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New kids on the block impress

New kids on the block impressNew kids on the block impress LIMBA MUPETAMI

Newly established netball club AfroCat is teaching their rivals a thing or two on the netball court.

In round five of the tournament Afrocat showed much-needed resilience to beat Tura Magic netball club 36 – 11 at the Khomasdal netball court in Windhoek.

The court was a hive of activity on Saturday with teams vying for the top spot in the Khomas Region netball tournament

Afrocat were the better team in goal, where their goal attack, Victoria Ipumbu, made sure to collect all the points. Goal shooter Mercy Muranda assisted her well, feeding her with the balls to make the much-needed scores.

Muranda was quick on her feet, confusing and tiring her competitors. She also showed great athleticism.

The tournament consists of several teams from the Khomas Region netball premier league.

Tura Magic players displayed individual brilliance despite their loss and vowed to return stronger and better.

The University of Namibia’s netball coach, Manuelle ‘Mansie’ Tjivera, complimented the winners, saying they were fast becoming a team to be reckoned with. Tjivera is the country’s most successful netball coach, winning the Khomas Netball League with Black Africa in 1997 and 2001, with Civics in 2002, and Unam in 2014 and 2015.

The match between Black Africa and United, which was billed to be a high-octane affair, did not take place as United did not pitch for their match. Black Africa took the 15 points.

Round six of the tournament will take place next week at the same venue. Games start at 13:30 and entrance is free.

Taku ka tungwa oshipangelo oshinene monooli

Taku ka tungwa oshipangelo oshinene monooliTaku ka tungwa oshipangelo oshinene monooliOshipangelo shoka otashi ka tungwa mOndangwa nenge mOngwediva Uuministeli wUundjolowele otawu pangele okutunga oshipangelo oshinene mOshitopolwa shaShana, opo ku vulwe okuyambidhidhwa iipangelo yomonooli yoshilongo. Monena oshipangelo shaShakati oshowo Onandjokwe oyo iipangelo iinene monooli yaNamibia.

Minista Dr Bernard Haufiku okwa popi kutya etungo lyoshipangelo sha gwedhwa po oshinene , otali ka kwathela iipangelo mbyoka hayi ungaunga nomwaalu omunene gwaapangwa, nayamwe mboka haya ende iinano ya thika po-700, okuya kOvenduka hoka haya ukithwa okuza miipangelo mbyoka.

Haufiku okwa popi ngaaka pethimbo lyomutumba ngoka gwa ningwa naanambelewa yuunamiti naanapolotika okuza moshitopolwa shaShana, Ohangwena, Omusati nOshikoto. Omutumba ngoka gwa ningwa mEtine mOngwediva.

Okwa popi kutya oshipangelo shoka otashi ka kala shi thike poshipangelo shaWindhoek Central Hospital, nenge shi vule po na otashi ka kala shi na oombete dhili pokati ko-900 ne-1 200.

Oshipangelo shoka otashi ka kala nokugandja uunamiti kaapangwa mboka taya ka pumbwa andola okutuminwa koshipangelo shaWindhoek Central Hospital nenge oKatutura Intermediate Hospital okuza mOshana, Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshikoto, Kavango East, Kavango West, Kunene noZambezi.

“Opoloyeka onene, ndjoka tayi ka gandja oompito dhiilonga odhindji pethimbo lyetungo.”

Oshipangelo shoka otashi ka longithwa woo onga endiki lyomadheulo neningo lyomapekaapeko.

Ondangwa nOngwediva oodhimwe dhomoondolopa moka tamu pangelwa okutungwa oshipangelo shoka.

Elelo lyoshitopolwa shaShana, olya pumbwa opo li gandje omagwedhelopo kutya oshipangelo shoka otashi vulu okutungwa mOndangwa nenge mOngwediva, nuuministeli owa tegelela eyamukulo okuza kelelo lyoshitopolwa okuya pehulilo lyomwedhi Juni.

Opoloyeka ndjoka otayi ka yambidhidhwa pashimaliwa koshikondo shopaumwene, nepangelo otali ka kutha ko oshinakugwanithwa lwanima.


Aakwaluteli ya pewa omukanda tagu pula opo ya gandje ombili

Aakwaluteli ya pewa omukanda tagu pula opo ya gandje ombiliAakwaluteli ya pewa omukanda tagu pula opo ya gandje ombili Aakomeho yoForum for the Future (FFF) oshowo NamRights, Samson Ndeikwila naPhil Ya Nangoloh, oshiwike sha piti oya gandja omukanda tagu pula egandjo lyombili okuza koLutheran World Federation (LWF).

LWF ota pulwa opo a gandje ombili molwaashoka aniwa okwa kala a mwena nonando oku na ontseyo kombinga yiimbuluma yiita ya longwa kuSwapo, pethimbo lyekondjelomangululo lyaNamibia.

Omukanda ngoka ogwa taambiwako kuRalston Deffenbaugh, omuyambidhidhi gwamushanga gwoLWF, pethimbo lyomutumba gwokomvula omuti-12 ngoka tagu ningilwa mOvenduka.

Omanga Ndeikwila naYa Nangoloh inaya gandja omukanda ngoka, omukomeho gwegameno pehala mpoka tapu ningilwa omutumba ngoka, a tumbulwa kutya Omukonaakoni mOpolisi yaNamibia, gwedhina T. Haimbodi, okwa kambadhala okwiindika aalumentu mboka opo kaya vule okuya meni lyohotela moka tamu ningilwa omutumba.

Haimbodi okwa popi kutya omilandu inadhi landulwa opo kugandjwe omukanda ngoka molwaashoka Omukomeho gwOpolisi yaNamibia, Sebastian Ndeitunga ina tseyithilwa. Okwa tsikile kutya otashi gandja ethano ewinayi lyoshilongo sho taku gandjwa omukanda ngoka omanga omukomeho gwopolisi ke na ontseyo musho

Deffenbaugh okwa pula Ndeikwila naYa Nangoloh kutya omolwashike opo taya gandja ombaapila ndjoka ngashiingeyi nonando oya shangwa oomvula ne dha piti.

a Nangoloh okwa yamukula kutya oyali ya hala opo ombaapila ndjoka yi leshwe momutumba ngoka pehala lyokuleshwa owala moongeleka dhimwe po.

