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Ambitious takeover

Ambitious takeoverAmbitious takeover Sky Sports News HQ understands that current majority owner Stan Kroenke has yet to formally respond to the offer, but the American is expected to reject it.

Sky sources say Kroenke intends to remain at Arsenal for the long term, with his ambition to win the Premier League and make the Gunners stronger in Europe. Sources claim he is not motivated by money.

Uzbek-born Russian Usmanov, who has a personal fortune of around £11.2 billion, has built a stake of just over 30% in the North London club since his initial investment in 2007.

He has been interested in taking control of the club from Kroenke, who also owns the NFL's Los Angeles Rams and been Arsenal's majority shareholder since 2011.

The American increased his shareholding - through his company Kroenke Sports Enterprise - to 67.05 percent in May 2016, with the purchase of 23 ordinary shares.

Usmanov recently stated his belief that Arsene Wenger should begin the process of identifying Arsenal's next manager, describing the long-serving Frenchan as the club's “main symbol and asset.”

“Some continuity is needed,” Usmanov said in comments reported by Bloomberg last month. “This includes the need to prepare a successor for Wenger, but in a very respectful way. I can suggest that Wenger himself can prepare a successor.”

Sky Sports

Neymar left out of Brazil squad

Neymar left out of Brazil squadNeymar left out of Brazil squad Neymar and several other top Brazilian players have been left out of the national squad for friendlies next month against Argentina and Australia, coach Tite said on Friday, giving some of them a long summer break for the first time since 2010.

The Barcelona striker has played a major tournament every summer since the World Cup in 2014 and he, along with Liverpool's Roberto Firmino, who is suffering from a muscle strain, were left out Tite's reformed squad.

Regulars Marquinhos, Miranda, Marcelo and Dani Alves were also spared the trip Down Under.

In their place, Monaco centre back Jemerson and Corinthians midfielder Rodriguinho were called up for the first time. Shaktar striker Taison, who has played just six minutes of international football, was another surprise inclusion.

David Luiz will return in defence and Gabriel Jesus was recalled after two months out injured at Manchester City.

Brazil will play Argentina on June 9 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground and face the host nation at the same venue four days later.


Eshangitho lyomaso pashinanena otali landulako

Eshangitho lyomaso pashinanena  otali landulakoEshangitho lyomaso pashinanena otali landulako Konima sho kwa tulwa miilonga omulandu gwokushangitha omavalo mUuministeli wIikwameni nOmatembu, tagu ithanwa e-birth notification system, uuministeli mboka otawu pangele okutula miilonga omulandu gwa faathana tagu ithanwa e-death notification system.

Uunona wa thika po- 42 154 wuli kohi yomvula yimwe owa shangitwa okupitila momulandu ngoka, muule womvula ya piti. Omwaalu ngoka ogwa kalela po oopresenda 60 dhaanona mboka ya valwa, omanga aanona ya thika po- 60 854 yashangithwa kwalata. Ominista yIikwameni nOmatembu, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, okwa popi kutya, sha landula sho kwa tulwa miilonga omulandu gwokushangitha omavalo gaanona pashinanena ngoka tagu ithanwa e-birth registration nokanona hoka inaka shangithwa nena itaka ka vula okumona uuthemba welongo oshowo onkalonawa. “Shangitheni uunona weni mbala konima yomavalo, oshi li uuthemba wokanona na oshili oshinakugwanithwa shoye onga omuvali.” Omulandu ngoka otagu ka tulwa miilonga moshipangelo sha Windhoek Central Hospital oshowo moKatutura State Hospital muJuni gwo2017. MuJuli gwo-2017, osheendo shaanambelewa otaya ka ninga omapekaapeko moshipangelo shEenhana nOrundu nokonima omulandu ngoka otagu ka tulwa miilonga miipangelo ayihe yepangelo. Iivula-Ithana okwa popi kutya omanga epangelo tali longo nuudhiginini opo omulandu ngoka gu tulwe miilonga miipangelo ayihe yepangelo, iipangelo yopaumwene nayo nayi kuthe ombinga momahwahwameko ngoka opo yi vule okutula miilonga woo omulandu ngoka. “Onda nyanyukwa okuuva kutya oshipangelo shaRhino Park Private Hospital osha pula uuministeli opo wu tule omulandu ngoka miipangelo yawo. Ngashiingeyi otatu longele kumwe noshipangelo shoka opo tu tule miilonga etsokumwe metulo miilonga lyomulandu ngoka mombelewa yoshipangelo shoka opo ku yandwe omikweyo omileelaka miipangelo shaKatutura naWindhoek Central Hospital.” Pahapu dhaminista, eshangitho lyomavalo kwa lata osho shimwe shomiinima mbyoka tayi shunitha monima okwaadha omalalakano goUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals, ngoka taga utha okugandja uukwashigwana wopaveta kaantu ayehe okuya mo-2030. Okwa popi kutya muule woomvula dha piti, uuministeli owa longitha iimaliwa oyindji omolwa omashangitho gaantu mboka kaya li ye na uukwashigwana moshilongo, molwaashoka oya shangithwa kwalata. Omolwa omukundu ngoka, uuministeli owa tula miilonga omulandu gwokushangitha oonzapo dhomavalo miipangelo mo-2008, naashoka osha hwepopalitha eshangitho lyoonzapo dhomavalo. Iivula-Ithana okwa popi kutya omusindalandu ngoka otagu shangitha omavalo agehe ngoka taga lopotwa miipangelo koNational Population Registration System (NPRS). Okwa tsikile kutya eshangitho lyoludhi ndyoka nokugandja uuyelele mboka otashi ka kwathela moompangela dhepangelo moshikondo shuundjolowele, elongo, omagumbo, omeya, onkalonawa, oompito dhiilonga, uunamapya noshotuu.

