feel as if you're right there with them. You're rooting for them when they get bullied, when they are scared out of their minds and when they have to face the evil that is Pennywise. You're there, cheering them on, wanting them to win, winning with them.

It's like Stephen King says about the film, “to me it's all about the character. If you like the characters, you care, and then the scares generally work”.

And yes, the scares do work, believe me, they work very well!

A special mention needs to go to Bill Skarsgård who portrays Pennywise. He really makes the character his own, and while keeping true to King's description of It in the book, he also brings a whole new dimension to the character. He will haunt your nightmares long after you've watched the film. That drooling, open-mouthed, skew-eyed look will be imprinted in your mind.

While Pennywise is quite the star of the film, the cast of kids who play The Losers Club are truly amazing too. They have all revealed in interviews that they connected instantly when they met for the first time and while prepping for the film, and it truly shows. Stand out performances include the sweet new kid Ben Hanscom played by Jeremy Ray Taylor; the only female in the group Beverly Marsh, played by Sophia Lillis and Jack Dylan Grazer, who's very convincing as the neurotic germophobe Eddie Kaspbrak.

While many Stephen King fans have questioned the changes made to the film, such as excluding the explicit orgy scene or moving the time-frame to the 80s, it all works well and stays true to the spirit of the book.

From costume to editing to overall feel, It is a truly horrific masterpiece that will make you laugh and cry, but most of all, it will scare the crap out of you.


Auntie Nangy

Auntie NangyAuntie Nangy HIV+ and I want to marry

Dear Auntie Nangy, I have a 50-year-old boyfriend but I am HIV positive. I am not married but I want to get married now. What can I do now?

There are issues that you did not disclose that would help me to advise you. For instance, does your boyfriend know that you are HIV positive? Is he married? Firstly, I would like to tell you that your status does not prevent you from getting married. There many couples in happy unions and are discordant partners. By this, I mean couples where one partner is HIV positive and the other is not. If you have not told your partner that you are HIV positive, I urge you to tell him now so that he can decide whether he wants to continue in a relationship with you or not. You may face a problem of your partner seeing you as dishonest for not having told him that you are HIV positive. If you have been having unprotected sex, then you may have infected your partner if he did not already have it. You did not tell me for how long you have been in a sexual relationship with this man. The best way to get a man to marry you is to join a support group for HIV positive people. I am certain you will find someone who is also positive like you and who is lonely and looking for someone to marry. It does not mean when you are HIV positive you are a romance scrapper or an outcast. I know a lot of important and influential people who are married and enjoying life better than couples who are not HIV positive. With so many awareness campaigns that have been rolled out by non-governmental organisations and Ministry of Health, stigmatisation of HIV positive people has drastically gone done if not no-existent now. I wish you the best. To be HIV positive is just a status and not a stutter.

I’m fat and don’t like it

Dear Aunty Nangy, I am 16 years and I am a fatty bum-bum but I want to lose weight. What can I do? Please help me.

At your age it is not a surprise that you have grown fat. I say so with conviction because at that age biologically known as the age of puberty, teens get ravaged by hormonal changes taking place in their bodies as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Girls from the age of eight to 13 experience rapid weight gain and this continues for two to four years and this weight gain is a healthy weight gain. According to experts, girls who do not gain weight during this period may face health challenges later in life. When the brain instructs the body to release the female hormone estrogen, this hormone, with others make the body to grow bigger in readiness to make babies. It makes room for fuller thighs, breasts, stomach and wider hips. It means that you should worry too much about weight gain at this age because it is necessary biological process. Just don’t over-indulge in fatty foods and stay away from the Tura sizzling fat cakes and other fattening foods.

My ex-teacher indecently assaults me

Dear Auntie Nangy, I have a problem please help me with the best solution. I am very good friends with my former teacher’s wife who is older than me and I have great respect for her. What is bothering me now is my former teacher is always making sexual advances and I have resisted several of his attempts to sleep with me. Sometimes he just pitches up at my place and when he gets inside he grabs me and kisses me. I don’t want to hurt his wife by telling her. How do I keep this lustful man away?

I think you must tell your teacher sternly that he is sexually abusing you and do not like it and that you are going to tell his wife. I feel he is taking advantage of the fact that you are good friends with his wife and knows that it is difficult for you to tell his wife. Do not allow this man to come into your house because I see him as a very cunning man who one day will rape you. That is the problem with rape. Many rape victims are raped by people known to them and you are a spectacular rape prospect. Unless you take a tough stance against this man, you will become a victim one day and regret having taken a soft stance. Be a woman of principles and if he continues with his sexual advances report him to the police and his wife.