FFF noNamRights oya popi kutya omukanda ngoka nagu pewe amushanga-ndjai gwoLWF, Omusita Dr Martin Junge oshowo Omusita Dr Emma Nangolo, ngoka e li Omunashipundi gwoNamibian assembly preparatory committee.

Junge okwa popi kutya otaka konaakona omukanda ngoka opo ku vule kuningwa etokolo ngele otagu vulu okuninga oshikundathanwa momutumba ngoka tagu ningwa.


ACC a yamukula amushanga gwoDTA

ACC a yamukula amushanga gwoDTAACC a yamukula amushanga gwoDTAAanenentu naanapolotika aniwa ihaya konaakonwa koACC Omukomeho gwOkakomisi kOkukondjtha Uulingilingi moNamibia okwa popi kutya omunapolotika Nico Smit ina ninga omapopyo kage na uukwashili onga omukalo gwokumona eyambidhidho lyopapolotika. Omukomeho gwoAnti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Paulus Noa, okwa ekelehi omapopyo guukombunda ngoka ga ningwa kuamushanga –ndjai gwongundu yooDTA Nico Smit.

Smit okwa popi kutya okakomisi hoka otaka konaakona owala uupotha mboka uushona na itaka konaakona aanenentu nenge anapolotika.

Noa okwa ekelehi omapopyo ngoka kutya okakomisi hoka ihaka tala omeho owala ombinga yimwe na ohaka konaakona aantu ayehe shi thike pamwe.

Smit okwa popi kutya ACC ohayi longo iilonga yawo nondjungu nomeendelelo uuna tayi konaakona uupotha mboka uushona .

“Ngele okakomisi otaka konaakona oshipotha shominista nenge omunenentu gumwe shi na niimaliwa oomiliyona dhoshigwana, nena oshipotha shoka ihashi manithwa na ohashi kaa aluhe taku tiwa opo tashi konaakona sigo omaiyuvo goshigwana ga loto,” Smit a popi.

Smit okwa popi ngaaka, a gandja oshiholelwa shomunambelewa ngoka a tulwa miipandeko koACC omolwa oshipotha shuulingilingi woshimaliwa shooN$2 300, mesiku olyo tuundyoka okwa lopotwa kutya ACC ota konaakona Ominista yOohi nOonzo dhOmomeya, Bernhard Esau.

Smit okwa pula woo kutya ACC okwa thikama peni momakonaakono giipotha ngaashi yoGovernment Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) money, Social Security Commission (Avid) oshowo oSME Bank.

“Omolwashike ngele ope na oomiliyona dha kana ACC oha mwena ihe ngele uumaliwa uushona wa yakwa koohandimwe mboka kaye na ekwatathano lyopapolotika, nena ACC oha longo neitulomo?”

Okwa tsikile kutya molwaashoka mboka taya kwatakanithwa niipotha mbyoka ihaya ningwa sha nena onkene taya tsikile nokwiiyambapaleka niimaliwa yoshigwana.

“Opo ACC uulike kutya ye shili oshiputudhilo shoshigwana okwa pumbwa okuhulitha po omukalo gwokukonaakona owala uupotha mboka uushona nokwiidhimbika aanenentu mboka taya iyambapaleke niimaliwa yoshigwana. ACC okwa pumbwa okutala omeho iipotha ayihe yuulingilingi,” Smit ta ti.

Okwa tsikile kutya sigo uuna ndoka ACC ta lundulula omukalo gwe gwokukonaakona iipotha, ota tsikile nokushunithitha Namibia pevi nokukala momusholondondo gwiilongo mbyoka yi na iipotha yuulingilingi yili pombanda noonkondo.

Noa okwa lombwele oNamibian Sun kutya Oveta yOkukondjitha Uulingilingi inayi yoolola na kayi na omutyo gwaanenentu noohandimwe.

Okwa tsikile kutya uuna taya gwanitha po iilonga yawo ihaya tala komaiyuvo goshigwana ihe ohaya landula oveta.

Okwa popi kutya uuna iipotha tayi lopotwa ohayi kala moondondo dha yooloka, naashoka osho hashi etitha iipotha yimwe yi kale itayi pu okukonaakonwa mbala.

Okwa popi kombinga yoshipotha moka omunambelewa gwElelo lyOndoolopa yaKaribib a tulwa miipandeko mo-2013.

Pahapu dhaNoa, elelo lyondoolopa ndjoka olya lopota oshipotha shelanditho lyevi shaali pamulandu kokakomisi nomukonaakoni gwokakomisi okwa pewa oshipotha shoka opo e shi konaakone.

Okwa popi kutya oondokumende dha thika po-60 odha kuthwa melelo lyondoolopa oshowo moombanga nomiiputudhilo yomakwatathano opo dhi konaakonwe nokugandja omaumbangi.

Okwa tsikile kutya omanga oshipotha shoka sha li tashi konaakonwa, omunambelewa omukonaakoni ngoka a li ta konaaakona oshipotha shoka okwa thigi po iilonga ye mokakomisi hoka.

Oshipotha shoka osha kelekwa manga kashona nalwanima osha pewa omukonaakoni omupe.

Noa owa popi kutya oya tamekitha omakonaakono gawo moshipotha shoka molwaashoka osha lopotwa kuyo na itaya vulu oku tinda molwaashoka oyo iilonga yawo kakele ongele ya mono kutya kape na uumbangi womondjila.

Okwa tsikile kutya ngele uumbangi owomondjila nena okakomisi ohaka gandja oshipotha shoka momake gomupanguli-ndjai, opo a vule okuninga etokolo.

Noa okwa tsikile kutya aluhe ohaku talika komaumbangi ngoka ga monika po, nomutamanekwa oha pangulwa kwiikwatelelwa komaumbangi ngoka geli po.

Noa okwa popi kutya oshipotha shoka osha gandjwa komupanguli-ndjai mo-2016 na okwa ningi etokolo opo omufekela ngoka a pangulwe.

Kombinga yoshipotha shoGIPF, Noa okwa popi kutya oshipotha shoka osha holoka omanga okakomisi hoka inaka tulwa miilonga onkene, oshi li momake gopolisi.

