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Omasipa gAaNamibia ga adhika moompungulilo dhaUS

Omasipa gAaNamibia ga adhika moompungulilo dhaUS Omasipa gAaNamibia ga adhika moompungulilo dhaUS Iipongolo yAaNamibia yane, aakwashigwana yomuhoko gAaNama nAaHereoro oya adhika moongulu dhoompungulilo dhondjokonona yoMuseum of Natural History moNew York.

Kwiikwatelelwa komuleli gwAaHerero, Chief Vekuii Rukoro, okwa popi kutya okwa tseyithilwa onkundana ndjoka komunaveta Kenneth McCallion.

McCallion oye ta kalelepo aakwashigwana yAaNama oshowo AaHerero mboka taya tulilemo Germany oshipotha, omolwa omadhipago ga kiinahenda ngoka ga ningilwa aakwashigwana mboka moomvula dho1904-08.

Momukanda ngoka gwa pitithwa, Rukoro okwa popi kutya iipongolo mbyoka, oyi li oshitopolwa shiigongelwa yopaumwene yOmuprofessa Felix von Luschan, gwOkahandja Battalion.

Okwa popiwa kutya, omuprofessa ngoka okwa landitha iipongolo mbyoka kaailongi yuunamiti oshowo kiiputudhilo yaGermany, nayimwe okwe yi landitha mongulumpungulilo ndjoka yaMuseum of Natural history moNew York City.

Rukoro, okwa popi kutya okwa ningwa omalongekidho opo aakwashigwana yAaNama, nAaherero ya ka tale iipongolo mbyoka muKotomba sho taya yi koompangu.

Okwa popi kutya otaya pula opo iipongolo mbyoka yi kalekwe moUnited States of America popepi noStatute of Liberty oshowo oombonge dhoUnited Nations.

Sha landula omakonaakono ga ningwa opo ku monike kutya openi pwa tulwa iipongolo, yaakwashigwana mboka yaNamibia, osha monika mo oomvula ndatu dha piti kutya iipongolo mbyoka oyi li momaulikilo giiputudhilo yuunamiti.


Itaya vulu iifuta yohiila aniwa

 Itaya  vulu iifuta yohiila aniwa Itaya vulu iifuta yohiila aniwaYa hala okutembudhwamo momatala Aalandithi momatala gaShikango oya popi kutya itaya vulu iifuta yokomwedhi mbyoka haya futu momatala ngoka omape opo ga tungwa, moHelao Nafidi na oya hala okushuna hoka ya kala nale haya landithile. Mayola gwaHelao Nafidi, Eliaser Nghipangelwa okwa gandja omayamukulo, sha landula sho aalandithi momatala moka ya thika po-300 ya ningi eholololadhilaadhilo taya popi kutya kaya uvitile ombili omatala ngoka opo ga patululwa omasiku gapiti.

Konima nkene elelo lyaHelao Nafidi lya totwa po, elelo ndyoka inali mona iifuta yasha okuza kaalandithi mboka ya kala taya landithile mOkatwitwi.

Nghipangelwa okwa popi kutya onkalo ndjoka sho aalandithi mboka ya kala ihaya futu osho sha etitha ya haluke sho ya nongele kutya otaya kala taya futile omatala ngoka.

“Kaya li haya futu sho taya landithile mOkatwitwi. Shika oshikando shawo shotango taya futu ohiila mokulanditha kwawo,” Nghipangelwa a popi.

Mayola okwa tsikile kutya aanangeshefa mboka kaye na uupyakadhi nokufuta ohiila, oomboka ya kala haya futu nale ohiila. Mokati kiitsa mbyoka ya hololwa momukandanyenyeto gwawo , aalanditi mboka oya pula opo ya shunwe komahala gawo ngoka ya kala haya landithile, opo aniwa ya gandje ompito kelelo lyondoolopa li manithe etungo lyomatala ngoka, kiinima yilwe mbyoka inayi manithwa natango.

Elelo olya pumbwa natango okutunga ehala lyomathikameno nomatsilikilo goombesa.

Kombinga yiifuta yohiila mbyoka taya nyenyeta, aalandithi oya popi kutya iifuta aniwa oyi li pombanda na otaye yi vulu.

Oya pula woo ngele omatala ngoka oga nuninwa aanangeshefa mboka ya huma nale nenge oomboka yopetameko, na oya pula ngaaka molwaashoka iifuta oye wete yi li pombanda.

Mayola okwa popi kutya iifuta yohiila ndjoka oyi li pevi noonkondo, molwaashoka oyali nale ya shunwa pevi, okuza pondando yotango ndjoka ya li ya tulwa po kelelo lyondoolopa.

Aalandithi oya nyenyeta woo kutya itaya ningi ongeshefa komatala hoka, omolwa ehala mpoka pwa tungwa omatala, ihe Nghipangelwa okwa popi kutya petameko osho shi na okukala.

Sho a pulwa ngele okuwete kutya aalandithi mboka oya thiminikwa okuninga ehololomadhilaadhilo, omolwa ompumbwe yekwatathano neningo lyoonkundathana pokati kawo nelelo, kombinga yetungo lyomatala, Nghipangelwa okwa popi kutya okwa ningwa oonkundathana naakwashigwana.

Okwa popi kutya ehala mpka pwa tungwa omatala ngoka olya hoglolwa kelelo pamwe naakwashigwana. Aalandithi oya nyenyeta woo kombinga yomeya ngoka haya longitha momatala kutya ohaye ga futile, namayola okwa popi kutya kombinga yoshikumungu shomeya otaya ka ya moonkundathana opo oshikumungu shoka shi kandulwe po.