Minista okwa popi kutya ngele okanona ka ke na onzapo yevalo nena,itaka vulu okushangithwa moskola nenge ka mone eyambidhidho lyopashimaliwa okuza kepangelo.

Okwa tsikile kutya ngele uunona kawu na omikanda dhuukwashigwana ndhoka tadhi ulike uumbangi woomvula dhawo nena otawu vulu okuya moshiponga shoondjokana omanga yeli aanona aashona oshowo iinima yilwe ngaashi okukutwa miilonga onga aakwiita niinima yilwe mbyoka tayi tula moshiponga oonkalamwenyo dhaanona. Minista okwa popi kutya ngele aanona kaye na oonzapo dhomavalo otashi ningitha oshidhigu etulululo lyaanona mboka oontauki nenge okukonga aanona mboka ya topolwa noofamili dhawo. Uuministeli otawu longo neitulomo mokwaadha omalalakano gawo gokugandja omayakulo ga dhengambanda kaakwashigwaa oshowo meshangitho lyomavalo gaanona ayehe. Omusindalandu ngoka tagu longithwa kuuministeli ogo gwotango muAfrika.


Shoprite a pulwa a kuthemo iipotha mbyoka a tulile mo aaniilonga

Shoprite a  pulwa a kuthemo iipotha mbyoka a tulile mo aaniilongaShoprite a pulwa a kuthemo iipotha mbyoka a tulile mo aaniilonga Ehangano etiyali olya pula opo ostola yaSouth Afrika ndjoka yi na iitayi yoostola moNamibia, opo yi kuthe mo iipotha mbyoka ya tulile mo aaniilonga mboka ya kutha ombinga mekanka ndyoka lya ningwa oomvula mbali dha piti. Ehangano lyoEconomic and Social Justice Trust (ESJT) olya pula opo Shoprite a kuthemo iipotha mbyoka a tulilemo aaniilonga, tali popi kutya itali pitika we aaniilonga ya kale taya ningwa nayi.

Omanga elelo lyaShoprite lya popi kutya otali ka yamukula mbala koshikumungu shoka, omunashipundi gwoTrust, Herbert Jauch, okwa popi kutya eihumbatelo nayi lyaaniilonga olya ninga ethimbo ele ngashiingeyi nomukalo ngoka oga pumbwa okuthika pehulilo.

Ehangano lyoTrust olya popi kutya muule woomvula mbali dha piti, aaniilonga yostola yaShoprite ya thika pe-100 mOvenduka oya tulilwa mo iipotha molwaashoka oya kutha ombinga mekanka mo-2015. Ehangano ndyoka olya gwedha ko kutya Shoprite okwa kutha miilonga aaniilonga ya thika pe-176 mOrundu noGobabis, nehangano ndyoka aniwa otali tsikile nokwiihumbatela nayi aaniilonga.

Ehangano lyoEconomic and Social Justice Trust olya pula opo Shoprite a kuthemo iipotha ayihe mbyoka a tulilemo aaniilonga ye, ta tameke okuya moonkundathana naaniilonga opo ya kandulepo omukundu ngoka guli po. Omunashipundi gwoTrust okwa tsikile kutya omatompelo sho omahangano ngoka gelilepo aaniilonga mboka itaga tsu kumwe nostola ndjoka opo yi simaneke oompango yaaniilonga omolwaashoka omahangano ngoka oga topokauka.

Jauch okwa popi kutya aaniilonga mboka ohaya mono ondjambi inayi vula pooN$2 500, ndjoka a popi kutya itayi vulu okwiidhidhimikilwa.

Shoprite omvula ya piti okwa mono iiyemo yoobiliyona 130 noomiliyona 50 odha pewa Omunambelewa Omukuluntu gwehangano ndyoka Whitey Basson onga olupandu.

“Aaniilonga yaShoprite ohaya mono ondjambi inayi koya poo-N$2 500 komwedhi. Ihaya mono iifuta yomalweendo, aaniilonga ohaya longitha oshimaliwa shooN$480 no N$960 momwedhi kehe onga iifuta yomalweendo okuya nokuza kiilonga. Oye na woo okufuta omahala mpoka haya zi oshimaiwa shooN$1 000, omanga inaya dhilaadhila kombinga yiikulya, omeya nohaasa yokuteleka,” Jauch a popi.

Jauch okwa tsikile kutya oompangu ndhoka taga ningilwa aaniilonga nadho otadhi pula oshindji okuza mondjato yehangano lyaShoprite.

Okwa popi kutya Shoprite okwa longitha oshimaliwa sha thika poomiliyona 3.3 muule womasiku 51 momitumba dhomapulakeno giipotha mbyoka tayi tamanekelwa aaniilonga, ina mu kwatelwa iifuta yomahala oshowo yiikwaveta.

Sho a ningilwa omapulo, omunambelewa gwoonzo dhopauntu moShoprite, Karen Smith, okwa popi kutya oku na ontseyo kombinga yomushangwa ngoka gwa ningwa koTrust na otaya ka yamukula mbala.