Kombinga yoshipotha shoAvid, Noa okwa popi kutya oshipotha shoka oshi li momake gOmpangu yoPombanda omanga oshipotha shoSME Bank shi li nasho momake gOmpangu yoPombanda.

“Ngele omusimanekwa Smit oku na oshipotha shontumba shoka tashi kwatakanithwa nominista nenge omunapolotika gwontumba na osha lopotwa kokakomisi ketu ihe otwa tindi okushi konaaakona, okwa pumbwa oku shi popya.”

“ACC oshiputudhilo shokukonaakono iipotha kwiikwatelelwa komaumbangi. Okakomisi inaka longithwa onga omukalo gwokwiilikolela eyambidhidho lyopapolotika.”


Aakali megumbo lyElelo lyAaHerero otaya lumbu monkalo yaana uuyogoki

Aakali megumbo lyElelo lyAaHerero otaya lumbu monkalo yaana uuyogokiAakali megumbo lyElelo lyAaHerero otaya lumbu monkalo yaana uuyogoki Aakalimo megumbo lyOvaherero Traditional Authority (OTA) mo Katutura onkene taya tsikile okukala monkalo yaana uuyogoki.

Shoka oshi li omukundu omunene ngoka gwa taalela woo elelo lyoshilando shaVenduka, oshowo Elelo lyoPamuthigululwakalo gwAaHerero.

Egumbo ndyoka otali adhika mepandanda lyaEphraem Hei popepi nongeleka yOruuano moKatutura.

Mayola gwOshilandopangelo, Muesee Kazapua okwa popi kutya okwa pumbiwa okwaadhika etsokumwe pokati kElelo lyOpamuthigululwakalo gwAaHerero oshowo Elelo lyOshilando shaVenduka kombinga yaakwashigwana okuza mOshitopolwa shaKunene oshowo Otjozondjupa mboka ya kala megumbo ndyoka okutameka omvula ya piti.

“Otwa tseya kutya megumbo ndyoka ohamu zi aantu ya za kiitopolwa ya yoolokaa mboka ye ya moshilando omolwa omatompelo ga yooloka, ihe oshili oshooka kutya inaya tseyithila Elelo lyOshilando kombinga yoompangela dhawo kombinga yokukala megumbo ndyoka,” Kazapua a lombwele oNampa.

Okwa tsikile kutya nonando oye na ontseyo kombinga yonkalo ndjoka, kaye na shoka taya vulu okuninga.

Pahapu dhaKazapua, aakuthimbinga ayehe moshikumungu shoka oya pumbwa okukundathana oshikumungu shoka nokwaadha etsokumwe.

“Otu shi shi kutya pehala mpoka ope na ompumbwe yomeya nuundjugo, noshili ooshoka kutya omayakulo ngoka ohaga futilwa moondoolopa, onkene onda hala okuya moonkundathana nayo.”

Kazapua okwa ekelehi woo omapopyo ngoka ga ningwa kukansela, Joseph Kauandenge, kutya elelo lyoshilando otali ningi oompangela dhokugandja omayakulo gomeya nokutungila aakalimo mboka uundjugo.

“Omatokolo goludhi ndoka ohaga ningwa taku landulwa omilandu omanga inaga tulwa miilonga. Otwa pumbwa okwiikaleka kokule nokuninga omapopyo ngoka taga tula moshiponga iiputudhilo yetu nokugandja omauyelele ga puka kaakwashigwana onga omukalo gwokulikola aalanduli yopapolotika,” Kazapua a kunkilile.

Omupopiliko gwo OTA, Bob Kandetu oshiwike sha piti okwa popi moradio yoNamibian Broadcasting Corporation mElaka lyOshiherereo kutya egumbo ndyoka oli li monkalo yanayipala kayi na uuyogoki.

Aakalimo megumbo ndyoka okwa hololwa kutya oyendji

aakwaita nale yoKoevoet/South West Africa Territorial Force, unene ya za moshitopolwa shaKunene nOtjozondjupa.

Yamwe po oya ninga ootenda dhawo popepi nomulamba gu li konima yoskola yoNamibia English Primary School.

“Aantu naya kale ye shi shi kutya nokomahala hoka ya za oku na omilandu hadhi landulwa uuna omuntu a hala okukala poshitopolwa shevi shontumba nomilandu ndhoka odha faathana naadhoka dhoshilando shaVenduka.”


Volatile trading environment for Richemont

Volatile trading environment for RichemontVolatile trading environment for Richemont Cartier owner Richemont said it expects the trading environment to stay volatile after net profit slid more than the market expected but sales growth picked up towards the end of its fiscal year to March.

“Volatility and uncertainty in the geopolitical and trading environments are likely to prevail,” the world's second-biggest luxury goods group said in a statement on Friday.

Luxury watchmakers have been grappling with dwindling demand in their biggest markets, Hong Kong and the United States, but sales improved of late thanks to easier comparisons and what appears to be a sustainable recovery in mainland China.

The world's biggest luxury goods group, LVMH, last month reported underlying sales growth of 11% in its watch and jewellery business in the first quarter of 2017, helped by a recovery in Europe and Asia.

Sales at Richemont fell 4% constant exchange rates in the year to March, missing expectations in a Reuters poll of analysts, but with a clear improvement in the second half thanks to a recovery in the United States and strong growth in China.

At actual exchange rates, sales also declined 4% to €10.65 billion, just slightly below a €10.68 billion forecast in the poll.

Jewellery sales growth, mainly under Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels brands, slowed to 7% at onstant currency from 8% in 2015/16.

Sales of watches, including IWC and Piaget timepieces, were still under pressure, declining 15 percent, on top of an 8% drop the previous year.

Net profit slid 46% to €1.21 billion, mainly due to a one-off gain related to Net-a-Porter in the previous year, short of a €1.34 billion forecast in the poll.

The operating margin deteriorated to 16.6% from 18.6% a year ago, a situation Richemont is addressing with cost-saving measures and a management reshuffle.

Its shares were indicated 0.2% firmer in pre-market activity, in part due to news of a new share buyback.

“Free cash flow generation continues to be very strong, a clear positive. The share buybacks add icing on the cake,” Luca Solca, an analyst with Exane BNP Paribas, said.