Uutomeno woondoongi itawu popilwa

Uutomeno woondoongi itawu popilwaUutomeno woondoongi itawu popilwaNamibia na kaleke manga oompangela dhuutomeno woondoongi Ope na omatompelo omawanawa kutya omolwashike iilongo oyindji muuyuni ya tindi nokukutha po ongeshefa yelanditho lyoshipa shondoongi. Ehangano lyopauyuni, olya ningi omapekaapeko kombinga yongeshefa yoshipa shondoongi nokugandja ekunkililo kutya okatomeno koondoongi moNamibia otaka vulu okushuna pevi noonkondo omwaalu gwoondoongi moshilongo, muule woomvula ndatu, nokutula moluhepo aakwashigwana mboka yiikolelela miinamwenyo mbyoka.

Donkey Sanctuary UK, ndjoka ya ningi omakonaakono ngoka oya popi kutya iilongo ya thika po-40, muule woomvula ndatu dha piti owa kunkilile kutya ongeshefa ndjoka otayi vulu okweeta uumaupyakadhi goondando dhoondoongi dhili pombanda nomwaalu gwoondoongi otagu vulu okushuna pevi mbala moNamibia.

Oshiwike shika, Alex Meyers, omukomeho gwooprogramma mo Donkey Sanctuary, ngoka e li moNamibia onga oshitopolwa shaakuthimbinga moonkundathana dhi na sha nokatomeno hoka, okwa popi kutya etulo miilonga lyokatomeno koludhi ndoka otashi vulu okweeta uupyakadhi tawu kalele moshilongo.

Meyers, moonkundathana ndhoka dha ningwa mEtiyali, mOvenduka koNamibia Scientific Society okwa popi kutya oompangela moshilongo opo ku patululwe uutomeno woondoongi uyali odha pumbwa okukalekwa.

Okwa pula Namibia a ninge omakonaakono omanga ina tokola kombinga yoshikumungu shoka.

Moshinyolwa sho'Under the Skin', shoka sha shangwa koDonkey Sanctuary, omushaaashangi yoshinyolwa shoka shoka okwa kunkilile kutya elanditho lyoshipa shondoongi oshi li omalimbililo omanene konkalonawa yiinamwenyo, uundjolowele woshigwana, oshowo onkalo yopaliko nonkalathano nomidhigululwakalo.

Aashangi oya popi kutya miilongo inayi putuka natango moka iinamwenyo mbyoka hayi longithwa naakwashigwana oyiikolelela kiinamwenyo mbyoka oyo taya kala moshiponga unene.

Oyendji oya popi kutya ongeshefa yelanditho lyoshipa shondoongi otayi etitha e yo pombanda meendelelo lyongushu yoondoongi nenge oshipa shawo. MoBurkina Faso, ondando yoondoongi oya yi pombanda meendelelo sho kwa pitikwa elanditho lyiinamwenyo mbyoka, na oya yi pombanda okuza pooN$1 040 mondoongi, okuya pooN$1 900. Shoka osha etitha woo elongo lyiimbuluma yeyako lyoondoongi nedhipago shaaheli pamulandu lyoondoongi.

Ongundu yopamuthigululwakalo tayi ithanwa Donkib Ge cultural group, ndjoka hayi longekidha oshituthi shokomumvo shonyama yondoongi oya pula epangelo li talulule eindilo ndyoka lya ningwa kehangano lyaChina opo li totepo okatomeno koondoongi moNamibia.

Menindjela gwopoloyeka mongundu ndjoka, Abner Xoagub, okwa popi kutya Namibia ke na oondoongi odhindji opo a ninge okatomeno hoka.

Xoagub okwa popi kutya Namibia oku na owala omwaalu omushona gwoondoongi.

Okwa tsikile ko kutya onkalo sho oshilongo kashi na ompango yi li miilonga tayi gamene oondoongi, nena shoka otashi tula moshiponga omwaalu gwoondoongi moshilongo. Okwa gandja oshiholelwa shaChina ngoka omwaalu gwe gwoondoongi moshilongo tagu pumo molwaashoka ka kwali kwa tulwa miilonga omilandu dhi na sha negameno lyiinamwenyo mbyoka.

Okwa tsikile kutya inaku ningwa omakonaakono ngoka taga ulike kutya ondoongi otadhi vulu okutulwa muunafaalama wopangeshefa unene menenevi lyaAfrika lyOmuumbugantu.

Iilongo oyindji yaAfrija oya kutha po ongeshefa yoondoongi miilonga yawo omimvo dha piti, omolwa omatompelo gomaupyakadhi ngoka taga endele pamwe nongeshefa ndjoka. Iilongo mbyoka ongaashi Uganda, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Botswana.

Epangelo lyaNiger omvula ya piti, olya tseyitha ekaleko lyongeshefa ndjoka, sho aanambelewa ya dhimbulula kutya oondoongi dha thika po 80 000 odha landithwa moshilongo moka muule woomwedhi 9 mo-2016, omuyeleka noondoongi 27 000 ndhoka dha landithwa moshilongo oshowo tuu shoka mo-2015. Epangelo olya kunkilile kutya omwaalu gwoondoongi moshilongo moka otagu shuna pevi noonkondo, noondjindikila dhomaalanditho ngoka, odho owala ekandulepo lyomukundu.

MoKenya, aakwashigwana oya yi momapandaanda taya pula epangelo li hulithepo ongeshefa yoludhi ndoka.

Meyers okwa kunkilile kutya ngele ongeshefa ndjoka oya pitikwa, omwaalu gwoondoongi moshilongo otagu shuna pevi noonkondo meendelelo muule woomvula ndatu nokuli.

Omahangano ngoka gaali gaChina, oga holola kutya otaga kala taga tomo oondoongi 70 mesiku, sho oshilongo tashi tengekwa shi na owala oondoongo 160 000. Oompangela otadhi ningwa opo ku patululwe uutomeno mboka, mOutjo nOkahandja.

