Policies need implementation now! 0 The second Swapo policy conference takes place at an opportune time when many African liberation movements are losing relevance and popularity. Although Swapo is still dominant as ever, the same cannot be said about African liberation movements like the Chama Chama Mapinduzi of Tanzania, which had to fend off stiff competition from the main opposition during last year''s general elections to win by 58%. In Mozambique, Frelimo lost its two-thirds majority during the 2014 elections, while South Africa''s ANC has remained on the receiving end in the last couple of years – its support dropping with shocking losses in key metropolitan areas at the local authority elections of this year. Claims that the leaders have lost touch with the aspirations of the masses and that they are only interested in self-enrichment appears to be a true reflection of the situation on the ground. Despite a seemingly weak opposition, Swapo can ill afford to slip-up and rest on its laurels by not delivering on its promises. At the official opening this week, conference chair Hage Geingob pointed out that the meeting will review decisions taken at the first party conference and that delegates are expected to engage in frank and open discourse, to guide and determine the present situation and the future of the party. As ruling party, Swapo is obliged to illustrate sound leadership skills by acting in the interests of all Namibians – whether they voted for Swapo or not. As the saying goes, “if Swapo sneezes the whole country catches a cold”. It is our sincere hope that this gathering is not just another “come together” and jollification for comrades pretending to “care”. It is time that the party shows leadership and decisiveness in the fight against patronage and corruption. The Swapo leadership must be open and admit its failures, especially in the areas of service delivery, poverty alleviation, unemployment and the worrisomely high levels of inequality plaguing our nation. If Swapo claims to be the party to take Namibia forward, it must improve accountability, not write good policies on nice paper - they must put into practice!