Ehangano lyoNamibia Food and Allied Workers Union (Nafau) olya pula aaniilonga ayehe yaShoprite moshilongo opo ya wayimine ehangano ndyoka opo omakemo gawo ga vule okuuvika. Nafau okwa tsu kumwe nomapopyo gaJauch kutya iipotha mboka ya tulilwa mo aaniilonga oya pumbwa okukuthwa mo.

Mo-2015, aaniilonga oya tulilwa mo iipotha omolwa eyo pondje lyoompango dhehangano, sho ya kutha ombinga mekanka lyaaheli paveta, okufaula kiilonga , eyonagulo lyomaliko gehangano oshowo okuya moshipala omakonaakono gehangano.


A kala moshipangelo oomwedhi 7, ina ningilwa omakonaakono

A kala moshipangelo oomwedhi 7, ina ningilwa omakonaakonoA kala moshipangelo oomwedhi 7, ina ningilwa omakonaakono Ofamili ya za moshitopolwa shaMusati, otayi gandja uusama koshipangelo shaSt Martin's Hospital mOshikuku omolwa omaihumbato gonayi ngoka geetitha omunamimvo 83 a lemane.

Ofamili ndjoka oya tula mo enyenyeto noHealth Professions Council of Namibia (HPCNA) opo yi vule okumona omayamukulo kutya osha ende ngiini opo oshipangelo shi taambele moombete, Jonas Nehemia omanga ina ningilwa omakonaakono goX-rays. Omonamati gwaNehemia, Silas Emvula, okwa popi kutya he ngoka e li mwene gwomukunda Oshiku Shomunkete, okwa gu omanga a li kiimuna omutenya gwomasiku ga-7 gaNovemba mo-2010. Okwa falwa moshipangelo shaShikuku esiku lya landula moka a ningi uule womwedhi ntano. “Okwa taambelwa moshipangelo na okwa kala moshipangelo uule woomwedhi ntano ita vulu okwiinyengitha olutu lwe, sigo osho a lalekwa moshipangeo shoka muApilili gwo-2011,” Emvula ta ti.

Emvula okwa popi kutya aaniilonga moshipangelo shaShikuku inaya vula oku mu lombwelwa kutya he oku na uupyakadhi washike sho ye mu laleke. Nehemia okwa shuna kegumbo ihe okwa kala ita vulu we okwiinyenga kuyemwene. Oomwedhi mbali dha piti, Nehemia okwe mu fala moshipangelo shaShakati opo a vule okuthanekwa noX-rays.

“Otwa haluka sho twa lombwelwa kutya onto ye yokombinga yokolulyo oya za pehala naashoka osho sha etitha a vule okukala ita vulu okwiinyenga. Oya popi kutya onto itayi vulu we okutulwa pehala molwaashoka oya kala uule woomwedhi heyali ya za pehala. Oya popi kutya kaye na shoka taya vulu okuninga molwaashoka okuli omupangwa gwaShikuku, na inaya hala okwiitula moshiponga. Oye mu tumu opo a kale tayi kepango lyomadhewo moShikuku,” Emvula ta ti. Oya popi kutya oya fala he moshipangelo shaShikuku, na kape na shoka sha ningwa po, nahe okwa kala ta lumbu nuulema uule woomvula hamano monena. Ngoka ta longo pehala lyomunambelewa omukuluntu guunamiti moshipangelo shaShikuku, Dr Samwel Awe, okwa popi kutya inaya vula okumona olopota yomupangwa ngoka. “Itandi vulu okutya sha manga, molwashoka inatu mona olopota yomupangwa ngoka.” Omukulukadhi gwaNehemia, omunamimvo 75, Susana Matheus, okwa popi kutya oku uvite nayi unene shoNehemia a yi koshipangeo opo a ka konge ekwatho ihe okwa zi ko a lemana.

“Otwa li tu na omukumo petameko ihe ngashiingeyi omukumo gwetu ogwa teka.

Omusamane gwandje ita vulu okwiinyenga kuyemwene. Ngashiingeyi ohandi kala megumbo ethimbo alihe po ndi vule okumusila oshisho.” Sylvia Hamata gwoHPCNA ina vula okugandja uuyelele kutya oya ningi omakonaakono sigo oponkatu yini po. Olutu ndoka olwa tseyithile ofamili ndjoka kutya otaya tegelele omayamukulo okuza kelelo lyoshipangelo shaShikuku.


General Motors leaves SA

General Motors leaves SAGeneral Motors leaves SAChevrolet brand going with The shutdown of operations by General Motors in South Africa will be a major blow to the South African job market and will remove Chevrolet completely from the local showrooms. General Motors (GM) and Isuzu Motors on Thursday last week announced their respective future plans for the Isuzu, Chevrolet and Opel brands in South Africa, subject to local regulatory requirements.

With this announcement, Isuzu Motors intends to purchase GM's South African light commercial vehicle manufacturing operations and strengthen its presence in the market. GM intends to cease local manufacturing and selling Chevrolet vehicles in the domestic market by the end of 2017.

Stefan Jacoby, GM executive vice-president and president of GM International said: "After a thorough assessment of our South African operations, we believe it is best for Isuzu to integrate our light commercial vehicle manufacturing operations into its African business. We determined that continued or increased investment in manufacturing in South Africa would not provide GM the expected returns of other global investment opportunities."