Omukundu gumwe ngoka gwa hololwa oongoka kutya ehangano lyoFu Hai Trading, ndyoka tali pangele okuninga okatomeno mOutjo, olya holola kutya okatomeno hoka otaka ka kala mumwe nokatomeno konyama yongombe, naashoka okuniwe uutile kutya otashi ka shundula ethano lyaNamibia, momangeshefelo gopondje.


Ontotwaveta yoshikondo shuundjolowele inayi pwa natango

Ontotwaveta yoshikondo shuundjolowele inayi pwa natangoOntotwaveta yoshikondo shuundjolowele inayi pwa natango Ontotwaveta ndjoka tayi pula oondokotola naanambelewa yuundjolowele ya yooloka mboka taya manitha omailongo gawo, opo ya longele Uuminiteli wUundjolowele uule woomvula ntano, otayi endithwa kashona.

Ominista yUundjolowele, Dr Bernard Haufiku okwa popi kutya okwa uvithwa nayi omolwa eendo kashona lyetulo miilonga lyontotwaveta ndjoka okuza koHealth Professions Council Bill.

Okwa popi kutya ontotwaveta ndjoka oya tulwa poshitaafula moKabinete muApilili gwo-2016, na oya tumwa kUuministeli wUuyuuki omvula oyo tuundjoka.

Minista okwa popi kutya Ontotwaveta ndjoka, otayi ka gandja oonkondo opo oondohotola dhomoshilongo naanambelewa mboka ya longele uuministeli tango uule woomvula ndatu, pwahena kutya olye a futu omailongo gawo.

Onkalo ndjoka otayi ka yambulapo omwaalu gwoondohotola naanambelewa yuunamiti moshilongo shoka sha taalela ompumbwe yaaniilonga mboka unene momidhongoloko dhokuushayi.

“Oondohotola otaya vulu okutinda. Itatu vulu okutuma omundohotola moshipangelo shaKongo, molwaashoka otaya vulu okutinda na katu na shoka tatu vulu okuninga. Oyendji oya hala owala okulongela mOvenduka. Omatompelo osho oshikondo sha taalela omikundu omolwa iimaliwa.”

Hahende-ndjai, Sacky Shanghala, okwa koleke kutya okwa yakula ontotwaveta ndjoka.

“Ihe itandi vulu okumu lombwela kutya otandi yi mana uunake, ihe ondiipyakidhila nayo,” Shanghala a popi.

Haufiku okwa gwedha po kutya, oontotwaveta ndhoka odha kwatela moMental Health, Hospital and Health Facility Amendment Bill oshowo Safety Bill.


Haufiku okwa holola uumbanda we kutya aapangi yomoshilongo, mboka taya pingenepo aapangi aazaizai, kaye na ontseyo ya gwana.

Omwedhi gwa piti, uuministeli owa tseyitha kutya otawu hulitha po ekuto miilonga lyaapangi mboka kaye shi AaNamibia, opo ku vule okugandja iilonga kaapangi AaNamibia mboka taya manitha omailongo gawo nuumvo, mwakwatelwa aanashilonga yalwe moshikondo shoka.

Minista okwa popi kutya nonando ongaaka, shoka otashi ningwa molwaashoka inaya hala we AaZimbambwe nenge AaKenya, ihe oguli omukao gwokunkondopeka aakwashigwana moshilongo.

“Ipula nee omumoye a mana eilongo lye e ta galukile moNamibia ihe ita mono iilonga molwaashoka kape na ehala, molwaashoka iilonga oya pewa aakwashigwana yiilongo yilwe. Kashili mondjila. Sho twa pula aaniilonga mboka opo ye tu kwathele moshilongo otwa uvathana kutya otaye ya okukwathela AaNamibia kokoondalaka, omanga AaNamibia taya kondopekwa.”


SA flirting with junk

SA flirting with junkSA flirting with junkMoody's issues warning Attacks on SARB, judiciary might bring SA closer to junk, Moody's Investor Services has warned. Moody's has reiterated its warning that recent attacks on the independence of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and judiciary, if not contained, might move SA closer to a junk investment rating.

Speaking at the Moody's 12th annual sub-Saharan Africa summit on Wednesday, the rating agency's lead sovereign analyst for SA, Zuzana Brixiova, said the country's rating outlook hinges on the strength and independence of the central bank and the judiciary.

“The judiciary and the SARB are already strong institutions. [A downgrade to junk would happen if] the strength and independence of the key institutions notably diminishes,” said Brixiova.

In June, Moody's cut South Africa's sovereign credit ratings to one notch above junk. In specific terms, the country's sovereign credit rating was cut to Baa3 from Baa2.

It also retained the ratings on a “negative” outlook, saying it was concerned about South Africa's economic growth outlook and whether government debt could be stabilised in the current political climate. This raised fears of another downgrade in December.

The key drivers of the downgrade by Moody's include the weakening of South Africa's institutional framework, reduced growth prospects reflecting policy uncertainty and slower progress with structural reforms.

Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has called for changes to the constitution and the SARB's mandate of protecting the currency and keeping inflation in check. This was part of Mkhwebane's remedial action in her Absa-SARB “lifeboat” report which was recently set aside by the court.

Brixiova said the independence and strength of the SARB were being tested, but the central bank's mandate “has been performing well for economic stability”.

Moody's sees the attacks on the central bank as part of the political noise, which may “distract government” from its economic and fiscal framework reforms.

South Africa's judiciary has been accused of judicial overreach in its wide court judgments on government mismanagement of state funds and public policy formations that are not in line with the constitution. A key example of this is the recently announced Mining Charter.

Moody's indicated that its concerns about the domestic economy were mounting. Its main fears were that the government could increase public spending in response to poverty and unemployment, which could complicate government's fiscal consolidation plans and state reform commitments ahead of the national elections in 2019.