Molefe to return as Eskom head

Molefe to return as Eskom headMolefe to return as Eskom headEarly retirement not accepted Former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe stepped down as Eskom CEO following allegations that he had favoured the infamous Gupta family. Eskom's CEO Brian Molefe will return to his job next week, the South African power utility said on Friday, about five months since he stepped down after being implicated in a report by the anti-graft watchdog into alleged influence-peddling.

Molefe stepped down in November last year after a report by the Public Protector, a constitutionally mandated corruption watchdog, raised questions over coal deals between Eskom and a company controlled by the Gupta family.

His reinstatement follows a refusal by Public Enterprises Minister Lynn Brown to approve the Eskom board's 30 million rand pension pay-out for Molefe. Brown asked Eskom to find an “appropriate pension proposal”.

“Most of the options discussed were not mutually agreeable and the board decided that it was actually optimum to rescind its decision to grant him early retirement,” said Khulani Qoma, spokesman for Eskom's board. “By virtue of that, then legally ... you need to then proceed and reinstate him.”

Molefe, who also quit as a member of parliament after less than three months in the role, was widely touted to replace Pravin Gordhan as finance minister but lost out to Malusi Gigaba in a cabinet shake-up in late March. When he stepped down a week after the release of the Public Protector's “State of Capture' report in November last year, Molefe said that quitting was not an admission of wrongdoing but was in the best interests of Eskom and good corporate governance.

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) party described Molefe's reinstatement as “unfortunate and reckless”.

“The Public Protector's report, while still under review, made observations against Mr Molefe which, at the time, he had deemed serious and significant enough to warrant his resignation,” ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa said in a statement.

The main opposition party, meanwhile, called for a parliametary inquiry into Eskom.

“South Africa deserves to know the truth behind the many scandals engulfing Eskom,” the Democratic Alliance said in a statement.

Molefe's first stint at Eskom began in April 2015, when he was drafted in from state rail freight firm Transnet as the utility battled against power shortages. He is largely credited with stabilising electricity supply.

A staunch supporter of South Africa's nuclear energy ambitions, Molefe returns to the company in the middle of the construction of three coal-fired power stations.

South Africa has earmarked atomic expansion as a key part of raising its power generation capacity but the cost of up to 1 trillion rand has raised concerns over whether the plan is affordable.


Katti ploughs back

Katti ploughs backKatti ploughs backMillions for local community Walvis Bay-born Knowledge Katti has generously donated to several churches, with each receiving N$115 000 from the businessman. Walvis Bay businessman Knowledge Katti on Thursday donated N$1 150 000 to residents of Kuisebmond and Narraville.

The donation was made through the Knowledge Katti Foundation.

In a speech read on his behalf, Katti said he believes that poverty can be eradicated if people work together, and called on the business community to partner and finance poverty alleviation projects.

“People in Walvis Bay lose property in shack fires every year, but nobody acts on time to help them. Let us act and assist hastily as we do when Government tenders are announced,” said Katti.

At the occasion, Charlie Dawid from the foundation noted that the money will be put into a revolving fund, where the community can borrow from to buy equipment and start their businesses.

The fund will also assist the elderly to pay their water accounts in arrears and meet other needs that may arise.

Dawid said repaying the loans will not be dealt with as banks do.

“The request is that when you borrow money, pay back but with your time; nobody will tell you how much to pay over what time as long as you pay,” said Dawid.

Detailed selection criteria will be announced next week, after which community members can apply to access the funds.

One of Katti's dreams is that every house in Walvis Bay should have running water.

“So we will try to pay half of the owed amounts for water to be opened while we see how to settle the bills,” said Dawid.

Daniel Imbili, a council member from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (Elcin), announced at the event that 10 churches in Walvis Bay received N$150 000 last week from the same foundation.

He said the churches were given freedom to use the money as they wish, as long as their operations are improved and they take care of the needy.

The beneficiaries include Elcin, Angelican, Roman Catholic, Hosiana Parish and Baptist churches.

“We hope other business people follow suit because we need to help our elders and community.

Government alone cannot alleviate poverty,” Imbili said.

Walvis Bay Mayor, Immanuel Wilfred said he is glad to see Katti ploughing back into the community he came from.

“I urge the community to make good use of this opportunity to better themselves.”


Kalimbeza rice goes international

Kalimbeza rice goes internationalKalimbeza rice goes internationalPlans to export rice to Malaysia Namibia's high commissioner to Malaysia, Anne Mutelo, will showcase locally produced rice in her host country. The rice project was commercialised in 2015. The Namibian high commissioner to Malaysia, Anne Mutelo, intends to market rice from the Kalimbeza Green Scheme project in her host country, with a view to export the product there.

Mutelo visited the project in the Zambezi Region during her three-week visit to Namibia, where she familiarised herself with progress made since the project was commercialised in 2015.

She recently spoke to Nampa about her plans to hold talks with investors as well as the Ministry of International Trade in Malaysia to have the rice exported to that country.

“The ministry takes care of trade and investment relations with countries and is represented all over the world,” she said.

The Namibian envoy added that it is now a matter of establishing whether it is possible to get the product into the Malaysian market.

She also represents Namibia as ambassador in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, East Timor, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands and Fiji.

Mutelo said she was impressed with the production and packing of the rice, noting that the project has great potential, provided a market could be availed.

The rice is of good quality and is grown organically.

“At the moment, it is only sold in Katima Mulilo at the Kamunu Supermarket, so I am looking at getting this rice into the south-east Asian region, where rice is a staple food,” she said.

She added that altough the rice project could not produce for the mass market in Namibia, her interests are to create a niche market for the rice and other locally produced products in countries she is accredited to. Her focus areas include tourism, trade and investment in education and health in those countries.

“At the moment, trade is not so prominent, but we get some electronics from Malaysia and good quality furniture,” she stated.

The Kalimbeza rice project started as scientific research initiative under the University of Namibia in 2007.


Finland funds development projects

Finland funds development projectsFinland funds development projects The Finnish embassy on Thursday announced the funding of three local projects with N$4.3 million for them to promote a green economy and strengthen Namibia as a democratic and accountable society.