Isuzu announced it intends to:

• Purchase the Struandale manufacturing plant and GM's minority shareholding in Isuzu Truck South Africa (Pty) Limited to continue manufacturing the Isuzu KB and medium- and heavy-duty commercial trucks in Port Elizabeth. This is subject to competition regulatory approval;

• Assume control of GM's parts distribution centre and vehicle conversion and distribution centre;

• Set up its own dedicated dealer network to market, distribute and service light commercial vehicles for existing and new Isuzu customers.

Haruyasu Tanishige, senior executive officer for the sales division of Isuzu said: "We are committed to the South African market. The integration of our light commercial and medium- and heavy-duty commercial business will strengthen our base to grow here. We will do this through our focus on providing outstanding aftersales and customer support, establishing close relationships with our local partners and expanding our business.

"Isuzu is building a strong base to grow on the African continent in the long term. Evidence of this is our recent purchase of GM's 57.7 percentage shareholding in its East African operations, which has given us management control of the company. Integrating the South African light commercial vehicle operations into our business is the next step in laying the foundation for our growth plans in the future."

Isuzu vehicles have had a presence in South Africa since assembly began over 44 years ago. For the past four years, Isuzu has occupied the number one position in the medium- and heavy-duty commercial truck segment of the South African market.

GM South Africa announced its plans to:

• Cease the manufacture and supply of Chevrolet vehicles to the domestic market by the end of 2017, subject to consultation with employees and unions;

• Continue to provide service and parts support for Chevrolet customers.

Following the recent announcement of the sale of Opel/Vauxhall to the PSA Group, GM continues to work with PSA to evaluate future opportunity for the Opel brand in South Africa. Importantly, existing Chevrolet and Opel customers will continue to be supported in the market.

GM South Africa President and Managing Director Ian Nicholls said: "These decisions were not made lightly. We appreciate the support that our employees, customers, dealers, suppliers, the government and other key stakeholders have given us over the many years that we have operated in this country. We will manage the transition as smoothly as possible.

GM South Africa informed employees and unions of the announcements this morning and will begin the formal consultation process with them immediately. GM South Africa has established support centres for employees.

GM South Africa will also work closely with affected dealers on a robust transition plan. Customer support centre resources will be expanded and all warranties and service agreements as well as ongoing service and parts requirements for all vehicles will continue to be honoured.


IMF raises SA forecast

IMF raises SA forecastIMF raises SA forecastGood rains bring economic relief Not only are commodity prices slowly rising, the good rains have brought major economic relief to South Africa. The International Monetary Fund raised its forecast for economic growth in South Africa, saying that the end of the worst drought in more than a century will lift agricultural production while rising commodity prices will boost the mining sector.

The Washington-based lender forecast growth of 1% for Africa’s most-industrialised economy in 2017, up from the 0.8% prediction it made in April.

The consumer inflation rate will probably fall below the 6% upper limit of the central bank’s target rate in the second half of this year, it said in a statement after a so-called Article IV visit by officials from May 3 to May 16.

“Following last year’s near-stagnation, there are signs that a modest improvement in the pace of economic growth is underway,” Paolo Mauro, who led the IMF team, said in the statement.

“The pace of recovery this year and the next is unlikely to prevent a further increase in unemployment and a continued decline in per capita incomes.”

South African mining production surged 15.5% year on year in March, beating analysts’ estimates and compared with growth of 4.6% in February. Manufacturing output rebounded in March from a decline the previous month, a separate report showed, as South Africa’s economy recovers from last year’s 0.3% growth, which was the slowest since a 2009 recession.

The government faces a dual challenge of stimulating growth while making the economy more inclusive, the IMF said. That would require reforms of the labour market as well as state-owned companies, it said.

The lender welcomed the government’s affirmation of fiscal goals following the appointment in March of Malusi Gigaba, who replaced Pravin Gordhan as finance minister.


SA, Namibia to enhance bilateral trade

SA, Namibia to enhance bilateral tradeSA, Namibia to enhance bilateral tradeResources and exploration part of the focus of talks South Africa and Namibia are set to strengthen their mutual cooperation with a focus on natural resources and exploration. South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane has said Namibia and South Africa are working towards enhancing bilateral trade.

Nkoana-Mashabane, in her capacity as Special Envoy of President Jacob Zuma, delivered a message to President Hage Geingob at State House late last week.

Speaking to the media after a closed-door engagement with Geingob, Nkoana-Mashabane said the message focused on strengthening relations between the two countries.

“We are looking at specific projects which both presidents (Geingob and Zuma) refer to as joint exploration, exploitation and beneficiation of our own resources,” she said.

Nkoana-Mashabane added that both Geingob and Zuma want progress in the projects.

“Then we can talk about how we can accelerate trade,” she said.

She also raised concern that levels of consumerism are increasing, but this is not equalled by the zeal and zest of the youth to go into the productive sector as job creators and not as job seekers.

The minister also delivered a note on the Double Troika Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that was held in Gaborone, Botswana on 28 June 2016.

The aim of the summit was to receive a progress report on the implementation of SADC decisions in relation to the political situation in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

“Lesotho is going through another election on 3 June 2017, so we needed to exchange notes on that.

“His Excellency (Jacob Zuma) also sent me here to come and be appraised by his Excellency (Hage Geingob) on how we can work on African unity,” she said.

Nkoana-Mashabane said Geingob gave her a copy of a report of the Fourth Consultative Summit of the African Union Committee of Ten Heads of State that was held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea from 16 to 17 May 2017, to deliver to Zuma.


Bigger project funding, tighter rules

Bigger project funding, tighter rulesBigger project funding, tighter rules The Development Bank of Namibia has built its capacity to fund bigger development projects, along with smaller start-up companies, viewing itself as a vehicle for development and attainment of the NDP and Harambee goals.

Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) CEO Martin Inkumbi has announced the bank’s new positioning, ‘Expect more’. He says the new positioning statement reflects both the bank’s transformation, as well as its ambition for the future.

This will position the institution to increase its role in financing development and larger projects as its capacity grows.

With more capital available, new lenders are encouraged to approach the bank but to also expect stringent management of risks for the institution.

The bank is now the custodian of assets of approximately N$11 billion, a resource which is continually deployed to nurture larger scale projects consisting of enterprise and/or infrastructure.

“The bank has made significant progress in sourcing capital through issues notes and lines of credit from external private sector and institutional entities,” says Inkumbi.

DBN has adopted mechanisms such as an advanced enterprise-wide risk management frameworks, as well as an environmental and social management system that better enables it to manage risks inherent to financing start-ups in a dynamic economic environment. He adds that the bank is currently implementing a treasury function to further strengthen its liquidity and capital raising capacity.

In this case, Inkumbi says stakeholders and borrowers may expect more by virtue of a deeper pool of capital, but should also expect robust risk management, in keeping with the bank’s objective of maintaining financial sustainability.

“The Development Bank is a national asset and has the duty to preserve and sustain itself, as well as grow.”

In terms of its impact on enterprises, Inkumbi says, in addition to the ability to finance larger projects from a deeper pool of assets, the bank now gives more support to its borrowers and potential borrowers who require such support through a formalised mentoring and coaching programme. He describes this as a combination of advisory services prior to lending, and capacity strengthening and development through a network of business experts.

He says that each enterprise and project is regarded not just as a financial asset, but also as an asset for the Namibian economy, and so the bank’s philosophy is to provide the additional support in order to mitigate risks that arise after lending, and ensure the long-term viability of the initiative that the Bank finances.

“We will strive to respond to the priorities of the Harambee Prosperity Plan as well as the expected Fifth National Development Plan,” Inkumbi says on the future of the DBN.


Road to 2018

Road to 2018Road to 2018Athletes to travel through demilitarised zone North Korean athletes will be allowed to travel through the demilitarised no-go zone into South Korea as a symbolic peace gesture before next year's Winter Olympic Games, organisers have promised. The 4km-wide zone has huge numbers of armed troops stationed on both sides and no movement of people is allowed between the two.

But Pyeongchang 2018 organising committee chief Hee-Beom Lee said athletes from the North would be able to arrive by road.

“Symbolically, to maintain peace in the Korean peninsula, their participation is very important, and for the success of the Olympic Games,” he added.

The demilitarised zone (DMZ), established at the end of the Korean War in 1953, will mean support staff and fans will still have to travel from the North by ship.

Last month, Olympic officials insisted rising tensions on the peninsula over the North's missile testing programme would not jeopardise the Games. South Korea's new president Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday there was a “high possibility” of military conflict with their neighbours.

So far, no North Koreans have qualified for the Games, with figure skating offering the best opportunity. The final places will be filled at the World Championships later this year.

“With or without qualification we are still talking with the International Olympic Committee and the relevant international federations for North Korea to participate,” Lee told BBC Sport's Alex Capstick.

He also spoke about Russia's participation at the Games - the International Paralympic Committee has banned Russian athletes following revelations of a state-sponsored doping programme, while Olympic chiefs have stopped short of an all-out ban.

Lee said the country was doing a good job cleaning up its anti-doping system and does not believe the IOC will block them.

“I'm hopeful and I'm confident for the Russians to participate in Pyeongchang 2018,” he said.

He said he was also “hopeful” the NHL would allow its star ice hockey players to attend the Games.

The sport's leading league said last month it would not allow players to travel to Pyeongchang because club owners were unhappy at the prospect of halting the season for three weeks to make a window for the Games.

The 2018 Games will be held between 9 and 25 February, with the Winter Paralympics taking place from 9-18 March.

The Telegraph

Doping chair removed

Doping chair removedDoping chair removed The double Olympic pole vault champion, 34, has been critical of the punishment of Russian athletes over evidence of state-sponsored doping in the country.

She was one of those banned from taking part in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

Russia has until November to comply, or those athletes will remain suspended.

Isinbayeva, now retired, was not mentioned by name as the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) gave its latest update on Russia's progress towards compliance on Thursday.

But after former Wada president Dick Pound referenced opposition within the body to her appointment in March, Rob Koehler, chair of Wada's Compliance and Review Committee said: “As of 31 May, the person will be gone.”

Wada also announced plans to introduce new powers that would allow it to ban individual national Olympic committees and international sport federations that fail to meet its rules.

Last year, the body recommended a blanket ban on Russian athletes from Rio 2016, but the International Olympic Committee (IOC) left it up to individual sports' governing bodies to decide.

The plans require approval from signatories - including the IOC - but Wada would like to bring it into effect in early 2018, meaning it could feasibly ban Russia from the Winter Olympics if it deemed it necessary.

Speaking to the BBC, Lee Hee-beom, president of Pyeongchang 2018's organising committee said: “We will maintain clean Games.”

“I understand Russia is doing an aggressive job in meeting criteria, and as long as they meet the criteria they can participate.

“I am hoping and I am confident that the Russians will participate. We welcome their participation.”

Wada has previously said Isinbayeva's appointment as Russian Anti-Doping Agency chair was “not consistent” with plans it had agreed over necessary reforms.

