The impasse is sad for twins Maya and Paula – and many parties in this matter, other than Kapofi, are to blame.
Public officials, including those at the home affairs ministry, are required to follow due processes as laid out by law.
As things stand, there is no law in Namibia that recognises that same-sex parents can biologically make a baby. This is a fact of law, whether right or wrong.
Until the law changes to accommodate this scenario, more babies will endure the same fate as Maya and Paula. And until such a scenario becomes permissible in law, Kapofi and his officials will remain stuck between the rock and hard place of legality and emotions.
Instead of charging at Kapofi for sticking to the law, proponents of same-sex marriages and gay rights must push for a legislation accommodating these realities.
Right now, what is happening is - technically speaking - asking home affairs to disregard existing laws to accommodate the emotions of individuals. This will never pass the test of compliance.
Homosexuality is not a figment of our collective imagination. Gay Namibians should not be denied the right to exist. The law must evolve to recognise this reality.