The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) was granted N$1.4 million for the 'Action Now' Access to Information project that aims to build the capacity of civil society and for it to advocate the importance of access to information.

At the signing ceremony, the Ambassador of Finland to Namibia Anne Saloranta highlighted the importance of the implementation of the Access to Information Bill that is expected to be enacted in September.

“Promoting freedom of information is high up among Finland's core values,” said Saloranta.

The executive chairperson of NMT, Gwen Lister, said the bill would push access to information and hopefully create a well-informed society.

An agreement of N$1.45 million was signed with Omba Arts Trust for their Sustaining Livelihoods for Marginalised Craft Producers project. It operates in different parts of Namibia, teaching and equipping communities with the skills and knowledge to produce handicrafts, with strong emphasis on gender.

About 95% of the beneficiaries are women and 60% of San origin.

“The project also increases the market for the produced products and Finland is one of our market as well,” said Karin le Roux from the Omba Arts Trust.

The Ombetja Yehinga Organisation (OYO) Trust was granted N$1.5 million for the second phase of its San Matter project that will build on the previous phase of addressing matters causing the increased school dropout of San children.

OYO has worked with 20 schools in the Ohangwena and Omaheke regions.


Caf chooses two vice-presidents

Caf chooses two vice-presidentsCaf chooses two vice-presidents The Confederation of African Football has appointed two new vice presidents to the administrative the body of African football.

Kwesi Nyantakyi of Ghana and Constant Omari Selemani of the Democratic Republic of Congo have been chosen as Caf vice-presidents, the African football body said on Tuesday.

A statement said the two officials, who had been widely tipped for the posts, were elected by acclamation during an executive committee meeting in Bahrain.

They succeed Guinean Almamy Kabele Camara and Suketu Patel, a Seychellois who quit Caf in March after long-serving Issa Hayatou of Cameroon suffered a shock presidential election defeat.

It was the first meeting of the executive since Madagascan Ahmad Ahmad beat Hayatou 34-20 in a vote for the top Caf post.

Manama, the capital of Middle East state Bahrain, also plays host to meetings of world football organisation Fifa this week.


Wenger remains undeterred

Wenger remains undeterredWenger remains undeterredArsenal boss 'not influenced' by plane banner at Stoke Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger insists a plane carrying an 'Out Means Out' banner over Stoke didn't affect him. Arsene Wenger vowed his focus would remain on his side's push for Champions League football and not the protests against him after a 4-1 win at Stoke.

The gap between the fifth-placed Gunners and fourth-placed Liverpool was reduced to a point, with both teams having two games to go, as Wenger's men recorded only their second Premier League away victory over the Potters in nine attempts.

There have been several recent instances of Arsenal fans calling for the manager to leave at the end of this season, and early on during the match at the bet365 Stadium a plane flew over the ground with a banner on display that read “Wenger - Out Means Out!!”

When asked about that following the game, Wenger who is still yet to announce whether he intends to stay on at the club after this term said: “Look, I am paid to do my job for a club I love. I will do that as long as I am here, with full commitment, and I am not influenced by that at all.

“All I can do is to give my best. We have 69 points today - let's make it 72 on Tuesday [when Arsenal host Sunderland], and after that I will give my best as long as I am here for the values of this club.

“I want to focus on football and all the rest is, for me, less important.

“I am not in politics, I am in sport. I love sport, I give 24 hours a day for what I love and all the rest - I am in a public job, some agree with me, some do not. But I have no special opinion on that.'

When it was put to him that reports in France had suggested he will extend his time at Arsenal past the end of the season by signing a new one-year deal, Wenger said: “There is no information about that, nothing.'

Before going to print Liverpool was due to play at West Ham on Sunday knowing that anything other than a win will open the door for Arsenal to overtake them when they face Sunderland.

Wenger replied, “Yes,' with a smile when asked if he would be a West Ham fan for 24 hours, and said: “I think one of the qualities of the Premier League is that, historically, there is a pride in every team to give their best until the end of the season.

“I think I saw West Ham do that against Tottenham (when they beat them 1-0 at home last week).

“You just expect two teams to play with full power - if the other teams are better, they are better.'


All hail the Blues!

All hail the Blues!All hail the Blues!Conte makes champion Chelsea a happy family again Antonio Conte celebrated at the Hawthorns after having a bucket of water poured over him and being sprayed with champagne after Michy Batshuayi's late winner clinched the Premier League. Antonio Conte was fielding a question in his post-match news conference when David Luiz and Diego Costa appeared from out of nowhere, barged past a couple of reporters and dragged their manager out of his chair and out of the room.

“Guys, champions! Enough, enough!” Luiz roared.

Chelsea's Premier League title-winning celebrations at The Hawthorns were in full flow heading into the early hours of Saturday morning, and the players wanted Conte to be part of it.

Life at Chelsea, with its big-time players and trigger-happy owner Roman Abramovich, can resemble a soap opera at times but it has been one big happy family at Stamford Bridge this season.

It's all down to Conte.

The popular Italian was the first to get the “bumps” - the celebratory ritual so common in England these days where a person is thrown in the air and caught by his club colleagues - after Chelsea's 1-0 win at West Bromwich Albion on Friday evening that clinched the title.

Conte paced the field post-match, hugging people twice and even three times, and was right in the middle of a line of players as they sprinted toward Chelsea's fans and dived on the wet turf.

Back in the dressing room, Conte walked through the door after some TV interviews and was soaked by a huge bucket of water. Then, Costa was among the players dousing Conte in champagne and beer.

“I had to change my suit,” Conte said, with a smile, “my suit is a disaster now.”

Costa was the life and soul of the post-match party, another testament to Conte, who has got the striker happy and playing close to his best again this season. The Spain international reportedly was one of the players who fell out with Jose Mourinho last season, contributing to the negative atmosphere that engulfed the club as it finished, somewhat embarrassingly, in 10th place.

Similarly, winger Eden Hazard is working hard and playing with a smile on his face again, which couldn't be said last season when - as English soccer's reigning player of the year - he only scored his first goal in April and was dropped from the team for some matches. On Friday, with the score at 0-0 late in the first half, Hazard was the one chasing back as Leicester mounted a counterattack from a Chelsea corner to force a 2-on-1 situation near the area.