The other changes being demanded by Wada include drug testers being allowed access to closed cities, where athletes continue to find sanctuary from testing; access to athlete biological passports and the implementation of a conflict of interest policy.

On Thursday in Montreal, Wada president Sir Craig Reedie said he was hopeful conditions would be met by November.

“The board decided that if we receive, as I am sure we will, that Russia are taking care of the four small conditions then they will start a testing programme that is a crucial part of the road map we have towards full compliance.

“I'm grateful today for the Foundation Board for agreeing that testing in Russia will be able to commence hopefully at the beginning of June.

“The next Foundation Board meeting is in November and I really hope by that stage the road map process is finished.”

However, Pound - Wada's first president, in charge from 1999-2007 - was less optimistic of change.

“They (Russia) are clearly jerking us around putting the pole vaulter (Isinbayeva) in charge,” he said.

“That was Russia basically giving us this,” he added, holding up his middle finger. If you want to get back inside you'd better bloody well convince the people who you need to convince that you have turned the corner.”


Sweet victory

Sweet victorySweet victoryDumoulin wins stage 14 to extend overall lead Tom Dumoulin claimed a stunning victory on stage 14 of the Giro d'Italia to extend his overall lead. The Dutch Sunweb rider reeled in rival Nairo Quintana (Movistar) inside the final 4km before dropping the Colombian and surging past Russia's Ilnur Zakarin to win on the summit finish in Oropa.

Dumoulin now leads second-placed Quintana by two minutes 47 seconds.

Britain's Adam Yates (Orica) finished sixth in Saturday's 131km stage to move up to 13th overall.

It is the second stage win of this year's race for Dumoulin, after time trial victory on stage 10 that saw him take the leader's pink jersey from Quintana.

Katusha rider Zakarin attacked on the final climb of Santuario di Oropa and was joined at the front by Quintana, who kicked again with 5km to go.

Dumoulin kept his nerve to catch the two-time Grand Tour winner, before moving clear in the final stages alongside Team Sky's Mikel Landa and Zakarin, who finished second after being passed by Dumoulin on the cobbled run-in.

Spain's Landa was third, with Quintana 14 seconds behind in fourth, giving him a total loss of 24 seconds as Dumoulin took 10 bonus seconds for winning the stage.


Gatlin struggles to victory in Japan

Gatlin struggles to victory in JapanGatlin struggles to victory in Japan American Justin Gatlin, so often the pantomime villain of men's sprinting, returned to winning form with a pedestrian 100 metres victory in Japan on Sunday.

The veteran 35-year-old, a two-time doping offender, recovered from a poor start in Kawasaki to win the Golden Grand Prix in 10.28 seconds into a slight headwind as he pipped Japan's Aska Cambridge by three hundredths.

Japanese hope Abdul Hakim Sani Brown struggled home in fourth in 10.42 behind Shuhei Tada (10.35), while China's Su Bingtian failed to build on victory in Shanghai earlier this month as he slumped to fifth.

“I've been a little injured so I haven't been able to train as hard as I want to,” Gatlin told reporters. “But I've been working on my top-end speed and my finish and that helped me out today.”

After the race, Gatlin predicted that sprint king Usain Bolt might not have it all his own way in his swansong at this summer's world championships in London.

“Man, it's going to be exciting,” said Gatlin, who helped the United States to victory at the IAAF World Relays in April but was beaten into fourth in Doha earlier this month.

“Not only is Usain going to show up for his last run, he's a great competitor so you know he's going to show up to race.

“But you also have so many young athletes who are ready to fill that void,” added Gatlin, who along with Andre de Grasse trailed home behind South Africa's Akani Simbine at the Diamond League meet in Doha.

“They're going to show up ready to run very fast. Everyone is pacing themselves and not running very, very fast early so that they can run very fast for the finals.”


Wilmots recalls Kalou, Doumbia

Wilmots recalls Kalou, DoumbiaWilmots recalls Kalou, Doumbia New Ivory Coast coach Marc Wilmots on Thursday tempted Salomon Kalou out of international retirement and recalled fellow striker Seydou Doumbia in a 27- man squad to face the Netherlands and Guinea next month.

Hertha Berlin's Kalou had quit the national team after defending champions Ivory Coast crashed out of the Africa Cup of Nations this year in the first round.

Doumbia, who plays in Switzerland at Basel, had been a long-term absentee from international duty. The African side face the Dutch in a friendly on June 4 and Guinea in a 2019 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier five days later.


Cycling experience for all

Cycling experience for allCycling experience for allMountain Bike race launched The mountain bike marathon is held annually at the Midgard Country Estate, some 60 kilometres north-east of Windhoek. The 2017 edition of the Otjihavera Mountain Bike Marathon was launched in Windhoek last week Thursday, with organisers promising a bigger and better event which will cater for cycling fanatics.

This year's Otjihavera Mountain Bike Marathon takes place on 19 and 20 August.

Speaking at the launch, Ekkerhard Friedrich, the chairperson of organisers Rock and Rut Mountain Bike Club said the event is the toughest two-day race in Namibia and is a stepping stone to other, bigger events.

Registration opens on 22 May. “We expect 150 teams to register. This year's event will only be open to team entries, building on the fun of teamwork and camaraderie in this two-day event,” he said.

Last year, 112 teams entered. Compared to last year, the race will involve a much bigger group of riders, competing in different and wider age categories.

Madri van Wyk, Marketing Manager at First National Bank Namibia, noted that slight changes to both days will be incorporated to enhance the riders' experience.