Love hurts

Dear Auntie Nangy

I am in love with a girl but I don’t think she even knows I exist. How do I get her attention? We are both 15.

Nothing worth having comes easy and remember love is hard work. Love is about visibility and making yourself visible. For her to know you are burning with love for her you must show her. It is the small things that can draw a girl to you. Show her that you like her by complimenting her smile, the way she dresses, and write her love notes and I call this – the labour of love. Remember you may not be the only one attracted to her so you have to ward off competitors by putting your best foot forward and be the most appealing. You have to kick a cloud of love dust and no doubt she will notice you.

Homosexual and fear rejection

Dear Aunty Nangy

I think I am attracted to someone who is the same sex as me. My family will not approve of homosexuality and I believe I am homosexual. How do I really know and what am I going to do?

You find yourself in a very difficult situation and one that many in your position are facing today. The issue of homosexuality is complex globally and the reason why its recognition is now being advanced by lobby groups to change people’s mind sets. If is a challenge nationally and globally, you have to understand the complexity of acceptance by your family. It is very difficult to understand how the next person feels unless you wear his shoes and walk a thousand miles with them. In life we are faced with situations where we have to make to make personal choices and your situation is one that demands that. Such decisions come with a cost and unfortunately if you decide to go against the family current, you have to face the consequences. It is even more difficult if you are living with your parents. To minimise the emotional trauma your parents may suffer, I suggest that you go far from them, even find a partner across borders where you can find yourself some with the same sex orientation and enjoy life away from the sceptics and critics of your gender orientation.

The lowdown on SZA

The lowdown on SZAThe lowdown on SZAIs she single or is she dating or what? SZA's privacy is driving some fans crazy and they are desperate to know if she is seeing someone – or eyeing someone or not. With the release of her new album over the summer, interest in SZA continues to build about the talented singer/songwriter. While she keeps a relatively low profile about her dating life, many fans are curious and asking, is SZA single? Details are few, but let's take a closer look at SZA and see if we can piece together some clues.

During a June 2017 interview with The Breakfast Club, SZA talked about her new album Ctrl, but also dug in a little bit about some past relationships. During the interview, SZA discussed her song 'The Weekend,' which addresses a guy having a sidechick. The lyrics include:

You say you got a girl

How you want me?

How you want me when you got a girl?

The feelin' is wreckless

Of knowin' it's selfish

Knowin' I'm desperate

Gettin' all in your love

Fallin' all over love, like

Do it 'til it hurts less

It's worth pointing out that SZA isn't going to straight up reveal much about her dating history, as she explained: “I never really talked about relationships in a direct way. I used to be very metaphorical, very figurative, and also just kind of scared to talk about the way I felt in a literal way.”

She added: “All these relationships I'm talking about are over.”

The singer further explained, “This album is like a release. Over the last four years, I haven't just been doing music. I've been burying friends, burying family members, burying weight, the way I feel about myself, the way I feel about the world… God, the way I process information. I've just been growing as a human being and I didn't even realise that I was kind of in a box. I was missing a lot of world going on. Singing from my perspective of the world, I felt trapped in myself and around my friends, and around guys. I couldn't explain it. It was weird. I felt very invisible around very many people.”

When asked if she's dating anyone now, SZA stumbled over her answer, saying, “Huh?” and giggling, followed by “Um, um…”

She continued, “I feel like right now, I'm in a space where I've never been before in my life and I don't know anything about myself, so I'm learning about myself, and honestly I think I was in a lot of these unhealthy relationships because I didn't have enough self-love built up and I fixed the way I felt about myself so these situations didn't happen to me anymore.” She added, “you can't be scared to be lonely.”

SZA later revealed that she now talks to her mom about men, which she didn't used to do, noting that her mom wants her to be “patient and be loving and understanding, but not take any sh*t.” She noted, however, that she doesn't really discuss guys with her friends and instead they “hangout and have fun.” She added, “I kinda just keep those thoughts to myself.”