Conte also has managed club captain John Terry's gradual fading out from the first team with grace and class.

For a club that can be toxic and leaky, there have been few flashpoints this season in the first year under Conte.

“I thank them for their commitment and work rate,” Conte said of his players. “They show me a great attitude to try to do something great this season.”

Conte's passion and work ethic is clearly infectious. The players bought into his ideas, particularly when he changed formation to a 3-4-3 during a game against Arsenal in late September when Chelsea was 3-0 down by halftime and Conte “didn't see nothing of my work, my idea of football.”

“When you arrive after a bad season, 10th place, it means there (are) a lot of problems, not only one,” Conte said. “To find the right solution quickly wasn't easy. For this, I want to say thanks to my players; they trust in a new work, in a new philosophy, a new football, new analysis, the mistakes, the positive and negative situations.”

Of course, winning regularly helps to foster a happy atmosphere. It will be harder for Conte next season, with Chelsea facing a tougher schedule owing to its return to the Champions League and being the target once again in the Premier League.

Diego Costa could leave for China, while John Terry's departure will deprive the club of so much experience and leadership.

But with the hard-working Conte at the helm, expect Chelsea to overcome the challenges.


It's a wrap, Costa Seibeb

It's a wrap, Costa SeibebIt's a wrap, Costa SeibebNamibia bids farewell The cycling fraternity said goodbye to one of Namibia's finest cycling sensations, Costa Raul Seibeb, at the weekend. Cycling sensation Costa Seibeb died in a hospital in Windhoek on 1 May after colliding with a vehicle 40 kilometres outside Aus settlement.

Seibeb was a force to be reckoned with in local cycling as he dominated headlines over the years, winning almost every competition that he took part in on the national cycling calendar.

His many cycling achievements included being crowned Namibia's Road Race Champion in 2014, Namibia's XCO National Champion in 2015, and winner of the 2016 Otjiwa Eagle Ride MTB Challenge. He was the reigning National Cross Country Marathon Champion, which he won in February this year.

The cyclist was competing in the Klein Aus MTB Challenge when the accident happened and, as usual, he was leading in the competition. Many could not believe it when news came that the life of the young athlete had ended so abruptly. There are many unanswered questions as to what happened on that fateful day.

But life as we know it moves on and with it comes a brighter day. In celebration of Seibeb's life, Sport Wrap spoke to some of his friends and family members. Most of them described him as a rough diamond undergoing polishing. Before anyone knew his name, Seibeb roamed the streets of Katutura, playing in the dusty streets like any other young boy. At the age of 16, he started racing with team BEN Namibia. His talent was noticed by the Namibian Cycling Federation. By the time he joined their team, he already knew what was expected of him. Many people took notice of Seibeb's talent. People were also drawn to him because of his bright smile. Michael Linke, managing director of the Bicycling Empowerment Network, said he didn't understand the value of sport in young people's lives until a group of BEN mechanics and their friends proposed starting Team BEN Namibia. “What I learned was that so many Namibian youth are crying out for a chance to show the world what they can do. Some of the guys from our team went on to apply the discipline and focus they learned from training and competing as cyclists to other parts of their lives, like work, study, and relationships.

“In Seibeb's case, he chose to build on his natural talent for cycling and make a career of it. I'm convinced, as are most people who knew him, that he was bound for further greatness in his cycling career, and in his life,” he said.

Linke said Seibeb taught him a lot. “It was the value of giving young people opportunities to be their best. What we gave Costa was very little. A bit of structure for training, some spare parts and bike maintenance. What he gave back through his hard work and dedication, to his country, and to a generation of young cyclists looking for a role model, can't be measured. And he gave it with a smile, always.”

Linke said what Seibeb achieved in his life made a difference to the country and his sport, and it inspired everyone who knew him. “We will always remember him with a smile.”

As his career developed and he rose in the ranks, Nedbank offered him a sponsorship deal and that is where he made a lot of friends who encouraged and supported his career.

At Seibeb's memorial service in Windhoek, Lionel Matthews, managing director of Nedbank, said his death was a great loss to the cycling community. “I told his mother the other day that her son was a champion and will remain so for as long as the history of Namibian cycling will remember him.”

“The formal relationship with Costa and Nedbank started in October 2015, but his sheer cycling talent lit up Namibia's oldest competitive cycling race, the Nedbank Cycle Challenge, long before we had the honour of seeing him race in Nedbank colours,” said Matthews.

Fighting back tears, Matthews said the sport of cycling had been searching for a local hero like Seibeb for years. “He was supremely talented, confident, assured and always carried a smile which was completely disarming and infectious at the same time. He had come through the ranks steadily and once he entered the competitive cycling scene, he became a hero for youngsters who would never have given cycling a second chance.”

Jerry Ekandjo, the minister of sport, youth and national service, was present to share words of comfort with the family.

“Despite his circumstances, he raised as an elite cyclist. His ambition was to compete in the Olympics next year. His smile made him make friends easily, locally and internationally. The whole ministry is affected by the loss of Seibeb. Like a true champion he reached the finishing line because he never looked back or gave up,” Ekandjo said.

Seibeb had a big influence on young cyclists, who joined the sport because they looked up to him as a role model.

Mox Mbako, a cyclist from PAY, said he started taking part in the sport because of Seibeb. “I used to hang out and train with him a lot. He always gave us tips on how to ride. He is my biggest inspiration and it's a big loss to me as a young athlete because I feel like he could still have helped me a lot in my career. I will miss him very much,” said Mbako.

Seibeb's niece, Mida Seibes, described him as a family man. “Seibeb helped his family a lot. He always fulfilled his promises and wanted to make sure that everyone was cared for. He was raised by his grandmother, that is maybe why he was very warm towards everyone. We cherished him and will feel the gap he has left behind.” Seibeb was laid to rest at the Pionierspark cemetery in Windhoek on Saturday.


Gome joins training

Gome joins trainingGome joins training Bidvest Wits midfielder Wangu Gome on Tuesday joined the Brave Warriors training camp at the NFA Technical Centre in Windhoek, a great boast to the team's preparations ahead of the June 2019 AFCON qualifiers and COSAFA Cup.