A slowdown in fiscal consolidation as a result of increased social spending would impact business confidence and limit the prospects of long-term economic growth, said Brixiova.

She said the rating agency was concerned about the country's unemployment rate and poverty trends, which might burden the fiscus. Already, government's contingent liabilities and debt has doubled since 2008, which continues to erode fiscal strength.

“However, the pace of debt accumulation by the government has slowed, which is good for contingent liabilities,” said Brixiova.

Moody's also warned that ANC government's “radical economic transformation” policy focus, land expropriation, preferential procurement and other forms of affirmative action could deter investment.

The green shoots for South Africa are that it has deep and liquid financial markets and has low foreign currency debt, which is good for protecting it from currency shocks. The global economy is positive, which is good for exporting regions such as South Africa.


US regulator not ready for Fintech

US regulator not ready for FintechUS regulator not ready for Fintech The US banking regulator, the Acting Comptroller of the Currency, said on Wednesday that he is not ready to accept applications from financial technology companies seeking a special purpose federal charter.

Keith Noreika, who took over as acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in May, said at an industry conference in New York that the agency was still in the exploratory phase of its so-called fintech charter, which it first unveiled in 2016 and which sparked controversy.

His comments underscore the broader difficulties faced by regulators globally as they attempt to keep up with dramatic changes in banking industry brought about by the increasing use of digital technologies which threaten to undermine traditional financial services businesses.

“We aren't yet ready to accept applications because we want to just talk to these companies to get a sense of what your business line is before we entertain applications,” Noreika said in an interview with Reuters prior to the conference.

The OCC is, however, processing applications from fintech companies seeking traditional forms of bank charters, such as licences that are issued to deposit-taking institutions and credit-card providers. Mobile banking startup Varo Money is one such company that has applied for a banking charter.

“We approach this from what we have a specialty with which is what we know the best - we know full service banks the best,” Noreika said.

The OCC has been sued by the New York Department of Financial Services and a nationwide organisation of bank supervisors after it announced last year that it was considering granting special charters to companies such as online lenders.

The lawsuit argues that the federal regulator does not have the authority to grant special charters and could lead to weaker consumer protection.

Noreika said the OCC had filed a motion to dismiss the cases because the agency is not “anywhere near deciding whether we're actually going to use” it and so it believes there is no federal jurisdiction to hear the case.


Aspen Pharmacare posts 46% profit jump

Aspen Pharmacare posts 46% profit jumpAspen Pharmacare posts 46% profit jump South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare reported a 46% rise in full-year profit, buoyed by a revenue boost from an anaesthetics portfolio acquired from AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, the company said yesterday.

The drugmaker posted headline earnings per share of 1,299.5 cents for the year to end-June, up from 889 cents a year earlier.

Headline earnings per share strips out certain one-off items and is the main profit measure in South Africa.

Aspen said the acquisition of the commercial rights to the anaesthetics portfolios of AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline generated revenue of R7 billion (US$532 million) out of a total of R41.2 billion.

Profits were also supported by firmer sales in Aspen's home market during the second half of the year.

“In South Africa, a strong turnaround in the second half lifted the full year private sector performance by 9%, while the public sector edged up 1% to R1.5 billion,” the company said.


Auntie Nangy

Auntie NangyAuntie Nangy My wife doesn't turn me on

Dear Auntie Nangy, I'm 45 years old and I'm married but I'm in love with another woman. The problem is, the woman I am cheating my wife with, when she is next me and I want to make love with her because I have strong feelings for her, I flop when I go in. At my wife's side I don't have any feelings with her but she loves me very much and more than the other one. What should I do? Please help me.

Man, you are in a difficult situation and one that plays out to me as a typical African movie. Firstly, I advise to be faithful to your wife because this is what is acceptable before God. There are true stories of men who get “fixed” by their wives if they discover that the husband is cheating. However I am not saying that this is what happened to you and it would be wrong to accuse your wife of any wrong doing. It is not only the wife who can fix the man but greedy side chicks who are in a relationship with wealthy or high-profile men - desperate to keep the man - also run to the sangoma or witchdoctors to get charms that work exactly the way you describe. The problem with some of your side chicks is instead of eating and wiping their mouth and letting the man go back to his wife, they want to imprison him sexually. This is the price you pay for cheating and if my suspicion is correct then you find yourself between a rock and a hard place. Morally it is wrong to cheat on your wife and I advise you to leave this woman that makes your manhood rise to immoral acts and stick with your wife. Remember sex is also psychological. Sex experts that there are a number of psychological needs that men and women must fulfil which are security, autonomy, self-esteem and connection. For a couple to be happy they must meet all these needs. But, sex is the strategy used to meet our psychological needs and it is not a need itself. This is so because there is no evidence to show that celibacy or remaining single and a virgin is harmful to your health or your mind. You will not die because of not having enough sex but, there are many health risks related to sex. In fact the experts say sex is great, sex is awesome and sex makes us healthier. In your case it may not be juju used on you by your women but according to the science of sex, if you're are not connected to your wife in other physiological areas. You could be spending more time with the kamboroto and less time to know your wife better. This assumption that the side lanes are better is just a myth. Remember the first cut is the deepest.

We always quarrel

Dear Auntie Nangy, I am a 21-year-old lady and am dating a 23-year-old guy. We have a nine-month-old daughter but when it comes to talking, we are always insulting each other. What kind of love is that? Auntie, help me please.