In an interview with Complex magazine, SZA explained how she's more open on her new album, saying: “My life has just been falling the f*ck apart. I buried, like, three ex-boyfriends, my granny died, I buried someone two days ago… I'm devastated by the state of the world and the hatred. Some days I feel militant and vengeful. Some days I feel defeated and I actually cry because I just don't understand. Then you start getting biblical, like, 'Why is this happening to my people?' Then you go through, 'It's never going to change, so might as well just go with the flow.' And then you go through, 'No. I'm not asking anymore. I'm going to make it change'.”

With a featured guest appearance by Isaiah Rashad on the track 'Pretty Little Birds', fans do have some theories about SZA and Rashad, including: 'Is SZA's whole Ctrl album about Isaiah Rashad????' and, 'y'all don't understand how much I love SZA and Isaiah Rashad together like I need them to do a whole album together'. Another fan voiced how devastated they would be to find out SZA is dating: 'When SZA starts openly dating somebody I'm probably gonna take it the hardest'.


Gospel artists must change

Gospel artists must changeGospel artists must change Gospel artist Rodney Seibeb says that gospel artists in the country must reinvent themselves in order to appeal to a wider audience.

The musician says that people have fallen out of love with most gospel artists because they cannot relate to the music anymore. “The traditional gospel sound is dying out and we as gospel artists need to look for creative ways to appeal to our fans and potential gospel listeners. Gospel music should be the most popular music genre in the country but it is not and I do not understand why,” he said. He says that those who do gospel music can still rejuvenate their brands and music and still remain loyal to the word of God. “Just because we are gospel artists does not mean that our music should be considered boring or that we need to be serious and not relatable. As gospel artists we are afraid of coming out and commercialising our music and we fear aligning ourselves with secular artists,” said Seibeb.

The gospel singer says more gospel artists need to work with secular artists and should not shy away from engaging with them. “Gospel artists need to work with other artists and not look down on them. We are all humans at the end of the day and we should not judge others. Working with others will also contribute to the growth of our genre. If a kwaito artist wants to work with you, if it is possible, you should do it,” said Seibeb.

He argues that the foundations of gospel music are derived from love and unity and he says he hopes this will lead to more artists working with each other. “The message in gospel music is love. As gospel artists we should not think we are better than other artists. We need to love them and work together because that is the right thing to do,” said the artist. He said in order for gospel artists to reach more people and appear more relatable they need to change the perception that people have about those who do gospel music. “We are also normal artists, we do not go around thinking people are sinners. Gospel artists love everyone and we do not think we are above everyone else. Gospel music can have a positive impact on people's lives,” expressed the singer.

His desire to spread more love and to get more gospel artists to work together has let him to release his new single titled Sadu /Nami which in English means Your Love. On the slow and mellow song, Seibeb sings praises to the Almighty for all the blessings he has received. The song produced by Steven !Naruseb is unlike the traditional sounding gospel song as Seibeb smoothly sings to the tune of a Kizomba beat.

The artist says he is working on his new album that will be dropping later this year and says his album will sound very different from what is currently on the market. “My album will drop at the end of October and my fans should expect the best from me. My producer and I have been working on great music which all people will appreciate,” he said.


Let's take it to the top

Let's take it to the topLet's take it to the topRiky Rick signs with Black Coffee Riky Rick has a new label under Black Coffee's Soulistic Music but, according to the deal announced yesterday, he can still distribute his records via Sony Music or any other label. Six months after announcing his decision to leave Mabala Noise, rapper Riky Rick has signed with Black Coffee's record label and management company Soulistic Music.

Under the deal, which was announced on Thursday morning, Soulistic Music will handle all of Riky's business affairs including endorsements, sponsorships, marketing and brand relations.

Riky said he believed the deal would see him break new boundaries and push his brand to the next level.

“It's great to broaden my brand with people that I look up to and respect. I'm looking forward to breaking new boundaries with the team,” Riky said in a statement.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Soulistic Music business affairs manager, Amaru da Costa revealed that he had a long relationship with Riky and felt now was the right time for Riky to take the next step in his career under the guidance of Soulistic Music.

“Riky and I have had a relationship for the longest time. Before he was so popular, I assisted him in building industry relations. It is time for us to take his brand to the next level,” he said.

The news comes just days after Riky announced that he teamed up with Sony Music for a music distribution deal.

Amaru said that Riky would still release music as an independent artist and in partnership with other labels.

The label's founder Black Coffee praised Riky's decision to join the stable.