“The 2017 ride will be extra special as the race village will also include an area where children can get a massage and Windhoek Light chill zone,” she said.

Land Rover will be involved in providing back-up and medical services on the trails, which is only accessible for 4x4 vehicles and mountain bikes.

Last year, Piet Swiegers and Herbert Peters of Team Klein Aus Vista won the event followed by Danzel de Koe and the late Raul Costa Seibeb of the Nedbank team in the elite men's competition.

In the elite woman's section Genevieve Weber and Elanor Grassow of Cycletec Chicks won, followed by Rosi Hennes and Zoe Mitchell of FX Ladies.


Chess produces impressive wins

Chess produces impressive winsChess produces impressive wins The Oshana Open Chess tournament that was held in Oshakati on 29 April produced impressive wins.

Former junior chess champion, Toivo Nangula who took part in the competition walked away with the top price.

A media statement availed to Nampa on Thursday said the tournament is held on a rotational basis by the northern towns of Ongwediva, Oshakati and Ondangwa.

Nangula scored 6.5 points to edge out former Namibian champion, Frans Dennis who scored six points, while Michael Dambura scored 5.5 points.

Dambura is also tournament director and Namibia Chess Federation Zone Seven chairperson. Maranatha Shadipeni took home two prizes for Best Woman and Best Youth Girl, while Heskiel Ndahangwapo won the Best Youth Boy prize.

In the Cadet Section, which is reserved for players under the age of 12, Elvin Shikulo and Elao-Letu Hamukonda won the boys' and girls' sections, respectively.

The event was held at the University of Namibia's Oshakati Campus, just ahead of the NCF National Championships.

An ecstatic Nangula could not hide his joy. “Last year I was crowned Best Local Player and this year I went one better and took home the lot,” he said.

Meanwhile, the third edition of the Walvis Bay Open was held at the Multi-Purpose Centre at the coastal town on 13 May.

Namibia's top-rated local player, Candidate Master Charles Eichab, scored five wins and two draws, amassing six points, to finish top ahead of Tawanda Kawani and Raphael Nyakansaila, who scored 6 and 5.5 points respectively.

Eichab had a better tie-break than runner-up Kawani. Erastus Somaeb's four points made him the Best Local Player, while Samara Stiege scooped the Best Woman prize.

Tristan Riedel and Liam Blaauw both scored 2.5 points after drawing their head-to-head encounter in the final game. Riedel was, however, crowned Best Cadet as he had a better progressive score.


England appoint first ever full-time disability coaches

England appoint first ever full-time disability coachesEngland appoint first ever full-time disability coaches The England and Wales Cricket Board has named Ross Hunter and Ian Salisbury as England's first ever full-time disability cricket coaches.

Ex-England international Salisbury has been appointed as new head coach of England's physical disability team.

Hunter will continue his work as coach of England's visually impaired side, now in a full-time capacity.

The ECB's head of disability cricket Ian Martin said: “This is an important step change in disability cricket.”

He added: “I'm proud that we are the first international cricket board to make such a step.

“It will increase the capacity of our coaches to work with performance squads and is further evidence of the improvement and culture shift within our national squads.”

Hunter recently led the England's visually impaired side to the semi-finals of the Blind World Cup in India, where they lost to Pakistan.

Salisbury's first assignment will be to prepare England's physical disability squad for games this summer as the side continues to build towards a world tournament in England in 2019.

“I am very humbled and honoured, especially knowing that we are the first two coaches in the world to be working full-time in disability cricket,” he said.

“This will create an environment that puts this team at the forefront of disability cricket in England and the world.”


Winning through biking

Winning through   bikingWinning through bikingA special focus on Michelle Vorster A fierce competitor with big dreams, Michelle Vorster started cycling late in life but her dream of becoming an elite athlete took over. Michelle Vorster is proof that through determination dreams can come true. Michelle is juggling mountain biking, raising three young children and being a wife. Most women would have given up cycling but she persevered and at the age of 38 won the African Continental MTB XCO Championships, the first for African women.

Michelle was born and raised in Windhoek, matriculating at Academia High School. Although she played netball and did athletics at school, she was never good at any of that.

She says that she is a late bloomer when it comes to mountain biking as she entered the sport at the age of 35.

In 2010 Michelle tried her hand at triathlons but never really got going. At that time she lived in East London, South Africa. When she moved to Namibia in 2013, a couple of friends invited her to join them on a mountain bike ride on a farm near Windhoek. “It seemed like everyone was riding mountain bikes and I also wanted to try it out.

“So, I went on this ride with my new 26-inch bike. On that day, I fell off the bike a couple of times, but I also fell in love with riding my mountain bike,” she said.

The biker says that mountain biking is different from road cycling as the terrain is rough, which means it demands more concentration, upper body strength and technical skills.

This makes her training intense. “Firstly, it depends what type of race I will be competing in. But generally my riding hours are between 12 and 16 hours a week, plus I go to gym three times a week. Then there are technical training sessions during certain parts of the season and of course a strict eating plan which I need to follow,” she says.

Despite the hard work she puts in preparation, Michelle says that riding gives her freedom. It is her time to talk to God and to explore the beautiful scenery she comes across. “It is as close to nature as I can get. It is also the time I get to spend with my family and to meet new friends,” Michelle explains.

Talking about her achievements with SportWrap Michelle mentioned that claiming the fifth position at the ABSA Cape and reaching her dream of competing at the Olympic Games in Rio for Namibia, would top her list.