Gome has been frozen out at Wits by Coach Gavin Hunt as the club gun for the ABSA Premiership title, having made limited appearance for the club since joining in 2015 after his exploits at the COSAFA Cup.

Gome's loan contract with Wits comes to an end at the end of the current football season and might be returning to Namibia or find another club overseas and Brave Warriors coach Ricardo Mannetti hails his presence.

“Wangu is one of the senior players in this team and his presence surely makes a difference. It is unfortunate that he has not played for a long time and hence I requested Gavin (Wits coach) to release home early to join the team and gel with the guys. We are in a very unnatural situation where many of our players have not played football but we have to work around that and the best out of the boys”, Mannetti states.

Mannetti will soon announce a squad of players to prepare for the 2019 African Cup of Nations qualifier against Guinea Bissau in June before the team heads to South Africa for the COSAFA Cup from 25 June.

The local boys will then have to face off with Zimbabwe for the Africa Nations Champions qualifiers in July.

Gome has joined the Brave Warriors training which already consists of Lodyt Kazapua (African Stars) David Peterson (Tigers), Charles Uirab (Orlando Pirates), Edward Maova (Civics FC), Romario Ndjavera and Ferdinand Karongee (Tigers), Tiberius Lombard and Charles Hambira (both Tura Magic), Larry Horaeb (Black Africa), Riaan !Hanamub (Orlando Pirates), Edmund Kambanda (UNAM FC), Ronald Ketjijere and Katiti Hakuria ( both African Stars), Benyamin Nenkavu (Tigers), Oswaldo Xamseb (Tura Magic), Dynamo Fredericks (Black Africa), Pandeni Kandjabanga (Golden Bigs), Itamunua Keimuine (Tura Magic), Mapenzi Muwanei (Tigers), Muna Katupose and Immanuel Heita (Black Africa) and Sakaria Jonas.

Hard work brings in rewards

Hard work brings in rewardsHard work brings in rewardsNewspaper Cup champions spoiled with money The Otjozondjupa regional council donated N$10 000 to the under- 20 Namibian Newspaper Cup winners for the hard work they did during the tournament. The under-20 Otjozondjupa football team that won the 2017 The Namibian Newspaper Cup was on Thursday treated to breakfast and lunch, and received money from the Otjozondjupa regional council and other institutions.

The team defeated Erongo 2-1 in the final of the cup at the Vineta Sports Field in Swakopmund over the Easter weekend.

Regional governor Otto Ipinge took the players and their executive members on a four-day tour of the region.

The tour started in Okahandja on Monday and ended Thursday in Otjiwarongo, where a march down Dr Hage Geingob and Dr Libertina Amathila streets was held.

The cup was paraded to residents.

The team was also taken out to a local crocodile park and visited several local businesses that donated money, drinks, and sports gear.

Handing over more than N$100 000 to the team at the Otjiwarongo Municipality Chambers, Ipinge said the cash, food and tour were to thank them for the victory.

Ipinge, in his short speech, said the local authorities of Otjiwarongo, Okakarara, Otavi, Grootfontein and Okahandja; businesspeople; and the Otjozondjupa regional council pooled the money for the team.

He urged the players to remain disciplined and committed in their academic careers before pursuing their dreams of a football career.

The Otjozondjupa team won the annual floating trophy and N$35 000.

Team captain Michael Kamuserandu received N$500 as man of the match, N$2 000 for top goal scorer (five goals), and three other trophies. Erongo received N$20 000 in second place, while Hardap ended third after beating Khomas 1- 0 and won N$10 000.

Khomas, in fourth place, received N$5 000.

Otjozondjupa has won the cup three times, in 2006, 2013 and 2017.


Winning hearts with chess

Winning hearts with chessWinning hearts with chessMbaha promotes chess locally A former Brave Warriors goalkeeper is making strides in chess by coaching disadvantaged youth in the Katutura community. After becoming Namibia's first deaf professional footballer, Athiel Mbaha has once again embarked on another mission of blazing the trail for the deaf community through his participation in the Herero Mall Chess Club in Windhoek.

He not only lends a helping hand to young players but plays the game as well and recently won the 2017 Blitz Championship in Windhoek.

The Okakarara-born Mbaha played for African Stars Football club upon completing high school in 1998. He says he hanged up his boots because of constant infighting in football and now wants to focus on winning chess tournaments and overcoming his challenges by means of the chessboard.

He became interested in the game after seeing two boys playing in his street in 2009. “I didn't understand the rules at first but I read a lot about the game online. A friend of mine also showed me some tactics. Chess is about brain power and I want use my brain to win games.”

He says he earned recognition across the country for his goalkeeping abilities but people should learn to appreciate his mind as well.

The club needs more chessboards and is looking for donors because they want to attract more players.

“Though he was only introduced to the game late in life, Mbaha quickly developed an aptitude for the game,” says Otto Nakapunda, president of the Namibia Chess Federation. Mbaha became a member of the NCF about five years ago.

“I would say that he started taking the game seriously about three years ago and has been making steady progress. He is a highly tactical player which makes him a dangerous opponent. It only takes one mistake against him to lose a game.”

Nakapunda says the chess federation is fortunate to have Mbaha, as he can inspire deaf or blind chess players.

“This also proves chess is for people from all walks of life,” Nakapunda says.


Pumas red hot in the Jo'burg cold

Pumas red hot in the Jo'burg coldPumas red hot in the Jo'burg cold The Windhoek Draught Welwitschias were trashed 64 – 8 by the Steval Pumas yesterday. The team have lost all their matches since the SuperSport Rugby Challenge kicked off.

The Steval Pumas ran in 10 tries to 1 as they claimed a comprehensive 64-8 (halftime 31-3) victory in their SuperSport Rugby Challenge encounter against the Windhoek Draught Welwitschias at a wet and cold Bill Jardine Stadium in Johannesburg.

The bonus-point victory sees the Pumas climb to third position on points difference in the North Conference but condemns the Welwitschias to a fourth match in a row where they have shipped at least 50 points.

Poor tackling from the Namibians as well as yellow cards in quick succession to Gino Wilson and Daryl de la Harpe contributed to the Pumas crossing the line five times in the first half to open up a 31-3 lead.

It seems churlish to point to refereeing errors when a match is so one sided but the Welwitschias can rightly feel aggrieved at two decisions that went against them in the first stanza.