“It's amazing to see our stable grow with an artist such as Riky Rick who is in the forefront of South African Music and culture, he is pushing boundaries in such inspiring ways and to him I say…. 'let's take it to the top!',” he said.

Well known for his extravagant lifestyle and lyrics to match, the Sidlokutini rapper has revealed that he sees himself as a “music snob” and that his music isn't really a true reflection of the man behind Riky Rick.

Featured in an international United Kingdom publication, Pause magazine, the rapper explained his love for music and his inspiration.

He also explained why he's yet to release his favourite song, saying it is because he understands the “difference” between his job and “what he likes”.

“I'm a music snob in some way. I know the difference between my job and what I like, you know? The music that I listen to is probably like the complete polar opposite of who I am as Riky Rick, you know?” he said.

The rapper, whose distinctive fashion and rap style has seen him win a lot of fans over, explained to the mag that the man behind the artist had different preferences of music.

“It's much more chilled. I listen to very slow music. Like right now the only thing I'm listening to is Sampha. That's like my rotation for like the past three months,” he said.

Riky's music is usually fast tempo and even though he is able to feature on slow trap rap songs, the rapper is famous for his turn-up tracks. Songs like Sidlokutini, Boss Zonke and Nafukwa have become party anthems in SA and have received general acclaim.

The rapper's lyrics often range from his life experiences to his aspirations.

He has also recently released his new single Buy It Out, where he shares his love for huge international brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada.


Kuisebmond Secondary scoops choir competition

Kuisebmond Secondary scoops choir competitionKuisebmond Secondary scoops choir competition Erongo Region's Kuisebmond Secondary School choir recently walked away as the victorious group for the #Festival's schools choir competition.

Given //Gowaseb, who was responsible for getting the Kuisebmond Secondary School ready for the festival, says the choir was well prepared and that they had chosen only the best learners from their school to take part in the school choir competitions. “For every position in the choir we made sure that we took the best learners to perform. We also made sure that we chose the right songs to sing and I believe that is the reason why we were the most successful choir at the end of the day,” said //Gowaseb.

He says that the event was well organised and that he and his choir enjoyed the experience at the #Festival. “The set-up of the stage and the lighting was good. You could tell it was a well-organised event and the audience was also very responsive. We will be back again next year,” he said. He says his choir's will to win and their determination was part of the reason they came out on top. “We prepared well for this event. There was uniformity amongst our singers and our conductor was also great. We all worked well together,” said //Gowaseb.

Four schools participated in the choir competition. Kuisebmond Secondary School walked away with N$3 000 for their school and each of their nine members received N$300. Their school also won N$50 000 worth of advertising in all the publications in the Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) stable, namely Namibian Sun newspaper, Republikein and Allgemeine Zeitung. The runner up for the competition was Centaurus Secondary School which won N$2 000 for their school and N$300 each for the choir members. The third place was Hage Geingob Secondary School's choir who won N$1 000 for their school and N$100 each for the choir members.

Shona Ngava

Paul da Prince is in da house

Paul da Prince is in da housePaul da Prince is in da houseThe movie house to be exact Opting for something totally new and different, Paul da Prince is dropping his new video on the big screen, the really big silver screen. Paul Munanjala, who is well known in the entertainment industry as Paul da Prince, is readying himself to launch his new music video at the Ster Kinekor cinema at The Grove Mall in Windhoek.

The musician and the brand ambassador of Ster Kinekor says he did not want to have a conventional launch for the debut of his new music video and wanted to challenge himself, as well as look for a creative way to reveal his new music video. This is why he opted for a cinema to drop his next video. “I feel that every time I release new music it is always a big thing and nothing is bigger than the big screen that is why I am dropping my music there. This song is something that people will enjoy,” said the singer.

The artist hopes the launch of his the video for his song 'Slow motion' alongside KP Illest will benefit the whole entertainment industry and says it might open up the industry to a lot more corporate companies who can invest in the industry.

“We can do more things through a launch like this but I am also trying to encourage other artists not just to upload links of their new video on social media but to be more creative. This is also a great way to let your fans meet you and get to interact with you,” shared Munanjala.

Paul da Prince says that the launch of his new video will be before the premiere of the Kingsmen: The Golden Circle and says there will be a party with live DJs to entertain the people who will be at the showcasing of the new video. “It is going to be a great party with live DJs and just a nice time for people to enjoy themselves before the video and movie are launched locally,” he said.