I am sorry that you are in a relationship that is filled with verbal wars most of the time and this is not good for the baby. It does not matter that your child is nine months old… a child learns from people around her or him and I am worried that the baby is growing up in a home where there is violence. This may be the reason why these days our young children are becoming more and more violent and teenagers are even killing other people. I always tell people that communication is the foundation of good relationships and healthy unions. You have not told me your bone of contention, otherwise I would have advised you better. We should, as human beings always try to love, understand each other and to be sensitive about what we say to the other person and how it will affect them. You need to identify what the real cause of conflict is for you to find a solution. Do you quarrel about material things or social problems? In any communication episode if you fail to communicate effectively, you will be misunderstood and when this happens, the discussion will become heated and in most cases end up with an impasse or at a dead end. Ask your partner what his problem is or what he feels is the problem with you so that each one of you will reflect and work to correct the problem each one has. You are both too young to be in a warring relationship. At your ages, love should be hot enough to melt the Antarctic ice so tap into its tenderness and just let your love flow.

Is this love?

Dear Auntie Nangy, I am a 22-year-old girl and I have a problem with my boyfriend. He has more than 15 girlfriends. Now, he impregnated me and I am staying with him at his house. He is always telling me that he loves me more than the other girls and that I am his Madam Boss. Must I dump him? What can I do?

I am worried that you are sounding desperate about the situation that you are in. I would say, if it was me in your situation, I would have packed my love bags and left long time ago than to cling to a Casanova who has 15 other women. This is crazy, insane and a meaningless relationship between you and your man is bad. He is just a sex maniac and a health hazard. In these days of drug-resistant HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, you cannot be seeking advice if your reasoning capacity is not functioning properly. I urge you to get out of that relationship before it is too late instead of making yourself a dustbin where he throws his rubbish. Such risky behaviour should not be tolerated. The courts are there for you to use to claim child maintenance from this sex maniac.

Superstar drops another one

Superstar drops another oneSuperstar drops another one Kalux is building his empire one day at a time and shares the latest about his musical journey leading to his latest and third album titled Tufaheni.

Born in Outjo and raised in Otjiwarongo with a family that doesn't have any musical history, Kalux says music wasn't his passion growing up and he never thought he would actually be a musician. The artist, with three albums to his name recalls only seeing himself as a soccer player as a child. “Growing up other kids wanted to be teachers and do other professions. I was a very good soccer player and that's all I thought myself as,” he says. The artist was introduced to the music scene by his sister who made him help her practice her church choir songs until he got the hang of it. Whilst in school he formed a group called Magimbos with producer Kallo on the Beat and Clive. The group grew and was successful enough to shoot music videos for their music.

In 2014 he decided to pursue his career and go solo. Kalux joined the music label Why Not where his music career kicked off professionally. He worked on his album Superstar which was a huge accomplishment to make him scoop Best Newcomer at the NAMA awards in 2015. Whilst under Why Not he produced his second album Ayeko with hit song Ayeko that made waves around the whole country. “I knew I was going to win the award because the song I entered with 'Hafifa Nge' was, and still is, a winning song. I had worked so hard on my album and I knew I deserved it all and so much more,” he said. Later that year Kalux left the Why Not record label to start his own Superstar records. He did this as he had his own vision and wanted to explore the industry which is restricted with music labels. It has become a trend in Namibia for artists to start their own labels and Kalux says there is a lot involved with starting a production company. “It's more than not sharing your money with anyone after performing or winning awards. Starting a production company requires patience before it kicks off and that is why I am only signed at the moment. Upcoming artists should join recording labels until their career kicks off. It takes so much off your plate,” he said.

Immediately after his second album Kalux set to work on his third album under his new record label titled Tuhafeni. With no record label restrictions Kalux's explores different sounds and genres on his 19 track album. “I want people to know who made Kalux and I can say I poured my heart into Tuhafeni. I have featured many artists including Tswazis. Honestly, I don't have a favourite because they are all good,” he said. The album is selling for N$150 at music outlets countrywide,” he said. Kalux is planning on having a road tour to introduce the album to his fans from different towns.

Back with a bang

Back with a bangBack with a bangNamibia’s favourite songbird is back to claim her throne Tequila, one of Namibia's most gifted singers has been away from the scene for a while but now, she is back and is ready to rock and roll. The all-genre artist who was 2012 NAMA Female Artist of the Year and hit maker of Thando Lwam, has taken a break from the industry after her album Destiny the Lioness in 2014. Back stronger and better with a new production team, Tequila will surely put the 'm' back in music with her new projects. This week she chats to tjil in a one-on-one interview about her latest single and what her fans can expect from her.

tjil (T): You have been out of the scene for a while; what were you up to?

Tequila (TQ): I took some personal time to deal with some personal issues. It was hard; I thank God for getting me through. That's all I can say for now and that I am here for good.

T: We saw that you were featured on a couple of songs prior to your single, how has that enhanced your singing career?

TQ: It's always a learning experience to work with other artists. This is because they inspire me so much. It also makes us artists have a united force and share our skills.

T: You have recently signed with GMP. How will this impact your career? When will we hear more from you, are you working on an album?

TQ: GMP has taught me a lot about discipline, team work and hard work. We have been in studio all these months and I am proud of what we have produced so far. This new single is just a taste of the great work we have produced. I know people will be surprised and happy. You guys have no idea what is in store for you. We pride ourselves on quality and we are busy wrapping up. It will drop in the next few months. We worked with the best to ensure this will be an album that will stand out from the previous one.

T: Let's talk about your latest single, why did you choose that as your comeback solo track? It's a love song, are you hinting at something?

TQ: We sat down as a team and we felt 'Still in Love' was a great song to start with. I personally think it is a great introduction to the new upcoming album Djuulufi. I want to tell my fans that I still love and appreciate them even though so much time has passed since I last released anything. So I am simply hinting on loving my fans. We have so many plans in motion I'm so excited. All I can say is wait and enjoy the fireworks because the best is still to come.

T: Where can your fans get the song?