Despite the high swinging arm, De la Harpe's sending off seemed harsh given the fact that Puma's scrumhalf Reynier van Rooyen was ducking when he gathered the ball.

The sending off only added insult to injury as only a few minutes earlier, Kobus Marais was the beneficiary of some leniency when his double movement before dotting down went unpunished.

Nonetheless, none of that should take anything away from the Pumas' performance.

They were simply in another league with Van Rooyen providing spark whenever he touched the ball.

The pivot acted as the perfect fulcrum between an energetic backline and a powerful pack and played the role of orchestrator to perfection with sniping runs and fast line breaks.

A break is only as good as the support it receives and in Ruwellyn Isbell the Pumas had a winger that offered scything lines whenever a teammate managed to break a tackle and contributed with 2 tries of his own.

The visitors from north of the border would bag a try late in the match when Lesley Klim collected a cross field kick but it was mere consolation as the the Pumas hit back with man-of-the-match Brian Shabangu and Sias Eberhsohn pushing the try tally into double figures.

The men in pink will face much stiffer opposition in this competition and will not have learned too much from this morale-boosting win.

They travel to Kempton Park next week to take on the Valke who are also the Welwitschias' next opponents after the Namibians will enjoy a much-needed break with a bye.


Tries: Ruan Nel (6'), Frank Herne (17'), Ruwellyn Isbell (24', 48'), Kobus Marais (28'), Carel Greef (35'), Emile Temperman (56'), Devon Williams (62'), Brian Shabangu (73'), Sias Ebersohn (78')

Conversions: Kobus Marais (3), Sias Ebersohn (4)

Windhoek Draught Welwitschias: 8 (3)

Try: Lesley Klim (70')

Penalties: Theuns Kotze (1)


Put your house in order

Put your house in orderPut your house in order On 12 May, something extraordinary happened. Fans started arriving at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in Windhoek a few hours before dawn for a match with a mid-afternoon start. The stadium was effectively at its capacity a full five hours before kick-off, reads an article.

Just outside the Namibia Football Association building in Windhoek stands the statue of the greatest footballer who ever lived. His name: Rudie Swartbooi.

His hair in cornrows just as it was when he energised the Brave Warriors midfield in the early '90s, the statue stands facing the entrance to the Katutura suburb. Another statement reads. Where? You ask, never!

These statements are both untrue. There will never be statements which read like that and there will never be a statue erected for any footballer in Namibia praising his or her talents locally or internationally as long as I breathe.

Why? Ask the NFA: The so-called governing body and custodians of football in the country. The very organisation which is supposed to make sure that football is promoted at grassroots and national level. The very organisation that is supposed to disburse money received from FIFA and any other sponsor who wants to uplift the game many love.

But instead of doing any of that the Namibia Football Association is fending off a barrage of criticism for their absurd decisions in the corridors of NFA lately. Do they care to publicly defend themselves? No. Do they engage anyone to set the record straight? No. What do they do? The wait for journalist to call and coerce them into informing football lovers about the happenings behind closed doors.

Confusion and frustration, I tell you. Players are suffering; the very people who have given you jobs to fulfil are unable to support themselves because of unnecessary feuds. The men and women who we are supposed to help and elevate to become great sport stars are sitting at home while politics for the belly goes on. The women's league hasn't started despite the fact that FIFA sends billions to Namibia to aid the women's game. Where is the 15% of money which is supposed to aid the league? If my sources are wrong and the money was distributed accordingly I will apologise for having it wrong. Otherwise, where is the money?

Tell me, how much assistance does NFA get from GIZ, FIFA and the United Nations Children's Fund? Yet still they are unable to meet them halfway. GIZ has started rehabilitating sports facilities in the country: NFA's job. Unicef sponsors the Galz and Goals programme. Yet again, NFA's job: So the question is: “NFA, what is your role in the football fraternity, please, with all due respect?”

When has the chairperson of NFA ever written a letter or announced to the public what is happening in local football without being coerced to do so? There is too much infighting with different factions out to destroy and eliminate each other. It's like watching one of those Vikings series.

Also, minister of sport, youth and national service, help us to help you. Call your subordinates to order.

Also, while we are at it, keeping journalist guessing as to what is happening behind closed doors about a matter which concerns everyone is total disrespect for everyone who enjoys the game. Blaming people for our incompetence should stop and if there is someone, anyone, who has anything to say to another, please we will accord you the platform to do so, just let us know.


Boxers impress

Boxers impressBoxers impressKhomas Region dominates boxing Junior boxers from the Khomas Region dominated the fights at the MTC Sunshine Regional Cup held at Otjiwarongo over the weekend. Khomas boxers dominated the junior category , winning seven gold medals and winning the best team trophy while Erongo won two gold medals, with host Otjozondjupa getting one gold in that category.

The two-day event at the Swanevelder Hall in Orwetoveni featured 102 boxers from Erongo, Oshana, Omusati, Khomas, Otjozondjupa, //Karas and Kavango East regions

Amateur boxers training under the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) also participated in the event.

The chairperson of the Oshana Boxing Federation, Joshua Toivo, told Nampa on Friday after the exchange of blows begun that the event was properly organised.

“We had a total of 47 fights under different boxing weight categories ranging between 49 and 91 kilograms.”

Toivo said the fights were preliminary, to allow the organising committee to select finalists who will exchange punches Saturday evening.

He said all fights were scheduled to run for two minutes of three rounds each.

Several boxing lovers at the event on Friday expressed satisfaction with the quality of boxing in Namibia and the general fitness of the amateur boxers.

Spectator Memory Manasse told Nampa all boxers were prepared well by their clubs.

“They were all winners as all fights were impressive and unfortunately, only one of them in each fight had to win and proceed to the finals.”

Another enthusiast, Eddy Kgobetsi, said the boxers had demonstrated confidence and quality boxing skills.

The chairperson of the Otjozondjupa Regional Boxing Federation, Onesmus Kalipi, said the event provided a platform to promote boxing at the amateur level and grow boxing careers.

This tournament had been staged in Windhoek for the past four years as part of the Nestor Sunshine Tobias Boxing and Fitness Academy sponsored by mobile phone service provider MTC.

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