The song with KP Illest is a playful and fun song fitting for the summer. Paul da Prince and KP Illest sing about a sensual and captivating woman they couldn't help but fall in love with because of the way she dances. The song features amusing vocals from Paul da Prince and a punchy verse from the rapper. The upbeat song has a Caribbean feel and will have many on the dance floor as soon as they hear it.

The singer says the music video is completely different from his previous videos and believes his fans will enjoy it. The video will be launched on Friday next week, 29 September, at The Grove Mall's Ster Kinekor cinema in Windhoek.

Shona Ngava

Marchers demand Haiti's president step down

Marchers demand Haiti's president step downMarchers demand Haiti's president step down Thousands took to the streets of Haiti's capital Wednesday to demand President Jovenel Moise step down following the publication of a national budget viewed as unfavorable to the country's poor.

“We do not agree with what Jovenel does: he is crushing the country,” said Jean-David Senat, among a throng of demonstrators stretching down a main avenue.

“He said he would put money in our pockets, he did not. He said he would put food on our plates; we do not even have dirt to eat. So he and this team of thieves must leave,” the protester said, referring to the president's campaign slogans.

Since it was released in July, opposition lawmakers have decried the budget for fiscal year 2017-2018, saying it would balloon the debt of the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

On Tuesday, protesters brought parts of Port-au-Prince to a standstill, setting vehicles alight and damaging local businesses.

Protesters directed their anger toward senators who voted for the 2017-2018 budget last week and the deputies who approved it Saturday.

Despite popular opposition, the government published the document in the official gazette late Tuesday.

The lack of dialog has infuriated demonstrators.

That the president “published the budget is a provocation to the Haitian people and to us the political leaders,” said Moise Jean-Charles, an opposition leader who spearheaded the demonstration.

“The people will decide his fate,” he said.

“An alternative is being prepared,” Jean-Charles said. “This time we take our fate in our hands.”

“No one will be able to divert our movement to satisfy the bourgeoisie.”

The Haitian leader left the country Sunday to attend the UN General Assembly in New York and was due to deliver his speech yesterday and return to Haiti the following day.


Iran defends nuclear deal

Iran defends nuclear dealIran defends nuclear dealWarns Trump to respect it Iran's president ridiculed US President Donald Trump at the United Nations on Wednesday as an “ignorant” novice in world affairs. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani insisted Wednesday his country has complied with the nuclear accord it signed with six world powers, and warned “rogue newcomer” Donald Trump that the United States faces isolation if he tears it up.

Addressing the UN General Assembly one day after the US president appeared on the same podium to launch a blistering attack on both Iran and on the 2015 accord, Rouhani warned the fate of the deal cannot be decided by “one or two countries.”

“It will be a great pity if this agreement were to be destroyed by rogue newcomers to the world of politics. The world will have lost a great opportunity,” Rouhani told the world body.

“By violating its international commitments, the new US administration only destroys its own credibility and undermines international confidence in negotiating with it or accepting its word or promise.”

But, outside the assembly chamber, there were signs that America's allies - while still opposed to abandoning the accord - may be prepared to countenance additions to it to appease Trump's concerns and save the agreement.

France's President Emmanuel Macron repeated his support of a deal that European capitals firmly believe remains the best way to prevent Tehran's Islamist regime from developing a nuclear weapon.

But he admitted “we have to add two or three pillars.”

These measures should include “one to better control ballistic missiles and ballistic activities” and another to prolong the agreement beyond 2025, when limits on Iran's nuclear enrichment will start to expire.

A possible third pillar would involve “open discussions with Iran about the current situation in the region.”

Macron's suggestions came in response to the US argument that Iran has broken the spirit of the nuclear deal by continuing to develop ballistic missiles and to fund and train “terrorist” groups around the Middle East.

They would also address what US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calls the “most glaring flaw” in the deal - the so-called “sunset clauses” that will allow Iran to resume uranium enrichment in stages after 2025.

It was not clear whether renewed discussion about extending the deal will be enough to convince Trump to endorse the accord before he is due to report to the US Congress on October 15 to certify Iran's compliance.

Trump told reporters: “I have decided. I'll let you know what the decision is.”

The parties to the 2015 nuclear deal were to meet later in the day, providing a venue for a tense first encounter between Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Tillerson.

The stakes are high. If the US Congress decides to reimpose economic sanctions - despite the concerns of fellow deal signatories Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia - the agreement would likely collapse.