TQ: the song will be available for streaming on namibianmusic.com

Not hair today, gone tomorrow

Not hair today, gone tomorrowNot hair today, gone tomorrow The natural hair and beauty expo that took place at the IUM Dorado Park campus in Windhoek on Saturday was about bringing people who had the same goal of maintaining their hair and exploring the ever-growing world of beauty together.

A panel discussion featuring four bloggers and gurus also took place, with panellists giving their thoughts on the topic 'beauty within'.

For those who wanted to learn more about the maintenance of their natural locks, on-site tutorials took place with various speakers offering tips and hacks of growing and styling healthy hair.

One of the founders of the expo, Zodidi Gaseb, expressed joy at the turnout saying that more visitors came through and the amount of vendors also increased.

“We're very thankful to everyone who came through.

“At the end of the day, they helped us continue to have a space to celebrate our rich diversity and also give a platform to encourage our entrepreneurs to help push the economy forward,” Gaseb said.

The expo attracted not only local entrepreneurs but also international businesses such as Perfect Hair, a South African company that launched their products at the expo.

International men's grooming company Wahl was also present at the expo, something Gaseb said was significant given the aim of attracting more men to the event that some wrongly assume only caters for women.


Gentle Giant dies at 78

Gentle Giant dies at 78Gentle Giant dies at 78 Don Williams, singer of heartfelt country ballads who emerged as one of the biggest stars in country music during the late 1970s, died on Friday in Mobile, Alabama.

The Texas native began his singing career with the Pozo Seco Singers in the mid-Sixties and disbanded by the end of the decade to pursue a solo career. In the Seventies, he fashioned himself into one of country music's most distinctive stylists, recording a long stretch of easy-going hits including “Tulsa Time,” “She Never Knew Me,” “I Wouldn't Want to Live if You Didn't Love Me,” and numerous others for 17 number-one songs in all.

His laid-back, smooth style of singing and towering height earned him the nickname of country's 'Gentle Giant', a title that followed him from then on.

He regularly scored top 40 hits up through 1991, building a massive following overseas in far-flung and unlikely places such as New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia and Kenya.

Williams initially retired from touring in 2006, but returned to the road for a celebrated tour in 2010, when he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.

Late in his career, he released a pair of albums that introduced him to a new generation of fans, 2012's And So It Goes and 2014's Reflections.

In 2016, Williams was beset with a series of health issues.

He was forced to postpone his tour in order to have hip replacement surgery, ultimately cancelling the tour and announcing his retirement from live performances last March. In 2017, an eclectic group of performers including Dierks Bentley, Brandy Clark and Jason Isbell showed their appreciation for Williams' work on the tribute album Gentle Giants: The Songs of Don Williams.

The funeral arrangements are pending.


Have faith in your art

Have faith in your artHave faith in your art The music industry is very spontaneous. The whole system and its foundations are based on popularity and what is hot at the moment. Music lovers live in the moment… and artists come and go.

The most important thing as a creative person is that you need to understand that you will not always be the talk of the town; you will not always be the most popular artist or the person that most people refer to. The time when an artist seemingly disappears from the limelight and they stop creating the music or content that people admire, can either destroy or kill their career. You can tell who is in it for the love of the art and who is in it for the benefits that come with being in the industry. Many artists lose a bit of steam when they are not in the limelight anymore but the ones who impress me are actually those who persevere and remain true to their craft. Never lose momentum as an artist even if after you are no longer as popular as they used to.

Consistency and focus are very important if you want to have an everlasting career in the entertainment and arts industries. Your reputation will also benefit from consistency because when your behaviour reflects your words and promises, people will trust what to expect from you and as an artist, they will always appreciate your craft because they know even when you are not part of the limelight they can always expect outstanding work from you. You need to be so good that even when you are not part of the equation people will still remember you. There is nothing such as a day off when you are a creative artist. Many artists have mastered the art of working hard and staying focused even when their careers are taking a negative hit. There are going to be artists who are better than others, there are going to be artists who have better skills than you but if you believe in your brand and if you regularly commit yourself to seeing yourself and your worth you can always make an amazing comeback. The point is to never give up and to always keep elevating yourself. For too many years, artists who have had issues coming back into the industry after a successful career have had trouble coming back into the industry because they were not proud of who they had become.

You need to keep going if you want to see growth in your career… consistency beats talent any day! Your name may not be a part of the discussion right now but if you keep being consistent and loyal to your art, people will remember you even when you are not around.

June Shimuoshili


A magical end to the #Festival

A magical end to the #FestivalA magical end to the #FestivalSummer Music Festival brings down the SKW The Summer Music Festival concluded the two day long #Festival with mind-blowing performances. This past weekend all roads led to the SKW sports field for the #Festival hosted by Namibia Media Holdings. The festival made history as it was the first community games, career exhibition and sports event of its kind. Another element from the #Festival was the Summer Music Festival which saw artists from across the borders bring on the best performances. For a first-timer it was more than just an event, it was a musical once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Summer Music Festival was a breath of fresh air for the #Festival participants that allowed them to celebrate and unwind after two intense days of exercise - both mental and physical.

The headliners included Just Jack, Fatman from the Voice SA, Pyplyn with Stefan Steyn who graced the event with their melodious tunes and beats that had the crowd on their feet from the beginning to the end of the show. The NAMA 2017 Female Artist of The Year Monique English also took to stage her magical voice and blew the audience away with her songs including her hit Work for It.

Looking forward, so very forward, to next year.



Joking Joking Meet the 2017 King of Comedy Having only started his comedy career three years ago, Lloyd Jeffeson has proven that passion and dedication reap great rewards. There's something fascinating about a person who can just drop their own character for a bit and put on that of another entirely naturally, and convincingly. It's peculiar and in the context of most stand-up comedy bits and variety shows, it's hilarious too. Impersonation can be the most genuine form of flattery and when done right it is the best kind of medicine in the form of laughter.