“My goal for the year was to do well at the ABSA Cape Epic which is dubbed the “Tour de France” of mountain biking. It is the toughest and the most prestigious mountain bike race in the World. We aimed to finish as the top African team and top five overall, which we achieved. To top it off, we had a glorious podium finish on the Queen Stage,” Michelle said proudly.

But all those achievements are done and dusted and her focus now is on the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia where she plans on scooping a medal.

One on one with SportWrap

Would you describe mountain biking as a dangerous sport?

Every sport has its injuries. If it wasn't dangerous, it wouldn't rush the adrenaline and the fun factor will be out the window.

Can one make a living in Namibia though competitive mountain biking?

No, although Namibia has amazing races and prize money, it generally only covers your cost to the next event or race. I don't think sport as a “job” is seen as a legitimate way of earning a living in Namibia. But, I do believe there are opportunities to employ sportsmen and women to play a major role as marketing people in any company.

Mountain biking is an expensive sport, I have been blessed with amazing sponsors: Scott Bikes, BRG, PowerBar and KIA.

How do you manage with gear?

Mountain biking is very expensive but I am thankful to Das Bike Shop who saw potential in me at an early stage and helped me with discounts on equipment. My husband sponsored most of my bikes and expenses.

However, in November 2016 Scott Bikes, through Cymot, appointed me as their brand ambassador for Namibia – a role I cherish and am very thankful for.

How can we grow women in sport?

Women in my opinion do things for enjoyment and because they are passionate about it, this is where it must start through fun and passion.

What in your opinion is holding females back from biking?

I know there are many females that a scared of falling, but I really want to encourage them to face it, because you will find a sense of freedom and build courage to maybe face other, bigger fears.

How would you like to be remembered?

As Michelle Vorster who enjoys what she does with her whole heart.

Michelle's titles

Namibia National MTB Marathon Champion: 2017, 2016 and 2015. Namibia National MTB XCO Champion; 2016 and 2015.

Third place holder in the SA Cup XCO Series in Bloemfontein, May 2017.

ABSA Cape Epic UCI CAT Women, 2017: 5th place.

Olympic Games, Rio de Janeiro in 2016: 26thposition.

World Championships MTB XCO, Czech Republic, 2016: 49th position. World Cup MTB XCO, Switzerland July 2016: 48th position.

It seems like her achievements will continue to pile up as she has no plans to retire soon.

Limba Mupetami

Football academy for youngsters

Football academy for youngstersFootball academy for youngstersBrave Gladiator seek players Young footballers will now have the opportunity to join the Himba Gladiator Football Academy in Windhoek headed by Brave Gladiators captain Uerikondjera ‘Mamie’ Kasaona. Kasaona has come up with an initiative to assist players who fail to grasp basic football skills.

The Gladiators captain is a teacher at Bethold Himumuine Primary School and played football professionally in the German Women League in the Westphalia region for two years, has a Uefa coaching licence and Fifa Grassroot and International grassroots certificate.

However, before reaching these heights, she played football in the dusty streets of Opuwo. “I come from a marginalised community, the Himba. There is no way that you would think that a girl from that area would get the chance to play football at international level, but it happened.”

The defender said that her ball kicking days started at the age of five. “We made balls from plastic bags and that’s how it all started. Today, a lot of youngsters look up to me and I know I have to set an example to show them that they can achieve whatever they set their mind on.

She said that most players are gifted, but they lack certain attributes which can take them to greater heights. “I see most girls in the national team who can’t pass the ball the right way. I think if players are developed and groomed at a young age they don’t have to struggle with basic skills when they get to national level,” she says.

“I want to draft girls between the age of 6 – 8 years and boys between the ages of 9 – 13 years in the academy. Kasaona says she’s passionate about developing young players who can one day represent the country.

“My football career will end any time but because I have such a passion and love for the game, I thought of giving young girls and boys a chance and opportunity to also reach their dreams,” said Kasaona.

She further says that football is no longer a male-dominated field. “I know that girls in the Herero community are disadvantage because their parents hold them back, saying that football is for boys, but that is wrong. Most Damara/Nama speaking parents are very supportive and push their young girls to excel in soccer. An example is Annouschka Kordom.”

“I scouted her at her primary school. She used to play football with the boys. I then spoke to her parents and they encouraged her to play. Now she’s playing football in the US.”

Kasitu who will work closely with Kasaona is hopeful that the academy will kick – off soon. I know there are financial problems in the women league, but I don’t want to ask for money from corporate companies. Some equipment and gear would help me greatly,” she says.

People who are interested in helping the academy can call 0814175654 or 0817632600.

Limba Mupetami

Spiders withdraw from Hardap Second Division

Spiders withdraw from Hardap Second DivisionSpiders withdraw from Hardap Second Division A team in the second division league pulled out of the league due to financial constraints Spiders Football Club (FC) from Rehoboth has withdrawn from the Hardap Second Division league.

The league started last Sunday, with the opening round producing 17 goals.

Michael Situde, chairperson of the Hardap Second Division told Nampa on Thursday Spiders withdrew from the league, citing financial difficulties and the state of local football – referring to the inactivity of the Namibia Premier League and the struggle to secure a sponsor. “Spiders wanted to know why we are in a rush to start the league since other regions have not started. It is unfortunate that we lost them,” he said.

Situde said all teams were informed well in advance about the kick-off dates and teams cannot be asking such questions at this point.

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