Asked whether Trump would withdraw the United States from the deal, the US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that was a decision for the president alone.

But, in an interview with CBS News, she added: “What I can tell you is that if he does not certify he certainly has grounds to not do that.”

US allies in Europe, along with many of Trump's critics in Washington, fear this could trigger a new Middle East arms race and diplomatic crisis even as the world faces an aggressive nuclear-armed Pyongyang.

Assembly delegates are still reeling from Trump's threat to “totally destroy” North Korea, and if America is blamed for tanking the Iran deal, Trump may find it hard to cajole Kim Jong-Un into a diplomatic solution.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogerhini met US Vice President Mike Pence late Tuesday and argued that the deal is working and that Iran has been found to be living up to its commitments by nuclear watchdog the IAEA.

“Iran is delivering on its commitments,” Mogerhini told Pence, according to her office. “It is therefore important that a full and effective implementation of the deal, in all its parts and by all parties, continues.”

Trump did not hold back in his own General Assembly address on Tuesday, sending his clearest signal yet that he intends to torpedo the agreement.

“Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don't think you've heard the last of it - believe me,” he declared.

Several of Trump's advisors, including Tillerson and Haley, have argued that Iran's ballistic missile tests and support for “terrorist” groups around the Middle East breaches the “spirit” of the deal.


Construction wage deadlock

Construction wage deadlockConstruction wage deadlockUnion and federation talks fail The Construction Industries Federation and labour union Manwu, will today hash out strike and lockout rules after wage talks failed. Negotiations to determine the increase of minimum wages and minimum employment conditions for the Namibian construction sector have reached a deadlock and employers' and workers' representatives are set to meet today to discuss further action.

In response to demands received from the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (Manwu), the Construction Industries Federation of Namibia (CIF) says it had engaged its members to receive a mandate to determine the future minimum wage increase and future minimum employment conditions for selected job categories in the construction sector.

According to the consulting general manager of the CIF, Bärbel Kirchner, “As from 1 January 2017, the gazetted minimum wage in the construction sector is N$16.04 per hour, which is the result of two big increases of 10% each, of the minimum wage of N$13.26 in 2014/15, and the minimum wage of N$14.59 in 2016, respectively.”

The CIF says that Manwu has demanded a minimum wage increase of 13% for 2017/18 and a further increase of 13% for 2018/19.

“In addition, demands listed by the union include an increase of minimum employment conditions, which – if agreed – would be new additions to the collective agreement, and would have serious cost implications for the employer. The total of Manwu's initial demands constituted an increase of over 70%. These demands included, inter alia, a housing allowance, a meal allowance, a transport allowance, an extension of the statutory maternity leave of 12 weeks to 14 weeks for the industry and negotiating with Nam-mic for loans for employees.”

According to the federation, with regard to the minimum wage increase, they, representing employers in the construction sector, feel it would be irresponsible to increase the minimum wages during the current economic downturn, in particular as the construction sector is hit the hardest and the entire supply chain is experiencing large-scale retrenchments, and as it is not clear when the economy and specifically the construction sector will revive.

Kirchner explained: “According to research conducted by the CIF in June 2017, 47% of employees in the industry have lost their jobs. The situation is likely to have worsened since then. Yet, despite large-scale retrenchments since September 2016, the CIF, for now, very reluctantly made an offer of an increase of 2.5% of the minimum wage, in response to the outrageous demands of the 13% by Manwu and their very extensive list of demands.

“In fact, since we have commenced with the negotiations, the situation has worsened. We started negotiating in April 2017 when we had made an offer of minimum wage increase of 2.5% for when a new agreement would be promulgated. The situation is far less hopeful now than it was in April. However, in order to honour what already had been agreed and in order to keep negotiating in good faith, we have not retracted that offer. Moreover, it is important to note, any increase would only become relevant once a collective agreement would be promulgated in the government gazette. The industry is also adamant that any agreed increase would not be back-dated.”

Kirchner added that they are disappointed that the construction industry is facing these demands from Manwu which represents workers in the industry.

“Revenues in the industry are extremely low, if not non-existent. Many employers keep their teams employed with the hope of work and projects in the near future. If minimum wages were to increase even further, then many will not be able to continue keeping members of their teams employed.

“It can have devastating effects, especially if you think, that eight dependents will be affected for every job that will be lost. Many SMEs in our sector will also be badly affected.