Some of the big names that pop up when impersonation comedy is the topic include Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy and Kevin Hart. In Namibia a name one wouldn't leave out when speaking of impersonators includes that of a proud born and bred Baai-naar, Lloyd Jefferson. The comedian, who came into the comedy spotlight in 2015, was recently crowned Comedian of The Year by Free Your Mind. Here Jefferson speaks about impressionist comedy and shares his story and future plans with tjil.

He is one who can skilfully illustrate the traits of certain tribes and prominent persons only to make fun of their flaws for the audience. Jefferson takes pride in always being the clown amongst his peers. The new kid on the block in the comedy industry refers to himself as the type of guy that will rock up at a place and find laughter in any situation. Jefferson said he never saw himself as a comedian when a child in the streets of Walvis Bay. The multicultural town however made him realise his potential - which is impersonating people from all tribes and cultures and which has today made him one of the best impressionists in Namibia.

Jefferson fluently speaks eight languages and can impersonate anyone after a few rounds of practise. He says this helps him get into character when performing, allowing him to throw one of the best shows for the night. “If I am performing on certain traits about the Damara I become one and the same for other tribes. I also do a mean Zimbabwean, Tswana and Angolan accent. My jokes are very relatable and its things that happen on a daily basis to everyone,” he says.

It was in 2015 when he decided to pack up and transfer from his history, geography and arts teaching job from Mariental to Windhoek and try this thing called comedy. “I was watching NBC one night and I happened to catch an episode of Free Your Mind. I knew I could to what the guys were doing and do it much better. As they say, the rest is history,” said Jefferson.

Jefferson says comedy is all about one's personality and it can't be learned. He says comedy is all about witnessing a situation, being able to interpret it with a little bit of exaggeration to emphasise the joke in it. He says there are times when a comedian dies on stage but a true comedian is the one who can recover. “You will know you are funny when you keep the punch lines coming. There's a difference between a comedian and somebody who's trying to be funny,” he said. Within three years of his career Jefferson has taken part in local shows like Last Comic Standing and internationally in South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe and other countries. This year he took part in the Free Your Mind Last Comic Standing and was crowned the king of laughter. “I almost left comedy for good but this year I got so much confidence. I was even great enough to win against the runner up Kris with a K. This award means a lot to me because Free Your Mind is the only platform for comedians in Namibia. I can literally say I've made it because I am the king of comedy this year,” he said.

Jefferson advises future comedians never to give up on their talent over a few obstacles in their way. He says comedy is rarely has recognition in Namibia but that shouldn't discourage them. “Before you take up the challenge of becoming a comedian you should hear from other people who aren't your friends on how funny you are then you try it. Diversify because the more socially exposed you are the more culturally aware you become,” he said. Jefferson says he still has much to learn and the next step is to get enough material to go on Comedy Central and to meet the king of impersonations from South Africa Madisha Ronald to perfect his talent. “We need more platforms like Free Your Mind because there many comedians in Namibia who only need to be noticed. It won't be fair that they go unnoticed,” he concluded.

June Shimuoshili

Otjikoto mine exceeds targets

Otjikoto mine exceeds targetsOtjikoto mine exceeds targetsContinues good operational performance B2Gold's Otjikoto gold mine is exceeding targets set on the cost and production fronts, showing an increase compared to the first quarter of 2016. The Otjikoto Mine continued its very strong operational performance into the second quarter of 2017, producing 41 163 ounces of gold, 15% above budget and 14% (or 4 991 ounces) higher than the second quarter of 2016.

The increase over budget was mainly the result of better than expected grade and ore tonnage from the new Wolfshag Phase 1 Pit and higher than expected mill throughput, the miner said in a market update this week.

The average gold grade processed in the quarter was 1.50 grams per ton (g/t) compared to budget of 1.38 g/t and 1.29 g/t in the second quarter of 2016.

Otjikoto's second quarter cash operating costs were US$524 per ounce, significantly below budget by US$200 per ounce (or 28%). This was mainly the result of higher than budgeted gold production combined with lower than budgeted fuel prices and reagent consumption.

Year-to-date, gold production at the Otjikoto Mine was 83 937 ounces of gold, significantly above budget by 17% (or 12 355 ounces) and 17% (or 12 062 ounces) higher than the first-half of 2016.

Capital expenditures in the second quarter of 2017 totalled US$2.7 million and included US$1.7 million for capital repairs. For the first-half of 2017, capital expenditures totalled US$15.2 million consisting of US$6.5 million for pre-stripping, US$3.3 million for capital repairs and US$2.9 million for mobile equipment purchases.

B2Gold also said the Otjikoto gold mine would exceed its production guidelines, achieving above what had been anticipated.

“Due to the continued strong year-to-date performance, the company now expects full-year Otjikoto production to be at or above the top end of its original production guidance range, and has revised its annual guidance range to be between 170 000 to 180 000 ounces of gold,” B2Gold said.

Studies pertaining to the Wolfshag resource were completed and subject to further scrutiny.

Life-of-mine production plans for the Otjikoto Mine, incorporating preliminary projections for the Wolfshag open pit and potential underground mines, have been completed for various options and will be further refined as the detailed geotechnical, hydrogeological, and design studies for Wolfshag are completed (expected at the end of the third quarter of 2017),” B2Gold said.


FNB Arandis voted best branch on URate in August

FNB Arandis voted best branch on URate in AugustFNB Arandis voted best branch on URate in August FNB Namibia's Arandis branch was voted the best performing branch of FNB Namibia by customers in August.

Erica Mulondo, group service manager at FNB, congratulated the branch and said that the Arandis community was served by four highly motivated and dedicated FNB staff members who live and breathe exceptional customer service.