“It simply must be in everybody's interest to keep as many people employed and not to hike the increase of only a few remaining employees. We must remember, what we are negotiating is the minimum wage increase for the respective categories for semi-skilled and artisans for the entire industry. If we are to concede to the demands of Manwu, it is likely that many workers will lose their jobs.”

The federation says in its view, it is more realistic to agree to demands that are for the larger construction businesses a matter-of-course, such as provision of drinking water and separate toilets for male and female employees, and the promotion of health and safety education for employees.

Other demands of the union further included an extension of shop steward days from currently seven to a total of 10 days, an increase of pension fund contributions, an increase in service allowance and increase in the living away allowance.

The federations says the union's demands were presented on 15 April 2016.

Negotiations had commenced in April 2017, after the CIF had sought a mandate from its members. Three meetings, two in April and one in June, were held and as the two parties were not able to move forward, the union declared a dispute of interest.

Two conciliation meetings were held in September at the office of the labour commissioner and again, a certificate of an unresolved dispute was issued.

Kirchner said that the federation and the union will meet today to negotiate strike or lockout rules in accordance with the Labour Act, 2007; the Code on Good Practice on Industrial Action, 2009; and the Code of Good Practice on Picketing, 2009; which then will guide both parties with regard to further action.


Omankete fish shops for Outapi, Ruacana

Omankete fish shops for Outapi, RuacanaOmankete fish shops for Outapi, Ruacana Fisheries minister Bernhardt Esau inaugurated the Omankete Dual Fish Shops at Outapi and Ruacana in the Omusati Region this week.

Speaking at Outapi, Esau said the government is determined to ensure food security for Namibians, in line with Vision 2030, the Harambee Prosperity Plan and fifth National Development Plan (NDP5).

He said fish in Namibia is not only sufficient and safe, but complements mahangu and other foods to ensure that Namibians consume food that makes them healthy and strong.

With regards to the establishment of the fish shops, Esau noted that the shops create much needed employment.

“These jobs are over and above the current employment in fish vessels and processing factories. Fish shops promote enterprise development, particularly amongst the youth and women in locations where our people live,” the minister stated.

Also speaking at the inauguration was Outapi Mayor Selma Asino, who said Omankete Investments, a private company, is doing a great job in meeting the Government halfway and making fish more accessible.

“Small and medium enterprises for instance will buy in bulk and resell the fish in the villages situated further away,” she said.


Iraq brings all of remaining IS territory under attack

Iraq brings all of remaining IS territory under attackIraq brings all of remaining IS territory under attack Iraq brought all of its territory still held by the Islamic State group under attack yesterday, announcing an assault on the second of two remaining jihadist enclaves.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the attack on the besieged IS pocket around the mainly Sunni Arab northern town of Hawija, began at dawn and predicted it would bring a new victory against the crumbling jihadists.

The enclave, which was bypassed by government forces in their drive north to second city Mosul last year, has been a bastion of insurgency ever since the first year of the US-led occupation in 2003.

After the defeat of IS in Mosul in July and the recapture of adjacent areas, Hawija and neighbouring towns form the last enclave still held by IS apart from a section of the Euphrates Valley downstream from the Iraqi border.

“At the dawn of a new day, we announce the launch of the first stage of the liberation of Hawija, in accordance with our commitment to our people to liberate all Iraqi territory and eradicate Daesh's terrorist groups,” Abadi said, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

“Greetings to all of our forces, who are waging several battles of liberation at the same time and who are winning victory after victory and this will be another, with the help of God,” he said.

An AFP correspondent heard heavy shelling around the IS-held town of Sharqat where Iraqi forces have been massing in recent days.

Hawija earned the nickname of “Kandahar in Iraq” from US-led coalition troops from the early months after the invasion of 2003 for the ferocious resistance it put up similar to that in the Taliban militia's bastion in Afghanistan.

Located west of the ethnically divided Kurdish-held city of Kirkuk, Hawija also lies on a fault line of Arab-Kurdish tensions.

Despite forming part of Kirkuk province, the area is overwhelmingly Sunni Arab and bitterly opposed to Kurdish ambitions to incorporate Kirkuk in their autonomous region in the north.

Preparations for the offensive in Hawija have been overshadowed by an independence referendum that Kurdish leaders plan to hold on Monday in areas including Kirkuk against the wishes of the federal government in Baghdad.

It is the latest in a string of setbacks for IS in Syria and neighbouring Iraq.

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