“We thank them for everything and encourage all other branches to emulate this example.”

Arandis branch administrator Garoldine Bock was delighted with the response by customers and added: “We make use of URate to have a clear perspective of what customers think of the service they have received. Based on the ratings from the customers we are able to work on our service failures and identify possible slip-ups. We see URate as a platform that constantly reminds us that customers are vitally important.”

FNB's URate is an SMS-based customer feedback solution that enables FNB to entrench key metrics, drive positive frontline employee behaviour and monitor progress through an independent rating process. It has been in use at branches since the beginning of 2017.

After serving a customer, frontline employees initiate an SMS request for rating feedback to each customer, which can be monitored at national, regional, branch and individual level for excellence. Part of the FNB core group service vision is building a vibrant customer-centric culture, providing measurement and feedback loops, and delivering customer and employee experiences that champion the bank's service principles.


No longer just a livestock show

No longer just a livestock showNo longer just a livestock show Keetmanshoop mayor Gaudentia Krohne highlighted the transformation of the Keetmanshoop Agricultural and Industrial Show from an agricultural event spearheaded by the white community to an inclusive, diverse event.

Delivering her speech at the opening of the show on Wednesday, Krohne lauded the foresight of the drivers of the event to turn it into a collaborative community spectacle.

“Since the inception of the show in 1955, it has grown in strength over the years into what is today; a display of wider participation in business and cultural backgrounds.”

Krohne said the show has developed from being an exhibition of farming products to a presentation of information hubs and businesses of all sizes.

“There is a large inclusion of small and medium enterprises and institutions that bring valuable information to the public.”

Krohne further put emphasis on the partnership between the Keetmanshoop Show Society and the Keetmanshoop municipality, in which the latter provides the show venue free of charge.

In the agreement, the local authority is also responsible for the water and electricity and the provision of staff for cleaning services during the duration of the show.

Krohne urged the community to become part of the national poverty reduction agenda by grabbing business opportunities to help grow the local economy.

She mentioned as an example the opportunities in value addition to existing products in the region for the purpose of wealth creation.

The new president of the Keetmanshoop Show Society, Charles Josob, extended an invitation to the public to visit the show.

The four-day annual show ends on Saturday.


BoN positive about Namibian growth prospects

BoN positive about Namibian growth prospectsBoN positive about Namibian growth prospects The Namibian economy is showing signs of modest recovery and could perform better this year than the 1.1% growth recorded in 2016.

This is according to Bank of Namibia (BoN) governor Ipumbu Shiimi, who was speaking during an annual diplomatic stakeholders' engagement held in Windhoek on Tuesday.

According to Shiimi, there were more improvements this year compared to 2016 as commodity prices had improved lately and the drought that had affected the agricultural sector for the past three years had settled.

“In the economic outlook released in July, the Bank projected growth to average 2.1% in 2017 and 3.8% in 2018, largely due to improved growth in the agriculture, mining and electricity and water sectors,” he stated.

However, although commodity prices recovered during the first half of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, uranium prices were still low because of a global oversupply and high inventories, Shiimi said.

He said this had dampened the optimism given the reliance of the Namibian economy on the mining industry.

Shiimi said for Namibia to realise high growth it needed to address structural issues in the economy. That would entail a diversification from the mining sector to other sectors that could build the productive capacity of the economy.

“This needs to happen while at the same time staying the course in terms of the ongoing government fiscal consolidation.”

The governor said Namibia had already identified a number of sectors, including turning the country into a logistics hub and re-organising the agricultural sector to create more jobs.


Slight deceleration in inflation

Slight deceleration in inflationSlight deceleration in inflationAugust sees slower price growth The inflation rate for August showed a deceleration compared to the corresponding period in 2016. The annual inflation rate for the month of August 2017 decelerated to 5.4%, down from 6.8% recorded in August of the preceding year, a slowdown of 1.4 percentage points, according to Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) which released its monthly consumer price index report this week.

“This 5.4% annual inflation rate is the same as the annual rate recorded in July 2017. The August 2017 annual inflation rate recorded a notable slowdown in the price levels of food and non-alcoholic beverages from 11.5% in August 2016 to 4.6% in August this year, a 6.9 percentage points decrease,” the NSA said.

The average annual inflation rate for the period January 2017 to August 2017 stood at 6.6% while the corresponding average rate registered during the same period a year earlier was estimated at 6.5%.

On a monthly basis, the inflation rate increased to 0.1% compared to 0.04% registered during the previous month.

For the month of August 2017, the annual inflation for the category food and non-alcoholic beverages slowed to 4.6% compared to 11.5% recorded in August 2016, resulting in a decline of 6.9 percentage points.

“This slowdown emanated from decreases registered in the sub-components of oils and fats (-1.8%), bread and cereals (-0.5%) and vegetables including potatoes and other tubers (-0.2%),” the NSA said.

The monthly inflation rate for food and non-alcoholic beverages was recorded at 0.1% compared to 0.7% registered in the previous month.

In the alcoholic beverages and tobacco category, the annual inflation rate stood at 4.8% as compared to 5.6% registered in August of the preceding year, resulting in a decline of 0.8 percentage points.

“This downward movement stemmed from the prices of alcoholic beverages that slowed to 4.5%, from 7% recorded in August 2016. On a monthly basis, the inflation rate for this category increased to 1%, up from 0.3% recorded a month earlier,” the NSA said.

The annual inflation rate for housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels category was 8.3% in August 2017 compared to the 8% recorded during the same period a year earlier.

“The increase emanated from the increases registered in the sub-group of rental payment for dwelling which rose to 9.6% from 7% recorded during the same period of the preceding year,” the NSA concluded.

In other price matters, the Bank of Namibia's monetary policy committee will meet on 25 October and its policy decision will be announced the following day.

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